Cello Fabric Operator How-to =========================================== Cello Fabric Operator is a Kubernetes Operator which uses the Kubernetes Operator Framework to create Fabric Network and stand up nodes in a K8s Cluster The following is the list of the general steps to make the Kubernetes Operator 1. [Create configuration zip](#create-configuration-zip) ## Create configuration zip To stand up a fabric network, you will need a set of files, here is the list 1. K8s configuration file, to get access to a k8s cluster 2. Config file having the specifications of the K8s resource, as well as the certs needed for that node The k8s configuration file is needed to gain access to a k8s cluster. Many cloud providers provide the k8s configuration file for you to download once you have a k8s cluster. If not download directly, these providers most likely provides you a way to create such file. The config file allows you to put in details like node name, allocate k8s resources such as cpu and memory, and the certificates needed for that. [Download sample config.json file](https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/blob/master/src/agent/fabric-operator/agent/samples/peer_config.json) Follow the below process to prepare zip files for setting up your fabric network: ### Kubernetes Agent Zip ``` 1. Create a directory named kubeconfig, any file mentioned must be in this directory 2. Name your k8s configuration file config and put it in .kube folder 3. Put .kube folder into kubeconfig folder and create a .zip file for the same ``` The zip file created in the above process is to be uploaded during the `Agent` creation. ### Node File with config parameters ``` 1. Download the sample config file and change it to put your desired values 2. Create a zip for the folder with the same name ``` Commands for the same :- ``` wget https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/blob/master/src/agent/fabric-operator/agent/samples/peer_config.json?raw=true tar -czvf peer_config.tgz peer_config.json ``` The file created in the above process is to be uploaded during the `Node` creation. ## Running the Fabric Operator Manually To manually run the operator, guide is present here :- [Fabric Operator README](https://github.com/hyperledger/cello/blob/master/src/agent/fabric-operator/README.md) Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.