## Docker ``` docker run -dt --name bark -p 8080:8080 -v `pwd`/bark-data:/data finab/bark-server ``` ## Docker-Compose ``` mkdir bark && cd bark curl -sL https://git.io/JvSRl > docker-compose.yaml docker-compose up -d ``` ## Manual Deployment 1. Download executable files based on operating system platform.
Or compile it yourself.
https://github.com/Finb/bark-server 2. Run ``` ./bark-server_linux_amd64 -addr -data ./bark-data ``` 3. You may need to do ``` chmod +x bark-server_linux_amd64 ``` Please note that bark-server defaults to using the /data directory to save data. Please make sure that bark-server has permission to read and write the /data directory, or you can use the -data option to specify a directory. ## Test ``` curl ``` If it returns pong, it means the deployment was successful