from multiprocessing import Process, Manager import threading import os.path as osp import os import resource import json import argparse import psutil import numpy as np import pandas as pd import utils as u import configs as cf from draw import draw def batch(): paths = u.glob_stats(cf.stats_dir, fname='simulator_err.txt') manager = Manager() all_bmk_dict = manager.dict() semaphore = threading.Semaphore(psutil.cpu_count()) # for workload, path in paths: def extract_and_post_process(gloabl_dict, workload, path): with semaphore: flag_file = osp.join(osp.dirname(path), 'simulator_out.txt') with open(flag_file, encoding='utf-8') as f: contents = if 'EXCEEDING CYCLE/INSTR LIMIT' not in contents and 'HIT GOOD TRAP' not in contents: print('Skip unfinished job:', workload) return print('Process finished job:', workload) d = u.xs_get_stats(path, cf.targets) if len(d): # add bmk and point after topdown processing segments = workload.split('_') if len(segments): d['point'] = segments[-1] d['workload'] = '_'.join(segments[:-1]) d['bmk'] = segments[0] gloabl_dict[workload] = d return jobs = [Process(target=extract_and_post_process, args=( all_bmk_dict, workload, path)) for workload, path in paths] _ = [p.start() for p in jobs] _ = [p.join() for p in jobs] df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(all_bmk_dict, orient='index') df = df.sort_index() df = df.reindex(sorted(df.columns), axis=1) df = df.fillna(0) df.to_csv(cf.CSV_PATH, index=True) def proc_input(wl_df: pd.DataFrame, js: dict, workload: str): # we implement the weighted metrics computation with the following formula: # weight = vec_weight matmul matrix_perf # (N, 1) = (1, W) matmul (W, N) # To make sure the matrix_perf is in the same order as the vec_weight, # we sort the matrix_perf by point assert isinstance(wl_df['point'][0], np.int64) wl_df = wl_df.sort_values(by=['point']) # We also sort the vec_weight by point wl_js = dict(js[workload]) wl_df['cpi'] = 1.0 / wl_df['ipc'] vec_weight = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(wl_js['points'], orient='index') # convert string index into int64 vec_weight.index = vec_weight.index.astype(np.int64) # select only existing points vec_weight = vec_weight.loc[wl_df['point']] # make their sum equals 1.0 vec_weight.columns = ['weight'] vec_weight['weight'] = vec_weight['weight'].astype(np.float64) coverage = np.sum(vec_weight.values) vec_weight = vec_weight / coverage # Drop these auxiliary fields to_drop = {'bmk', 'point', 'workload', 'ipc'} to_drop = to_drop.intersection(set(wl_df.columns.to_list())) wl_df = wl_df.drop(to_drop, axis=1) weight_metrics = np.matmul(vec_weight.values.reshape(1, -1), wl_df.values) weight_metrics_df = pd.DataFrame(weight_metrics, columns=wl_df.columns) # We have to process coverage here to avoid apply weight on top of weight weight_metrics_df['coverage'] = coverage return weight_metrics_df.values, weight_metrics_df.columns def proc_bmk(bmk_df: pd.DataFrame, js: dict): # Similar to per-input proc, we view the instruction count as the weight # and compute weighted metrics with matrix multiplication workloads = bmk_df['workload'].unique() metric_list = [] for wl in workloads: metrics, cols = proc_input(bmk_df[bmk_df['workload'] == wl], js, wl) metric_list.append(metrics) metrics = np.concatenate(metric_list, axis=0) metrics = pd.DataFrame(metrics, columns=cols) input_dict = {} for workload in workloads: if workload.startswith(workload): input_dict[workload] = int(js[workload]['insts']) input_insts = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( input_dict, orient='index', columns=['insts']) # make their sum equals 1.0 vec_weight = input_insts / np.sum(input_insts.values) weight_metric = np.matmul(vec_weight.values.reshape(1, -1), metrics.values) return weight_metric, metrics.columns def compute_weighted_metrics(): df = pd.read_csv(cf.CSV_PATH, index_col=0) bmks = df['bmk'].unique() with open(cf.JSON_FILE, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: js = json.load(f) weighted = {} for bmk in bmks: if bmk not in cf.spec_bmks['06']['int'] and cf.INT_ONLY: continue if bmk not in cf.spec_bmks['06']['float'] and cf.FP_ONLY: continue df_bmk = df[df['bmk'] == bmk] workloads = df_bmk['workload'].unique() n_wl = len(workloads) if n_wl == 1: metrics, cols = proc_input(df_bmk, js, workloads[0]) else: metrics, cols = proc_bmk(df_bmk, js) weighted[bmk] = metrics[0] weighted_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( weighted, orient='index', columns=cols) if 'cpi' in weighted_df.columns: weighted_df = weighted_df.sort_values(by='cpi', ascending=False) else: weighted_df = weighted_df.sort_index() weighted_df.to_csv(cf.OUT_CSV) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage='generate top-down results') parser.add_argument('-s', '--stat-dir', action='store', required=True, help='stat output directory') parser.add_argument('-j', '--json', action='store', required=True, help='specify json file', default='resources/spec06_rv64gcb_o2_20m.json') opt = parser.parse_args() cf.stats_dir = opt.stat_dir cf.JSON_FILE = opt.json if not osp.exists('results'): os.makedirs('results') if resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[0] <= 8192: resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (8192, 8192)) batch() compute_weighted_metrics() draw()