BatchOCR 排队中 Queuing 依然关闭 Confirm 任务正在进行中。 要结束任务并关闭页面吗? Task in progress. Do you want to end the task and close the page? 开始任务 Start task 启动中… Starting... 停止任务 Stop task 停止中… Stopping... 函数 onOcrReady 异常 Function onOcrReady exception qml任务队列不存在路径 QML task queue does not exist in the path 处理中 Processing 批量识别完成 Batch recognition completed 关机 Shutdown 休眠 Sleep 继续%1 Continue %1 取消%1 Cancel %1 系统即将%1 System will %1 批量识别任务异常 Batch recognition task exception 设置 Settings 记录 History BatchOCRConfigs OCR文本后处理 OCR text post-processing 忽略区域 Ignore region 进入设置 Open settings 批量任务 Batch task 保存到 Save to 图片原目录 Original directory 指定目录 Specified directory 必须先指定“保存到指定目录”才生效 "Save to specified directory" must be specified first for it to take effect OCR结果保存目录 OCR result output directory 文件名格式 File name format 无需填写拓展名。支持插入以下占位符: %date 日期时间 %name 原文件夹名/文件名 举例:[OCR]_%name_%date 生成:[OCR]_我的图片_2023-09-01_12-13.txt 添加占位符可以避免旧文件被新文件覆盖。 No need to fill in the extension name. The following placeholders are supported: %date Date and time %name Original folder name/file name Example: [OCR]_%name_%date Generated: [OCR]_MyImage_2023-09-01_12-13.txt Adding placeholders can prevent old files from being overwritten by new files. 日期时间格式 Date and time format 文件名中 %date 的日期格式。支持插入以下占位符: %Y 年、 %m 月、 %d 日、 %H 小时、 %M 分钟、 %S 秒 、 %unix 时间戳 举例:%Y年%m月%d日_%H-%M 生成:2023年09月01日_12-13.txt Date format for %date in the file name. The following placeholders are supported: %Y year, %m month, %d day, %H hour, %M minute, %S second, %unix timestamp Example: %Y-%m-%d_%H-%M Generated: 2023-09-01_12-13.txt 保存文件类型 Output file format txt 标准格式 txt Standard format 含原图片文件名和识别文字 Includes original image file name and recognized text p.txt 纯文字格式 p.txt Plain text format 仅输出识别文字,不含图片标题 Outputs only the recognized text without the image title txt 单独文件 txt Separated file 对每张图片,生成同名txt文件,仅输出识别文字 Generates a txt file of the same name for each image, outputs only the recognized text md 图文混排 md Mixture of text and image Markdown图文混排格式,可用Markdown阅读器浏览文件 Markdown mixture of text and image format, can be previewed with a Markdown reader csv 表格文件(Excel) csv Table file (Excel) 将图片信息和识别内容写入csv表格文件。可用Excel打开,另存为xlsx格式。 Writes image information and recognition content to a csv table file. Can be converted to xlsx format using Excel. jsonl 原始信息 jsonl Raw information 每行为一条json数据,便于第三方程序读取操作 Each line is a json structured data, convenient for third-party program to read 输出忽略空白图片 Ignore blank images in output 若图片没有文字或识别失败,也不会输出错误提示信息 If the image has no text or recognition fails, no error prompt message will be generated 递归读取子文件夹 Recursively read subfolders 导入文件夹时,导入子文件夹中全部图片 When importing a folder, import all images in the subfolders 其它 Others Configs %1 处理配置项异常: %2枚举列表为空。 %1 Processing configuration item exception: %2 enumeration list is empty. 重置 Reset 重置本页上的设定 Reset settings on this page 重置设定 Reset settings 要重置本页的设定吗? Do you want to reset the settings on this page? 高级 Advanced 显示更多高级选项。它们标有 * 号。 请谨慎修改高级选项。 Show more advanced options. They are marked with an asterisk (*). Please be cautious when modifying advanced options. 展开 Expand 折叠 Collapse 必须为整数 Must be an integer 不能超过 Cannot exceed 不能低于 Cannot be lower than 必须为数字 Must be a number 已取消%1的快捷键。 Hotkey for %1 canceled. 更新热键成功 Hotkey updated successfully %1的快捷键为 %2 Hotkey for %1 is %2 %1 快捷键%2已被注册,请尝试另外的按键组合。 Hotkey %2 for %1 is already registered, please try another key combination. %1 快捷键%2无法注册,请尝试另外的按键组合。 Hotkey %2 for %1 cannot be registered, please try another key combination. 请按下快捷键组合。按【Esc】退出。 Press the key combination. Press [Esc] to exit. 当前快捷键录制已在进行,不能同时录制! Hotkey recording is already in progress, cannot record simultaneously! 无法录制快捷键 Cannot record hotkey DropArea_ 松手放入文件 Release the mouse to drop the file FilesTableView 文件 File 耗时 Time elapsed 状态 Status 请选择图片 Please select an image 图片 Image 选择图片 Select image 清空 Clear 拖入或选择图片 Drag and drop or select an image FontPanel 返回 Back 界面 Interface 内容 Content 界面字体: 软件中大部分UI的字体。 Interface font: The font for most of the UI in the software. 内容字体: 识别结果内容的字体。 Content font: The font for the recognition result. GlobalConfigs 快捷方式 Shortcut 桌面 Desktop 开始菜单 Start menu 开机自启 Launch on startup 界面和外观 Interface and appearance 主题 Theme 切换主题 Switch theme 字体 Font 修改字体 Modify font 界面与文字大小 Interface and font size 渲染器 Renderer 关闭硬件加速 Disable hardware acceleration 若出现界面闪烁、元素错位等界面异常,尝试切换渲染器或者关闭硬件加速 If there are interface flickering, misalignment, or other interface anomalies, try switching the renderer or disabling hardware acceleration 禁用美化效果 Disable visual effects 在低配置机器上,禁用动画、阴影等效果可减少部分资源占用 On low-end machines, disabling animations, shadows, and other effects can reduce resource consumption 窗口 Window 启动时缩小到任务栏 Minimize to taskbar on startup 软件启动时,不弹出主窗口 Silent starts 窗口置顶 Window always on top 捷径:窗口左上角图钉 Shortcut: Pin icon in the top left corner of the window 锁定标签栏 Lock tab bar 捷径:窗口右上角小锁 Shortcut: Lock icon in the top right corner of the window 关闭主窗口时 Action when closing the main window 最小化到系统托盘 Minimize to system tray 退出应用 Exit the application 截图 Screenshot 截图前隐藏主窗口 Hide main window before taking a screenshot 截图前,如果主窗口处于前台,则隐藏主窗口 将会延时等待主窗口关闭 If the main window is in the foreground before taking a screenshot, hide the main window It will wait for the main window to close before taking the screenshot 隐藏等待时间 Hide waiting time seconds 服务 Service 允许HTTP服务 Allow HTTP service Umi-OCR依赖HTTP接口进行本机跨进程通信。如果禁用,将无法使用命令行模式、多开检测等功能。 Umi-OCR relies on HTTP interface for inter-process communication on the local machine. If disabled, features like command-line mode and multi-instance detection will not work. 重启软件后生效 Takes effect after restarting the software 主机 Host 仅本地 Local only 任何可用地址 Any available address 将允许局域网访问。请开启对应防火墙权限! Allows LAN access. Please enable corresponding firewall permissions! 将禁止局域网访问。 Disables LAN access. 端口 Port 请尝试更换软件路径! Please try changing the software path! 配置文件读写异常 Configuration file read/write exception 插件加载失败 Plugin loading failure 成功添加快捷方式 Shortcut added successfully 添加快捷方式失败 Failed to add shortcut 成功移除 %1 个快捷方式 Successfully removed %1 shortcuts 提示 Tip 没有找到可移除的快捷方式。 No removable shortcuts found. 立刻关闭软件 Close the software now 稍后 Later 渲染器变更 将在重启软件后生效 Renderer change will take effect after restarting the software 端口号不合法 Invalid port number 端口号改为%1 The port number has been changed to %1 原端口号%1被占用, 切换为新端口号%2。 若不想看到此通知,请在全局设置关闭高级模式。 The original port %1 is occupied, switched to new port %2. If you don't want to see this notification, disable advanced mode in global settings. HTabBar 窗口置顶 Window always on top 锁定标签栏 Lock tab bar IgnoreArea 保存并返回 Save and return 拖入本地图片:OCR预览 滚轮:缩放 左键:拖拽 右键:绘制忽略区域 可绘制一个或多个忽略区域矩形框。在执行批量OCR时,完全位于忽略区域内的文本块将被排除。 比如批量处理影视截图时,可在右上角水印处添加忽略区域,避免输出水印文本。 Drag and drop local image: OCR preview Scroll wheel: Zoom Left click: Drag Right click: Draw an ignore region You can draw one or more rectangles as ignore regions. When performing batch OCR, text blocks completely within the ignore region will be excluded. For example, when processing screenshots of watermarked images, you can add an ignore region at the watermark in the upper right corner to avoid outputting watermark text. 图像尺寸: Image size: 区域数量: Number of regions: 撤销 Undo 清空 Clear ImageScale 复制图片 Copy image 复制图片失败 Failed to copy image 保存图片 Save Image 保存图片失败 Failed to save image ImageWithText 图片:复制%1字 Image: Copy %1 characters 图片:无选中文字 Image: No selected text 图片:复制全部%1字 Image: Copy all %1 characters 复制  (Ctrl+C) Copy (Ctrl+C) 全选  (Ctrl+A) Select all (Ctrl+A) 复制图片(Ctrl+X) Copy image (Ctrl+X) 保存图片(Ctrl+S) Save Image (Ctrl+S) 显示/隐藏文字(Tab) Show/Hide text (Tab) MainWindowManager 欢迎使用 Umi-OCR Welcome to Umi-OCR 已启用后台模式,可通过快捷键使用功能。 Background mode is enabled, functions can be accessed using hotkeys. MessageBox 取消 Cancel 确定 OK 警告 Warning 发生了一点小问题 A small problem has occurred 复制 Copy 已复制报错信息 %1 Error message copied. %1 请前往 Issues 页面寻找解答或反馈 Please visit the Issues page for Q&&A or feedback MessageBoxWin 确定 OK Navigation # 欢迎使用 Umi-OCR   👈 请在左侧选择功能页。   当前版本:%1 [%2](%2) # Welcome to Umi-OCR 👈 Start by opening a feature tab on the left. Current version: %1 [%2](%2) 功能页 Feature Tab OcrManager 文字识别 Text Recognition 操作 Action 强制终止任务 Force Terminate Task 应用修改 Apply Modifications 当前接口 Current Interface OCR API 列表中不存在%1 %1 does not exist in the OCR API list 当前已有%1组任务队列、共%2个任务正在执行。您可【强制终止任务】后修改API。 There are currently %1 task queues with %2 tasks in progress. You can modify the API after triggering [Force Terminate Task]. 无法修改 文字识别接口设置 Unable to modify text recognition interface settings 文字识别接口应用成功 Text recognition interface applied successfully 当前API为【%1】 Current API: 【%1】 文字识别接口应用失败 Failed to apply text recognition interface 当前没有运行中的任务 No currently running tasks 当前已有%1组任务队列、共%2个任务正在执行。 要强制终止全部任务吗? There are currently %1 task queues with %2 tasks in progress. Do you want to force terminate all tasks? PagesManager 新标签页 New Tab 截图OCR Screenshot OCR # 截图OCR   屏幕截图,快捷转文字。也支持粘贴图片。 # Screenshot OCR Text recognition of the screenshot. Also supports pasted images. 批量OCR Batch OCR # 批量OCR   导入本地图片或文件夹,批量转换文字。 # Batch OCR Import local images or folders for batch text conversion. 二维码 QR Code # 二维码   支持截图识别二维码。 # QR Code Supports QR code recognition from screenshots. 全局设置 Global Settings # 全局设置   调节全局设置项,对所有页面生效。 # Global Settings Adjust global settings. Applys to all pages. PopupManager 确认 Confirm 取消 Cancel PreviewPanel 返回 Back 文字 Text 在图片上叠加显示识别文字 Overlay recognized text on the image 右键菜单 Right-click menu 保存图片 Save Image 图片大小:适应窗口 Image size: Fit to window 图片大小:实际 Image size: Actual QRcode 获取剪贴板异常 Failed to retrieve clipboard 剪贴板中为文本 Text in the clipboard 无有效图片 No valid images 导入%1条图片路径 Imported %1 image paths 参数有误,或输入内容不合规定。请参照报错指示修改: The parameters are incorrect or the input content does not comply with regulations. Please refer to the error instructions for modification: 生成二维码失败 Failed to generate QR code 已复制到剪贴板 Copied to clipboard 识图完成 Image recognition completed 无文字 No text 识别失败 Recognition failed 扫描二维码 Scan QR code 屏幕截图 Capture screen 粘贴图片 Paste image 右键菜单 Right-click menu 保存图片 Save Image 图片大小:适应窗口 Image size: Fit to window 图片大小:实际 Image size: Actual 截图、拖入或粘贴二维码图片 Capture, drag and drop, or paste QR code image 设置 Settings 自动刷新 Auto refresh 修改文字后,自动生成二维码/条形码 Automatically generate QR code after modifying text 刷新 Refresh 生成二维码/条形码 Generate QR code 记录 History 生成 Generate QRcodeConfigs 快捷键 Hotkey 屏幕截图 Capture screen 粘贴图片 Paste image 预处理(一般无需改动) Preprocessing (unnessary to modify) 中值滤波 Median filtering 对图像进行平滑处理 >0 时生效。可填1~9的奇数(不允许偶数) Smooth the image Effective when > 0. Can be filled with odd numbers from 1 to 9 (even numbers are not allowed) 锐度增强 Sharpening 增加图像的锐度 >0.1 时生效。可填0.1~10的小数 Increase the sharpness of the image Effective when > 0.1. Can be filled with decimals from 0.1 to 10 对比度增强 Contrast enhancement 增加图像的对比度 >0.1 时生效。可填0.1~10的小数 Increase the contrast of the image Effective when > 0.1. Can be filled with decimals from 0.1 to 10 转为灰度 Convert to grayscale 将图像像素转为灰度 Convert the image pixels to grayscale 二值化 Binarization 将图像像素转为纯黑和纯白 启用了灰度,且二值化 >-1 时生效。可填0~255的整数 Convert the image pixels to pure black and white Effective when grayscale is enabled and binarization > -1. Can be filled with integers from 0 to 255 扫码后的操作 Action after scanning 复制结果 Copy result 弹出主窗口 Pop up main window 识图后,如果主窗口最小化或处于后台,则弹到前台 After recognition, display the window if the main window was minimized or in the background 生成二维码/条形码 Generate QR code 类型 Format 默认二维码: Default: 宽度 Width 填0:自动选择 0: Automatic selection 像素 pixel 高度 Height 边缘空白 Quiet zone 填-1:自动选择 -1: Automatic selection 纠错等级 Error Correction Coding 仅适用于: Only applicable to: 自动 Auto 其它 Others ResultTextContainer 复制 Copy ResultsTableView 异常状态码:%1 异常信息:%2 Exception status code: %1 Exception message: %2 耗时 %1 Time elapsed: %1 置信 %1 Confidence: %1 记录:复制%1字 History: Copy %1 characters 记录:无选中文字 History: No selected text 记录:复制全部%1字 History: Copy all %1 characters 删除%1条记录 Delete %1 record(s) 清空记录 Clear all records 复制    (Ctrl+C) Copy (Ctrl+C) 复制全部  (Ctrl+C 双击) Copy all (Double-press Ctrl+C) 选中单个  (Ctrl+A) Select single (Ctrl+A) 选中全部记录(Ctrl+A 双击) Select all records (Double-press Ctrl+A) 删除选中记录 Delete selected records 清空全部记录 Clear all records 滚动 Scroll 自动滚动到底部 Auto scroll to the bottom 右键菜单 Right-click menu ScreenshotManager 截图失败 Screenshot failed 上次截图操作未结束,不能进行新的截图! Cannot perform screenshot when previous screenshot operation is not yet completed! 未知异常! Unknown exception! 屏幕设备名称不相同: %1 %2 Screen devices are of different names: %1 %2 ScreenshotOCR 获取剪贴板异常 Failed to retrieve clipboard 剪贴板中为文本 Clipboard contains text 无有效图片 No valid images 导入%1条图片路径 Imported %1 image paths 依然关闭 Confirm 任务正在进行中。 要结束任务并关闭页面吗? Task in progress. Do you want to end the task and close the page? 屏幕截图 Capture screen 粘贴图片 Paste image 截图识别任务异常 Screenshot OCR task exception 已复制到剪贴板 Copied to clipboard 识图完成 Image recognition completed 无文字 No text 识别失败 Recognition failed 停止任务 Stop task 文字 Text 在图片上叠加显示识别文字 Overlay recognized text on the image 右键菜单 Right-click menu 保存图片 Save Image 图片大小:适应窗口 Image size: Fit to window 图片大小:实际 Image size: Actual 截图、拖入或粘贴图片 Capture, drag and drop, or paste image 设置 Settings 记录 History ScreenshotOcrConfigs OCR文本后处理 OCR text post-processing 快捷键 Hotkey 屏幕截图 Capture screen 粘贴图片 Paste image 识图后的操作 Action after recognition 复制结果 Copy result 弹出主窗口 Pop up main window 识图后,如果主窗口最小化或处于后台,则弹到前台 After recognition, display the window if the main window was minimized or in the background 其它 Others Size_ 1.0 0.85 SystemTray 退出 Umi-OCR Exit Umi-OCR Theme 珍珠白 Pearl White 云墨黑 Ink Black 赛博朋克 Cyberpunk UtilsConfigDicts 任务完成后的操作 Action after task completion 自动打开文件 Open file automatically 自动打开目录 Open directory automatically 系统 System None 关机 Shutdown 休眠 Sleep 段落合并 Paragraph merging 单行 Single line 多行-自然段 Multiple lines - Natural paragraphs 多行-代码段 Multiple lines - Code blocks 竖排-从右到左 Vertical layout - Right to left 竖排-从左到右 Vertical layout - Left to right 不做处理 No processing 优先内部 Internal prioritized 只允许内部 Internal only 只允许外部 External only 禁用所有通知 Disable all notifications 跟随全局设定 Follow global settings 通知弹窗类型 Notification popup type 通知类型已更改 Notification type changed