.pre-commit-config.yaml 934 B

  1. ci:
  2. autoupdate_commit_msg: "chore: update pre-commit hooks"
  3. repos:
  4. - repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
  5. rev: "v4.6.0"
  6. hooks:
  7. - id: check-added-large-files
  8. - id: check-case-conflict
  9. - id: check-merge-conflict
  10. - id: check-symlinks
  11. - id: mixed-line-ending
  12. - id: detect-private-key
  13. - id: check-ast
  14. - id: trailing-whitespace
  15. - repo: https://github.com/crate-ci/typos
  16. rev: v1.21.0
  17. hooks:
  18. - id: typos
  19. files: \.(py|md|rst|yaml|toml)
  20. exclude: pyproject.toml
  21. - repo: https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit
  22. rev: v0.4.4
  23. hooks:
  24. # Run the linter.
  25. - id: ruff
  26. # Run the formatter.
  27. - id: ruff-format
  28. - repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-prettier
  29. rev: "v4.0.0-alpha.8" # Use the sha or tag you want to point at
  30. hooks:
  31. - id: prettier
  32. types_or: ["javascript", "css"]