29 KB

  1. import json
  2. import re
  3. import logging
  4. from dataclasses import dataclass
  5. from pathlib import Path
  6. from simple_parsing.helpers import field, FrozenSerializable, FlattenedAccess
  7. from sweagent.agent.commands import Command, ParseCommand
  8. from sweagent.agent.history_processors import HistoryProcessor
  9. from sweagent.agent.models import (
  10. APIStats,
  11. ContextWindowExceededError,
  12. CostLimitExceededError,
  13. ModelArguments,
  14. get_model,
  15. )
  16. from sweagent.agent.parsing import ParseFunction, FormatError
  17. from sweagent.environment.utils import LOGGER_NAME
  18. from sweagent.environment.swe_env import SWEEnv
  19. from tenacity import RetryError
  20. from typing import Optional, Tuple, Any
  21. logger = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME)
  22. @dataclass(frozen=True)
  23. class Subroutine(FrozenSerializable):
  24. name: str
  25. agent_file: str
  26. return_type: str = None # one of "action", "observation", "response", "state", "thought"
  27. init_observation: Optional[str] = None
  28. end_name: Optional[str] = None
  29. signature: Optional[str] = None
  30. docstring: Optional[str] = None
  31. model: Optional[ModelArguments] = None
  32. agent_args: Optional[Any] = None
  33. @dataclass(frozen=True)
  34. class AgentConfig(FrozenSerializable):
  35. system_template: str
  36. instance_template: str
  37. next_step_template: Optional[str] = None # defaults to instance_template
  38. next_step_no_output_template: Optional[str] = None # defaults to next_step_template
  39. strategy_template: Optional[str] = None
  40. demonstration_template: Optional[str] = None
  41. demonstrations: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
  42. put_demos_in_history: bool = False # if True, add demonstration to history instead of as a single message
  43. format_error_template: str = None # defaults to format_error_template in ParseFunction
  44. command_files: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
  45. env_variables: dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
  46. util_functions: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
  47. submit_command: str = "submit"
  48. parse_function: str = "ThoughtActionParser"
  49. parse_command: str = "ParseCommandBash"
  50. history_processor: str = "DefaultHistoryProcessor"
  51. history_processor_args: dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)
  52. command_docs: str = None
  53. blocklist_error_template: str = "Interactive operation '{name}' is not supported by this environment"
  54. blocklist: Tuple[str] = (
  55. "vim",
  56. "vi",
  57. "emacs",
  58. "nano",
  59. "nohup",
  60. "git",
  61. )
  62. blocklist_standalone: Tuple[str] = (
  63. "python",
  64. "python3",
  65. "ipython",
  66. "bash",
  67. "sh",
  68. "exit",
  69. "/bin/bash",
  70. "/bin/sh",
  71. "nohup",
  72. "vi",
  73. "vim",
  74. "emacs",
  75. "nano",
  76. )
  77. # Should extract environment state in a json readable form
  78. state_command: Command = Command(
  79. name="state",
  80. code="""state() {
  81. echo '{"working_dir": "'$(realpath --relative-to=$ROOT/.. $PWD)'"}';
  82. };""",
  83. )
  84. _commands: list[Command] = field(default_factory=list)
  85. _subroutines: dict[str, Subroutine] = field(default_factory=dict)
  86. subroutine_types: list[Subroutine] = field(default_factory=list)
  87. def __post_init__(self):
  88. if self.next_step_template is None:
  89. object.__setattr__(self, "next_step_template", self.instance_template)
  90. if self.next_step_no_output_template is None:
  91. object.__setattr__(
  92. self, "next_step_no_output_template", self.next_step_template
  93. )
  94. object.__setattr__(self, "parse_command", ParseCommand.get(self.parse_command))
  95. for file in self.command_files:
  96. commands = self.parse_command.parse_command_file(file)
  97. util_functions = [
  98. command for command in commands if"_")
  99. ]
  100. commands = [
  101. command for command in commands if not"_")
  102. ]
  103. object.__setattr__(
  104. self, "util_functions", self.util_functions + util_functions
  105. )
  106. object.__setattr__(self, "_commands", self._commands + commands)
  107. for subroutine in self.subroutine_types:
  108. if == 'submit':
  109. raise ValueError("Cannot use 'submit' as a subroutine name")
  110. agent_args = AgentArguments(
  111. model=subroutine.model,
  112. config_file=subroutine.agent_file,
  113. )
  114. object.__setattr__(subroutine, "agent_args", agent_args)
  115. object.__setattr__(self, "_subroutines", {**self._subroutines, subroutine})
  116. multi_line_command_endings = {
  117. command.end_name
  118. for command in [*self._commands, *self._subroutines.values()]
  119. if command.end_name is not None
  120. }
  121. object.__setattr__(self, "multi_line_command_endings", multi_line_command_endings)
  122. object.__setattr__(
  123. self,
  124. "command_docs",
  125. self.parse_command.generate_command_docs(
  126. self._commands,
  127. self.subroutine_types,
  128. **self.env_variables,
  129. ),
  130. )
  131. object.__setattr__(self, "parse_function", ParseFunction.get(self.parse_function))
  132. if self.format_error_template is None:
  133. object.__setattr__(
  134. self,
  135. "format_error_template",
  136. self.parse_function.format_error_template,
  137. )
  138. object.__setattr__(self, "format_error_template", self.format_error_template.format(**self.__dict__))
  139. for command in self._commands:
  140. if == self.submit_command:
  141. object.__setattr__(self, "submit_command_end_name", command.end_name)
  142. break
  143. object.__setattr__(
  144. self, "history_processor",
  145. HistoryProcessor.get(self.history_processor, **self.history_processor_args)
  146. )
  147. @dataclass(frozen=True)
  148. class AgentArguments(FlattenedAccess, FrozenSerializable):
  149. model: ModelArguments = None
  150. # Policy can only be set via config yaml file from command line
  151. config_file: Optional[Path] = None
  152. config: Optional[AgentConfig] = field(default=None, cmd=False)
  153. def __post_init__(self):
  154. if self.config is None and self.config_file is not None:
  155. # If unassigned, we load the config from the file to store its contents with the overall arguments
  156. config = AgentConfig.load_yaml(self.config_file)
  157. object.__setattr__(self, "config", config)
  158. assert self.config is not None
  159. for subroutine in getattr(self.config, "subroutines", {}).values():
  160. model_args = getattr(subroutine, "model")
  161. object.__setattr__(model_args, "per_instance_cost_limit", self.model.per_instance_cost_limit)
  162. object.__setattr__(model_args, "total_cost_limit", self.model.total_cost_limit)
  163. class Agent:
  164. """Agent handles the behaviour of the model and how it interacts with the environment."""
  165. def __init__(self, name: str, args: AgentArguments):
  166. = name
  167. self.model = get_model(args.model, args.config._commands + args.config.subroutine_types)
  168. self.config = args.config
  169. self.system_args = {
  170. "command_docs": self.config.command_docs,
  171. **self.config.env_variables,
  172. }
  173. self.instance_args = None
  174. self._parse_command_patterns()
  175. self.history = []
  176. self.last_container_id = None
  177. def setup(self, instance_args, init_model_stats=None) -> None:
  178. """Setup the agent for a new instance."""
  179. self.model.reset_stats(init_model_stats)
  180. self.instance_args = instance_args
  181. system_msg = self.config.system_template.format(**self.system_args)
  182."SYSTEM ({})\n{system_msg}")
  183. self.history = [
  184. {"role": "system", "content": system_msg, "agent":},
  185. ]
  186. if len(self.config.demonstrations) > 0 and "history_to_messages" in dir(
  187. self.model
  188. ):
  189. for demonstration_path in self.config.demonstrations:
  190. if self.config.demonstration_template is None and not self.config.put_demos_in_history:
  191. raise ValueError("Cannot use demonstrations without a demonstration template or put_demos_in_history=True")
  192. # Load history
  193."DEMONSTRATION: {demonstration_path}")
  194. demo_history = json.load(open(demonstration_path, "r"))["history"]
  195. demo_history = [
  196. entry for entry in demo_history
  197. if ("agent" not in entry) or
  198. ("agent" in entry and entry["agent"] ==
  199. ]
  200. if self.config.put_demos_in_history:
  201. if self.config.demonstration_template is not None:
  202. logger.warning("Demonstration template is ignored for put_demos_in_history=True")
  203. # Add demonstration to history directly as separate messages
  204. for entry in demo_history:
  205. if entry["role"] != "system":
  206. entry["is_demo"] = True
  207. self.history.append(entry)
  208. else:
  209. # Add demonstration as single message to history
  210. demo_message = self.model.history_to_messages(
  211. demo_history,
  212. is_demonstration=True,
  213. )
  214. demonstration = self.config.demonstration_template.format(
  215. **{"demonstration": demo_message}
  216. )
  217. self.history.append({
  218. "agent":,
  219. "content": demonstration,
  220. "is_demo": True,
  221. "role": "user",
  222. })
  223. @property
  224. def state_command(self) -> str:
  225. """Return the bash command that will be used to extract the environment state."""
  226. return
  227. @property
  228. def local_history(self) -> list[dict[str, str]]:
  229. """Return the history of the agent since the last reset."""
  230. return self.config.history_processor([entry for entry in self.history if entry["agent"] ==])
  231. def save_trajectory(self, trajectory, traj_dir, env, info):
  232. log_path = traj_dir / (env.record['instance_id'] + ".traj")
  233. log_dict = {
  234. "environment":,
  235. "trajectory": trajectory,
  236. "history": self.history,
  237. "info": info,
  238. }
  239. with"w") as f:
  240. json.dump(log_dict, f, indent=2)
  241."Saved trajectory to {log_path}")
  242. def _get_first_match(self, action: str, pattern_type: str) -> Optional[re.Match]:
  243. """Return the first match of a command pattern in the action string."""
  244. if pattern_type == "subroutine":
  245. patterns = {k: v for k, v in self.subroutine_patterns.items()}
  246. elif pattern_type == "multi_line":
  247. patterns = {k: v for k, v in self.command_patterns.items() if k in self.config.multi_line_command_endings or k == self.config.submit_command}
  248. patterns += {k: v for k, v in self.subroutine_patterns.items() if k in self.config.multi_line_command_endings}
  249. elif pattern_type == "multi_line_no_subroutines":
  250. patterns = {k: v for k, v in self.command_patterns.items() if k in self.config.multi_line_command_endings}
  251. else:
  252. raise ValueError(f"Unknown pattern type: {pattern_type}")
  253. matches = list()
  254. for name, pat in patterns.items():
  255. match =
  256. if match:
  257. matches.append(match)
  258. if len(matches) == 0:
  259. return None
  260. matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda x: x.start())
  261. return matches[0]
  262. def _guard_multiline_input(self, action: str) -> str:
  263. """Split action by multiline commands, then append the first line in each multiline command with "<< '{end_name}'".
  264. Multiline commands (which are specified by an end_name) are commands that span multiple lines and are terminated by a specific end_name.
  265. Their multi-line argument is sent using a heredoc, which is a way to send a multi-line string to a command in bash.
  266. """
  267. parsed_action = list()
  268. rem_action = action
  269. while rem_action.strip():
  270. first_match = self._get_first_match(rem_action, "multi_line_no_subroutines")
  271. if first_match:
  272. pre_action = rem_action[:first_match.start()]
  273. match_action = rem_action[first_match.start():first_match.end()]
  274. rem_action = rem_action[first_match.end():]
  275. if pre_action.strip():
  276. parsed_action.append(pre_action)
  277. if match_action.strip():
  278. eof =
  279. if not match_action.split('\n')[0].strip().endswith(f"<< '{eof}'"):
  280. guarded_command = match_action[first_match.start():]
  281. first_line = guarded_command.split('\n')[0]
  282. guarded_command = guarded_command.replace(
  283. first_line,
  284. first_line + f" << '{eof}'",
  285. 1
  286. )
  287. parsed_action.append(guarded_command)
  288. else:
  289. parsed_action.append(match_action)
  290. else:
  291. parsed_action.append(rem_action)
  292. rem_action = ""
  293. return '\n'.join(parsed_action)
  294. def split_actions(self, action: str, pattern_type="subroutine") -> list[str]:
  295. """Split an action into a list of actions in a greedy manner, each of which is a subroutine call or a single command."""
  296. parsed_action = list()
  297. rem_action = action
  298. while rem_action.strip():
  299. first_match = self._get_first_match(rem_action, pattern_type)
  300. if first_match:
  301. pre_action = rem_action[:first_match.start()]
  302. match_action = rem_action[first_match.start():first_match.end()]
  303. rem_action = rem_action[first_match.end():]
  304. if pre_action.strip():
  305. parsed_action.append({'agent':, 'action': pre_action, 'cmd_name': None})
  306. if match_action.strip():
  307. if match_action.split()[0] == self.config.submit_command:
  308. parsed_action.append({'agent':, 'action': match_action, 'cmd_name':}) # submit command is not a subroutine
  309. else:
  310. parsed_action.append({'agent':, 'args':, 'action': match_action, 'cmd_name':})
  311. else:
  312. parsed_action.append({'agent':, 'action': rem_action, 'cmd_name': None})
  313. rem_action = ""
  314. return parsed_action
  315. def _parse_command_patterns(self):
  316. self.command_patterns = dict()
  317. for command in self.config._commands:
  318. if command.end_name is not None:
  319. pat = re.compile(fr'^\s*({})\s*(.*?)^({command.end_name})\s*$', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
  320. self.command_patterns[] = pat
  321. else:
  322. pat = re.compile(fr'^\s*({})\s*(.*?)$', re.MULTILINE)
  323. self.command_patterns[] = pat
  324. self.subroutine_patterns = dict()
  325. for _, subroutine in self.config._subroutines.items():
  326. if subroutine.end_name is None:
  327. pat = re.compile(fr'^\s*({})\s*(.*?)$', re.MULTILINE)
  328. self.subroutine_patterns[,] = pat
  329. else:
  330. pat = re.compile(fr'^\s*({})\s*(.*?)^({subroutine.end_name})\s*$', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
  331. self.subroutine_patterns[] = pat
  332. if hasattr(self.config, 'submit_command_end_name'):
  333. submit_pat = re.compile(rf'^\s*({self.config.submit_command})\s*(.*?)^({self.config.submit_command_end_name})\s*$', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
  334. else:
  335. submit_pat = re.compile(rf'^\s*({self.config.submit_command})(\s*)$', re.MULTILINE) # group 2 is nothing
  336. self.subroutine_patterns[self.config.submit_command] = submit_pat
  337. self.command_patterns[self.config.submit_command] = submit_pat
  338. def forward(self, observation: str, available_actions: list[str], state: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
  339. thought, action, output = self.forward_with_error_check(observation, state)
  340. self.history.append(
  341. {"role": "assistant",
  342. "content": output,
  343. "thought": thought,
  344. "action": action,
  345. "agent":,
  346. }
  347. )
  348."💭 THOUGHT ({})\n{thought}")
  349."🎬 ACTION ({})\n{action}")
  350. return thought, action, output
  351. def forward_model(self, observation: str, state: str) -> str:
  352. """Query the model with the current state and observation with the appropriate template.
  353. Returns the model output."""
  354. state_vars = json.loads(state)
  355. templates = []
  356. # Determine observation template based on what prior observation was
  357. if self.history[-1]["role"] == "system" or self.history[-1].get("is_demo", False):
  358. # Show instance template if prev. obs. was initial system message
  359. templates = [self.config.instance_template]
  360. if self.config.strategy_template is not None:
  361. templates.append(self.config.strategy_template)
  362. elif observation is None or observation.strip() == "":
  363. # Show no output template if observation content was empty
  364. templates = [self.config.next_step_no_output_template]
  365. else:
  366. # Show standard output template if there is observation content
  367. templates = [self.config.next_step_template]
  368. # Populate selected template(s) with information (e.g., issue, arguments, state)
  369. messages = []
  370. for template in templates:
  371. messages.append(
  372. template.format(
  373. **self.instance_args,
  374. **self.system_args,
  375. **state_vars,
  376. observation=(observation if observation is not None else ""),
  377. )
  378. )
  379. message = "\n".join(messages)
  380."🤖 MODEL INPUT\n{message}")
  381. self.history.append({"role": "user", "content": message, "agent":})
  382. return self.model.query(self.local_history)
  383. def retry_after_format_fail(self, output):
  384. """Ask the model to correct (without committing to persistent history) after a malformatted model output"""
  385. format_error_template = self.config.format_error_template
  386. logger.warning(f"MALFORMED OUTPUT\n{output}")
  387. logger.warning(f"FORMAT ERROR\n{format_error_template}")
  388. temp_history = self.local_history + [
  389. {"role": "assistant", "content": output, "agent":},
  390. {"role": "user", "content": format_error_template, "agent":},
  391. ]
  392. return self.model.query(temp_history)
  393. def retry_after_blocklist_fail(self, output, action):
  394. """Ask the model to correct (without committing to persistent history) after a disallowed command"""
  395. name = action.strip().split()[0]
  396. blocklist_error_message = self.config.blocklist_error_template.format(name=name)
  397. logger.warning(f"BLOCKLISTED OUTPUT\n{output}")
  398. logger.warning(f"BLOCKLIST ERROR\n{blocklist_error_message}")
  399. temp_history = self.local_history + [
  400. {"role": "assistant", "content": output, "agent":},
  401. {"role": "user", "content": blocklist_error_message, "agent":},
  402. ]
  403. return self.model.query(temp_history)
  404. def should_block_action(self, action):
  405. """Check if the command should be blocked."""
  406. names = action.strip().split()
  407. if len(names) == 0:
  408. return False
  409. name = names[0]
  410. if name in self.config.blocklist:
  411. return True
  412. if name in self.config.blocklist_standalone and name == action.strip():
  413. return True
  414. return False
  415. def check_format_and_requery(
  416. self, output: str,
  417. ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
  418. """Query the model with the current state and observation with the appropriate template.
  419. Try to parse the output into a thought and action. Retry if the output is malformatted or the action is blocked.
  420. Returns the thought, action, and raw model output.
  421. """
  422. # Condition for handling outputs with no thought (just action)
  423. if self.model.args.model_name == "human":
  424. return "", output, output
  425. elif self.model.args.model_name == "human_thought":
  426. thought, action = ParseFunction.get("ThoughtActionParser")(
  427. output,
  428. self.config._commands + self.config.subroutine_types,
  429. strict=False,
  430. )
  431. return thought, action, output
  432. format_fails = blocklist_fails = 0
  433. while format_fails + blocklist_fails <= 2:
  434. try:
  435. thought, action = self.config.parse_function(
  436. output,
  437. self.config._commands + self.config.subroutine_types,
  438. strict=False,
  439. )
  440. except KeyboardInterrupt:
  441. raise
  442. except FormatError as e:
  443. format_fails += 1
  444. output = self.retry_after_format_fail(output)
  445. continue
  446. if self.should_block_action(action):
  447. blocklist_fails += 1
  448. output = self.retry_after_blocklist_fail(output, action)
  449. else:
  450. return thought, action, output
  451. logger.warning(f"Malformat limit reached: \n{output}")
  452. return "Exit due to format error", "exit_format", output
  453. def forward_with_error_check(self, observation: str, state: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
  454. try:
  455. output = self.forward_model(observation, state)
  456. except KeyboardInterrupt:
  457. raise
  458. except RuntimeError as e:
  459. logger.warning(f"Runtime error: {e}")
  460. return (
  461. f"Exit due to runtime error: {e}",
  462. "exit_error",
  463. f"exit due to runtime error: {e}",
  464. )
  465. except ContextWindowExceededError as e:
  466. logger.warning(f"Context window exceeded")
  467. return "Exit due to context window", "exit_context", "Exit due to context window"
  468. except CostLimitExceededError as e:
  469. logger.warning(f"Cost limit exceeded")
  470. return "Exit due to cost limit", "exit_cost", "Exit due to cost limit"
  471. except RetryError as e:
  472. logger.warning(f"Retry error: {e}")
  473. return (
  474. f"Exit due to retry error: {e}",
  475. "exit_api",
  476. f"exit due to retry error: {e}",
  477. )
  478. return self.check_format_and_requery(output)
  479. def init_environment_vars(self, env):
  480. self.set_environment_vars(env, self.config.env_variables)
  481. def set_environment_vars(self, env, env_variables):
  482. commands_to_execute = (
  483. [self.config.state_command.code] +
  484. # [code for code in self.config.util_functions] +
  485. # [command.code for command in self.config._commands] +
  486. [f"{k}={v}" for k,v in env_variables.items()]
  487. )
  488. commands = "\n".join(commands_to_execute)
  489. try:
  490. output = env.communicate(commands)
  491. if env.returncode != 0:
  492. raise RuntimeError(f"Nonzero return code: {env.returncode}\nOutput: {output}")
  493. except KeyboardInterrupt:
  494. raise
  495. except Exception as e:
  496. logger.warning("Failed to set environment variables")
  497. raise e
  498. command_files = list()
  499. for file in self.config.command_files:
  500. datum = dict()
  501. contents = open(file, 'r').read()
  502. datum['contents'] = contents
  503. filename = Path(file).name
  504. if not contents.strip().startswith('#!'):
  505. if filename.endswith('.sh'):
  506. # files are sourced, so they are not executable
  507. datum['name'] = Path(file).name
  508. datum['type'] = 'source_file'
  509. elif filename.startswith('_'):
  510. # files are sourced, so they are not executable
  511. datum['name'] = Path(file).name
  512. datum['type'] = 'utility'
  513. else:
  514. raise ValueError((
  515. f"Non-shell script file {file} does not start with shebang.\n"
  516. "Either add a shebang (#!) or change the file extension to .sh if you want to source it.\n"
  517. "You can override this behavior by adding an underscore to the file name (e.g."
  518. ))
  519. else:
  520. # scripts are made executable
  521. datum['name'] = Path(file).name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
  522. datum['type'] = 'script'
  523. command_files.append(datum)
  524. env.add_commands(command_files)
  525. def get_environment_vars(self, env):
  526. env_vars = dict()
  527. for var in self.config.env_variables:
  528. env_vars[var] = env.communicate(f"echo ${var}").strip()
  529. return env_vars
  530. def call_subroutine(self, agent_name, sub_action, env):
  531. env_vars = self.get_environment_vars(env)
  532. cwd = env.communicate("pwd -P").strip()
  533. init_observation = self.config._subroutines[agent_name].init_observation
  534. if init_observation is not None:
  535. obs, _, _, _ = env.step(init_observation.format(args=sub_action['args']))
  536. else:
  537. obs = None
  538. if env.returncode != 0:
  539. self.history.append({"role": "user", "content": obs, "agent": agent_name})
  540. raise RuntimeError(f"Nonzero return code: {env.returncode} for init_observation in {agent_name}.\n{obs}")
  541. return_type = self.config._subroutines[agent_name].return_type
  542. sub_agent = Agent(agent_name, self.config._subroutines[agent_name].agent_args)
  543. sub_agent_output =
  544. {"issue": sub_action['args']},
  545. env,
  546. observation=obs,
  547. return_type=return_type,
  548. init_model_stats=self.model.stats,
  549. )
  550. self.history += sub_agent.history
  551. self.set_environment_vars(env, env_vars)
  552. env.communicate(f"cd {cwd}")
  553. self.model.stats.replace(sub_agent.model.stats)
  554. return sub_agent_output
  555. def run(
  556. self,
  557. setup_args,
  558. env: SWEEnv,
  559. observation: str = None,
  560. traj_dir: Optional[Path] = None,
  561. return_type: Optional[str] = "info",
  562. init_model_stats: Optional[APIStats] = None,
  563. ):
  564. """
  565. Run the agent on an environment.
  566. Return the final value of the specified return type.
  567. """
  568. done = False
  569. if != self.last_container_id:
  570."Initializing agent settings for container {}")
  571. self.init_environment_vars(env)
  572. self.last_container_id =
  573. # Re-initialize primary
  574. self.setup(setup_args, init_model_stats)
  575. # Run action/observation loop
  576. trajectory = []
  577. info = {}
  578. while not done:
  579. state = env.communicate(self.state_command) if self.state_command else None
  580. thought, action, output = self.forward(
  581. observation,
  582. env.get_available_actions(),
  583. state)
  584. observations = list()
  585. run_action = self._guard_multiline_input(action)
  586. for sub_action in self.split_actions(run_action):
  587. if sub_action['agent'] == or sub_action['cmd_name'] == self.config.submit_command:
  588. obs, _, done, info = env.step(sub_action['action'])
  589. observations.append(obs)
  590. if sub_action['cmd_name'] == self.config.submit_command:
  591. done = True
  592. if done:
  593. break
  594. else:
  595. agent_name = sub_action['agent']
  596. sub_agent_output = self.call_subroutine(agent_name, sub_action, env)
  597. observations.append(sub_agent_output)
  598. observation = '\n'.join([obs for obs in observations if obs is not None])
  599. trajectory.append(
  600. {
  601. "action": action,
  602. "observation": observation,
  603. "response": output,
  604. "state": state,
  605. "thought": thought,
  606. }
  607. )
  608. info['model_stats'] = self.model.stats.to_dict()
  609. if traj_dir:
  610. self.save_trajectory(trajectory, traj_dir, env, info)
  611. if return_type != "info":
  612. return trajectory[-1][return_type]
  613. else:
  614. return info