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  43. nav:
  44. - Home:
  45. - Installation:
  46. - "installation/"
  47. - "Use in-browser": "installation/"
  48. - "Install from source": "installation/"
  49. - "Docker": "installation/"
  50. - "Adding your keys": "installation/"
  51. - "Installation tips": "installation/"
  52. - "Changelog": "installation/"
  53. - Usage:
  54. - "usage/"
  55. - "Command line usage": "usage/"
  56. - "Using the web UI": "usage/"
  57. - "Trajectories": "usage/"
  58. - "Trajectory inspector": "usage/"
  59. - "FAQ": "usage/"
  60. - "Benchmarking": "usage/"
  61. - Configuration:
  62. - "Config files": "config/"
  63. - "Command definitions": "config/"
  64. - "Demonstrations": "config/"
  65. - Development:
  66. - "Contribution guide": "dev/"
  67. - "Code structure": "dev/"
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  72. repo_url:
  73. repo_name: princeton-nlp/SWE-agent
  74. edit_uri: edit/main/docs/