1.4 KB

Fallback: Usage with docker

!!! warning "Limitations"

The latest containerized version does not yet provide the web interface.

Instead of installing SWE-agent from source, you can also run the software directly using Docker.

  1. Install Docker, then start Docker locally.
  2. Run docker pull sweagent/swe-agent:latest
  3. Add your API tokens to a file keys.cfg as explained here

Then run

# This assumes that keys.cfg is in your current directory (else fix the path below)
# This command is equivalent to the script shown in the quickstart
docker run --rm -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v $(pwd)/keys.cfg:/app/keys.cfg \
  sweagent/swe-agent-run:latest \
  python --image_name=sweagent/swe-agent:latest \
  --model_name gpt4 \
  --data_path \
  --config_file config/default_from_url.yaml  --skip_existing=False

!!! tip "Tips"

* For more information on the different API keys/tokens, see [below](
* If you're using docker on Windows, use `-v //var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock`
(double slash) to escape it ([more information](
* See the [installation issues section]( for more help if you run into

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