import json import re import logging from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from simple_parsing.helpers.fields import field from simple_parsing.helpers.serialization.serializable import FrozenSerializable from simple_parsing.helpers.flatten import FlattenedAccess from sweagent.utils import debug_time from sweagent.agent.commands import Command, ParseCommand from sweagent.agent.history_processors import HistoryProcessor from sweagent.agent.models import ( APIStats, ContextWindowExceededError, CostLimitExceededError, ModelArguments, get_model, ) from sweagent.agent.parsing import ParseFunction, FormatError from sweagent.environment.utils import LOGGER_NAME from sweagent.environment.swe_env import SWEEnv from tenacity import RetryError from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Any from typing import Optional, Tuple, Any logger = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME) @dataclass(frozen=True) class Subroutine(FrozenSerializable): name: str agent_file: str # one of "action", "observation", "response", "state", "thought" return_type: str = None # type: ignore init_observation: Optional[str] = None end_name: Optional[str] = None signature: Optional[str] = None docstring: Optional[str] = None model: Optional[ModelArguments] = None agent_args: Optional[Any] = None @dataclass(frozen=True) class AgentConfig(FrozenSerializable): system_template: str instance_template: str next_step_template: Optional[str] = None # defaults to instance_template next_step_no_output_template: Optional[str] = None # defaults to next_step_template strategy_template: Optional[str] = None demonstration_template: Optional[str] = None demonstrations: list[str] = field(default_factory=list) put_demos_in_history: bool = ( False # if True, add demonstration to history instead of as a single message ) # defaults to format_error_template in ParseFunction format_error_template: str = None # type: ignore command_files: list[str] = field(default_factory=list) env_variables: dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict) util_functions: list[str] = field(default_factory=list) submit_command: str = "submit" parse_function: str = "ThoughtActionParser" parse_command: str = "ParseCommandBash" history_processor: str = "DefaultHistoryProcessor" history_processor_args: dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict) command_docs: str = None # type: ignore blocklist_error_template: str = ( "Interactive operation '{name}' is not supported by this environment" ) blocklist: Tuple[str, ...] = ( "vim", "vi", "emacs", "nano", "nohup", "git", ) blocklist_standalone: Tuple[str, ...] = ( "python", "python3", "ipython", "bash", "sh", "exit", "/bin/bash", "/bin/sh", "nohup", "vi", "vim", "emacs", "nano", ) # Should extract environment state in a json readable form state_command: Command = Command( name="state", code="""state() { echo '{"working_dir": "'$(realpath --relative-to=$ROOT/.. $PWD)'"}'; };""", ) _commands: list[Command] = field(default_factory=list) _subroutines: dict[str, Subroutine] = field(default_factory=dict) subroutine_types: list[Subroutine] = field(default_factory=list) def __post_init__(self): if self.next_step_template is None: object.__setattr__(self, "next_step_template", self.instance_template) if self.next_step_no_output_template is None: object.__setattr__( self, "next_step_no_output_template", self.next_step_template ) object.__setattr__(self, "parse_command", ParseCommand.get(self.parse_command)) for file in self.command_files: commands = self.parse_command.parse_command_file(file) util_functions = [ command for command in commands if"_") ] commands = [ command for command in commands if not"_") ] object.__setattr__( self, "util_functions", self.util_functions + util_functions ) object.__setattr__(self, "_commands", self._commands + commands) for subroutine in self.subroutine_types: if == "submit": raise ValueError("Cannot use 'submit' as a subroutine name") agent_args = AgentArguments( model=subroutine.model, config_file=subroutine.agent_file, ) object.__setattr__(subroutine, "agent_args", agent_args) object.__setattr__( self, "_subroutines", {**self._subroutines, subroutine} ) multi_line_command_endings = { command.end_name for command in [*self._commands, *self._subroutines.values()] if command.end_name is not None } object.__setattr__( self, "multi_line_command_endings", multi_line_command_endings ) object.__setattr__( self, "command_docs", self.parse_command.generate_command_docs( self._commands, self.subroutine_types, **self.env_variables, ), ) object.__setattr__( self, "parse_function", ParseFunction.get(self.parse_function) ) if self.format_error_template is None: object.__setattr__( self, "format_error_template", self.parse_function.format_error_template, ) object.__setattr__( self, "format_error_template", self.format_error_template.format(**self.__dict__), ) for command in self._commands: if == self.submit_command: object.__setattr__(self, "submit_command_end_name", command.end_name) break object.__setattr__( self, "history_processor", HistoryProcessor.get(self.history_processor, **self.history_processor_args), ) @dataclass(frozen=True) class AgentArguments(FlattenedAccess, FrozenSerializable): """Configure the agent's behaviour (templates, parse functions, blocklists, ...).""" model: ModelArguments = None # Policy can only be set via config yaml file from command line config_file: Optional[Path] = None config: Optional[AgentConfig] = field(default=None, cmd=False) def __post_init__(self): if self.config is None and self.config_file is not None: # If unassigned, we load the config from the file to store its contents with the overall arguments config = AgentConfig.load_yaml(self.config_file) object.__setattr__(self, "config", config) assert self.config is not None # mypy for subroutine in getattr(self.config, "subroutines", {}).values(): model_args = getattr(subroutine, "model") object.__setattr__( model_args, "per_instance_cost_limit", self.model.per_instance_cost_limit, ) object.__setattr__( model_args, "total_cost_limit", self.model.total_cost_limit ) class Agent: """Agent handles the behaviour of the model and how it interacts with the environment.""" def __init__(self, name: str, args: AgentArguments): = name self.model = get_model( args.model, args.config._commands + args.config.subroutine_types ) self.config = args.config assert self.config is not None # mypy self.system_args = { "command_docs": self.config.command_docs, **self.config.env_variables, } self.instance_args = None self._parse_command_patterns() self.history = [] self.last_container_id = None def setup(self, instance_args, init_model_stats=None) -> None: """Setup the agent for a new instance.""" assert self.config is not None # mypy self.model.reset_stats(init_model_stats) self.instance_args = instance_args system_msg = self.config.system_template.format(**self.system_args)"SYSTEM ({})\n{system_msg}") self.history: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [ {"role": "system", "content": system_msg, "agent":}, ] if len(self.config.demonstrations) > 0 and "history_to_messages" in dir( self.model ): for demonstration_path in self.config.demonstrations: if ( self.config.demonstration_template is None and not self.config.put_demos_in_history ): raise ValueError( "Cannot use demonstrations without a demonstration template or put_demos_in_history=True" ) # Load history"DEMONSTRATION: {demonstration_path}") demo_history = json.load(open(demonstration_path, "r"))["history"] demo_history = [ entry for entry in demo_history if ("agent" not in entry) or ("agent" in entry and entry["agent"] == ] if self.config.put_demos_in_history: if self.config.demonstration_template is not None: logger.warning( "Demonstration template is ignored for put_demos_in_history=True" ) # Add demonstration to history directly as separate messages for entry in demo_history: if entry["role"] != "system": entry["is_demo"] = True self.history.append(entry) else: # Add demonstration as single message to history demo_message = self.model.history_to_messages( demo_history, is_demonstration=True, ) demonstration = self.config.demonstration_template.format( **{"demonstration": demo_message} ) self.history.append( { "agent":, "content": demonstration, "is_demo": True, "role": "user", } ) @property def state_command(self) -> str: """Return the bash command that will be used to extract the environment state.""" return @property def local_history(self) -> list[dict[str, str]]: """Return the history of the agent since the last reset.""" return self.config.history_processor( [entry for entry in self.history if entry["agent"] ==] ) def save_trajectory(self, trajectory, traj_dir, env, info): log_path = traj_dir / (env.record["instance_id"] + ".traj") log_dict = { "environment":, "trajectory": trajectory, "history": self.history, "info": info, } with"w") as f: json.dump(log_dict, f, indent=2)"Saved trajectory to {log_path}") def _get_first_match(self, action: str, pattern_type: str) -> Optional[re.Match]: """Return the first match of a command pattern in the action string.""" assert self.config is not None # mypy if pattern_type == "subroutine": patterns = {k: v for k, v in self.subroutine_patterns.items()} elif pattern_type == "multi_line": patterns = { k: v for k, v in self.command_patterns.items() if k in self.config.multi_line_command_endings or k == self.config.submit_command } patterns += { k: v for k, v in self.subroutine_patterns.items() if k in self.config.multi_line_command_endings } elif pattern_type == "multi_line_no_subroutines": patterns = { k: v for k, v in self.command_patterns.items() if k in self.config.multi_line_command_endings } else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown pattern type: {pattern_type}") matches = list() for name, pat in patterns.items(): match = if match: matches.append(match) if len(matches) == 0: return None matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda x: x.start()) return matches[0] def _guard_multiline_input(self, action: str) -> str: """Split action by multiline commands, then append the first line in each multiline command with "<< '{end_name}'". Multiline commands (which are specified by an end_name) are commands that span multiple lines and are terminated by a specific end_name. Their multi-line argument is sent using a heredoc, which is a way to send a multi-line string to a command in bash. """ parsed_action = list() rem_action = action while rem_action.strip(): first_match = self._get_first_match(rem_action, "multi_line_no_subroutines") if first_match: pre_action = rem_action[: first_match.start()] match_action = rem_action[first_match.start() : first_match.end()] rem_action = rem_action[first_match.end() :] if pre_action.strip(): parsed_action.append(pre_action) if match_action.strip(): eof = if not match_action.split("\n")[0].strip().endswith(f"<< '{eof}'"): guarded_command = match_action[first_match.start() :] first_line = guarded_command.split("\n")[0] guarded_command = guarded_command.replace( first_line, first_line + f" << '{eof}'", 1 ) parsed_action.append(guarded_command) else: parsed_action.append(match_action) else: parsed_action.append(rem_action) rem_action = "" return "\n".join(parsed_action) def split_actions(self, action: str, pattern_type="subroutine") -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Split an action into a list of actions in a greedy manner, each of which is a subroutine call or a single command.""" parsed_action = list() rem_action = action while rem_action.strip(): first_match = self._get_first_match(rem_action, pattern_type) if first_match: pre_action = rem_action[: first_match.start()] match_action = rem_action[first_match.start() : first_match.end()] rem_action = rem_action[first_match.end() :] if pre_action.strip(): parsed_action.append( {"agent":, "action": pre_action, "cmd_name": None} ) if match_action.strip(): if match_action.split()[0] == self.config.submit_command: parsed_action.append( { "agent":, "action": match_action, "cmd_name":, } ) # submit command is not a subroutine else: parsed_action.append( { "agent":, "args":, "action": match_action, "cmd_name":, } ) else: parsed_action.append( {"agent":, "action": rem_action, "cmd_name": None} ) rem_action = "" return parsed_action def _parse_command_patterns(self): assert self.config is not None # mypy self.command_patterns = dict() for command in self.config._commands: if command.end_name is not None: pat = re.compile( rf"^\s*({})\s*(.*?)^({command.end_name})\s*$", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE, ) self.command_patterns[] = pat else: pat = re.compile(rf"^\s*({})\s*(.*?)$", re.MULTILINE) self.command_patterns[] = pat self.subroutine_patterns = dict() for _, subroutine in self.config._subroutines.items(): if subroutine.end_name is None: pat = re.compile(rf"^\s*({})\s*(.*?)$", re.MULTILINE) self.subroutine_patterns[,] = pat else: pat = re.compile( rf"^\s*({})\s*(.*?)^({subroutine.end_name})\s*$", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE, ) self.subroutine_patterns[] = pat if hasattr(self.config, "submit_command_end_name"): submit_pat = re.compile( rf"^\s*({self.config.submit_command})\s*(.*?)^({self.config.submit_command_end_name})\s*$", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE, ) else: submit_pat = re.compile( rf"^\s*({self.config.submit_command})(\s*)$", re.MULTILINE ) # group 2 is nothing self.subroutine_patterns[self.config.submit_command] = submit_pat self.command_patterns[self.config.submit_command] = submit_pat def forward( self, observation: str, available_actions: list[str], state: str ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: debug_time() thought, action, output = self.forward_with_error_check(observation, state) self.history.append( { "role": "assistant", "content": output, "thought": thought, "action": action, "agent":, } )"💭 THOUGHT ({})\n{thought}")"🎬 ACTION ({})\n{action}") return thought, action, output def forward_model(self, observation: str, state: str) -> str: """Query the model with the current state and observation with the appropriate template. Returns the model output.""" assert self.config is not None # mypy debug_time() state_vars = json.loads(state) templates: List[str] = [] # Determine observation template based on what prior observation was if self.history[-1]["role"] == "system" or self.history[-1].get( "is_demo", False ): # Show instance template if prev. obs. was initial system message templates = [self.config.instance_template] if self.config.strategy_template is not None: templates.append(self.config.strategy_template) elif observation is None or observation.strip() == "": # Show no output template if observation content was empty templates = [self.config.next_step_no_output_template] else: # Show standard output template if there is observation content templates = [self.config.next_step_template] # Populate selected template(s) with information (e.g., issue, arguments, state) messages = [] for template in templates: messages.append( template.format( **self.instance_args, **self.system_args, **state_vars, observation=(observation if observation is not None else ""), ) ) message = "\n".join(messages)"🤖 MODEL INPUT\n{message}") self.history.append({"role": "user", "content": message, "agent":}) debug_time() return self.model.query(self.local_history) def retry_after_format_fail(self, output): """Ask the model to correct (without committing to persistent history) after a malformatted model output""" format_error_template = self.config.format_error_template logger.warning(f"MALFORMED OUTPUT\n{output}") logger.warning(f"FORMAT ERROR\n{format_error_template}") temp_history = self.local_history + [ {"role": "assistant", "content": output, "agent":}, {"role": "user", "content": format_error_template, "agent":}, ] return self.model.query(temp_history) def retry_after_blocklist_fail(self, output, action): """Ask the model to correct (without committing to persistent history) after a disallowed command""" name = action.strip().split()[0] blocklist_error_message = self.config.blocklist_error_template.format(name=name) logger.warning(f"BLOCKLISTED OUTPUT\n{output}") logger.warning(f"BLOCKLIST ERROR\n{blocklist_error_message}") temp_history = self.local_history + [ {"role": "assistant", "content": output, "agent":}, {"role": "user", "content": blocklist_error_message, "agent":}, ] return self.model.query(temp_history) def should_block_action(self, action): """Check if the command should be blocked.""" names = action.strip().split() if len(names) == 0: return False name = names[0] if name in self.config.blocklist: return True if name in self.config.blocklist_standalone and name == action.strip(): return True return False def check_format_and_requery( self, output: str, ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Query the model with the current state and observation with the appropriate template. Try to parse the output into a thought and action. Retry if the output is malformatted or the action is blocked. Returns the thought, action, and raw model output. """ debug_time() # Condition for handling outputs with no thought (just action) if self.model.args.model_name == "human": return "", output, output elif self.model.args.model_name == "human_thought": thought, action = ParseFunction.get("ThoughtActionParser")( output, self.config._commands + self.config.subroutine_types, strict=False, ) return thought, action, output format_fails = blocklist_fails = 0 while format_fails + blocklist_fails <= 2: try: thought, action = self.config.parse_function( output, self.config._commands + self.config.subroutine_types, strict=False, ) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except FormatError: format_fails += 1 output = self.retry_after_format_fail(output) continue if self.should_block_action(action): blocklist_fails += 1 output = self.retry_after_blocklist_fail(output, action) else: return thought, action, output logger.debug("format fails %d, blocklist fails %d", format_fails, blocklist_fails) logger.warning(f"Malformat limit reached: \n{output}") debug_time() return "Exit due to format error", "exit_format", output def forward_with_error_check( self, observation: str, state: str ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """Wrapper around `self.forward_model` that handles errors and retries due to format errors or blocked actions. """ try: output = self.forward_model(observation, state) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except RuntimeError as e: logger.warning(f"Runtime error: {e}") return ( f"Exit due to runtime error: {e}", "exit_error", f"exit due to runtime error: {e}", ) except ContextWindowExceededError: logger.warning(f"Context window exceeded") return "Exit due to context window", "exit_context", "Exit due to context window" except CostLimitExceededError: logger.warning(f"Cost limit exceeded") return "Exit due to cost limit", "exit_cost", "Exit due to cost limit" except RetryError as e: logger.warning(f"Retry error: {e}") return ( f"Exit due to retry error: {e}", "exit_api", f"exit due to retry error: {e}", ) return self.check_format_and_requery(output) def init_environment_vars(self, env): self.set_environment_vars(env, self.config.env_variables) def set_environment_vars(self, env, env_variables): assert self.config is not None # mypy commands_to_execute = ( [self.config.state_command.code] + # [code for code in self.config.util_functions] + # [command.code for command in self.config._commands] + [f"{k}={v}" for k, v in env_variables.items()] ) commands = "\n".join(commands_to_execute) try: output = env.communicate(commands) if env.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError( f"Nonzero return code: {env.returncode}\nOutput: {output}" ) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception as e: logger.warning("Failed to set environment variables") raise e command_files = list() for file in self.config.command_files: datum = dict() contents = open(file, "r").read() datum["contents"] = contents filename = Path(file).name if not contents.strip().startswith("#!"): if filename.endswith(".sh"): # files are sourced, so they are not executable datum["name"] = Path(file).name datum["type"] = "source_file" elif filename.startswith("_"): # files are sourced, so they are not executable datum["name"] = Path(file).name datum["type"] = "utility" else: raise ValueError( ( f"Non-shell script file {file} does not start with shebang.\n" "Either add a shebang (#!) or change the file extension to .sh if you want to source it.\n" "You can override this behavior by adding an underscore to the file name (e.g." ) ) else: # scripts are made executable datum["name"] = Path(file).name.rsplit(".", 1)[0] datum["type"] = "script" command_files.append(datum) env.add_commands(command_files) def get_environment_vars(self, env): assert self.config is not None # mypy env_vars = dict() for var in self.config.env_variables: env_vars[var] = env.communicate(f"echo ${var}").strip() return env_vars def call_subroutine(self, agent_name, sub_action, env): assert self.config is not None # mypy env_vars = self.get_environment_vars(env) cwd = env.communicate("pwd -P").strip() init_observation = self.config._subroutines[agent_name].init_observation if init_observation is not None: obs, _, _, _ = env.step(init_observation.format(args=sub_action["args"])) else: obs = None if env.returncode != 0: self.history.append({"role": "user", "content": obs, "agent": agent_name}) raise RuntimeError( f"Nonzero return code: {env.returncode} for init_observation in {agent_name}.\n{obs}" ) return_type = self.config._subroutines[agent_name].return_type sub_agent = Agent(agent_name, self.config._subroutines[agent_name].agent_args) sub_agent_output = {"issue": sub_action["args"]}, env, observation=obs, return_type=return_type, init_model_stats=self.model.stats, ) self.history += sub_agent.history self.set_environment_vars(env, env_vars) env.communicate(f"cd {cwd}") self.model.stats.replace(sub_agent.model.stats) return sub_agent_output def run( self, setup_args: Dict[str, Any], env: SWEEnv, observation: Optional[str] = None, traj_dir: Optional[Path] = None, return_type: Optional[str] = "info", init_model_stats: Optional[APIStats] = None, ): """ Run the agent on an environment. Return the final value of the specified return type. """ done = False assert env.container_obj is not None assert self.config is not None # mypy if != self.last_container_id: f"Initializing agent settings for container {}" ) self.init_environment_vars(env) self.last_container_id = # Re-initialize primary self.setup(setup_args, init_model_stats) # Run action/observation loop trajectory = [] info = {} while not done: debug_time() state = env.communicate(self.state_command) if self.state_command else None debug_time("state cmd") thought, action, output = self.forward( observation, env.get_available_actions(), state) debug_time("reset before postproc") observations = list() run_action = self._guard_multiline_input(action) debug_time("guard multiline") for sub_action in self.split_actions(run_action): if ( sub_action["agent"] == or sub_action["cmd_name"] == self.config.submit_command ): obs, _, done, info = env.step(sub_action["action"]) observations.append(obs) if sub_action["cmd_name"] == self.config.submit_command: done = True if done: break else: agent_name = sub_action["agent"] sub_agent_output = self.call_subroutine(agent_name, sub_action, env) observations.append(sub_agent_output) observation = "\n".join([obs for obs in observations if obs is not None]) debug_time("got observation") trajectory.append( { "action": action, "observation": observation, "response": output, "state": state, "thought": thought, } ) info["model_stats"] = self.model.stats.to_dict() if traj_dir: self.save_trajectory(trajectory, traj_dir, env, info) debug_time("traj saved") if return_type == "info": return info if return_type == "info_trajectory": return info, trajectory return trajectory[-1][return_type]