import config import json import logging import os import together from collections import defaultdict from anthropic import Anthropic, HUMAN_PROMPT, AI_PROMPT from dataclasses import dataclass, fields from openai import BadRequestError, OpenAI, AzureOpenAI from simple_parsing.helpers.serialization.serializable import FrozenSerializable, Serializable from sweagent.agent.commands import Command from tenacity import ( retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_random_exponential, retry_if_not_exception_type, ) from typing import Optional, Union logger = logging.getLogger("api_models") @dataclass(frozen=True) class ModelArguments(FrozenSerializable): """Arguments configuring the model and its behavior.""" model_name: str per_instance_cost_limit: float = 0.0 total_cost_limit: float = 0.0 temperature: float = 1.0 top_p: float = 1.0 replay_path: str = None host_url: str = "localhost:11434" @dataclass class APIStats(Serializable): total_cost: float = 0 instance_cost: float = 0 tokens_sent: int = 0 tokens_received: int = 0 api_calls: int = 0 def __add__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, APIStats): raise TypeError("Can only add APIStats with APIStats") return APIStats(**{ getattr(self, + getattr(other, for field in fields(self) }) def replace(self, other): if not isinstance(other, APIStats): raise TypeError("Can only replace APIStats with APIStats") return APIStats(**{ getattr(other, for field in fields(self) }) class ContextWindowExceededError(Exception): pass class CostLimitExceededError(Exception): pass class BaseModel: MODELS = {} SHORTCUTS = {} def __init__(self, args: ModelArguments, commands: list[Command]): self.args = args self.commands = commands self.model_metadata = {} self.stats = APIStats() # Map `model_name` to API-compatible name `api_model` self.api_model = ( self.SHORTCUTS[self.args.model_name] if self.args.model_name in self.SHORTCUTS else self.args.model_name ) # Map model name to metadata (cost, context info) MODELS = { **{dest: self.MODELS[src] for dest, src in self.SHORTCUTS.items()}, **self.MODELS, } if args.model_name in MODELS: self.model_metadata = MODELS[args.model_name] elif args.model_name.startswith("ft:"): ft_model = args.model_name.split(":")[1] self.model_metadata = MODELS[ft_model] elif args.model_name.startswith("ollama:"): self.api_model = args.model_name.split('ollama:', 1)[1] self.model_metadata = self.MODELS[self.api_model] elif args.model_name.startswith("azure:"): azure_model = args.model_name.split("azure:", 1)[1] self.model_metadata = MODELS[azure_model] else: raise ValueError(f"Unregistered model ({args.model_name}). Add model name to MODELS metadata to {self.__class__}") def reset_stats(self, other: Optional[APIStats] = None): if other is None: self.stats = APIStats(total_cost=self.stats.total_cost)"Resetting model stats") else: self.stats = other def update_stats(self, input_tokens: int, output_tokens: int) -> float: """ Calculates the cost of a response from the openai API. Args: input_tokens (int): The number of tokens in the prompt. output_tokens (int): The number of tokens in the response. Returns: float: The cost of the response. """ # Calculate cost and update cost related fields cost = ( self.model_metadata["cost_per_input_token"] * input_tokens + self.model_metadata["cost_per_output_token"] * output_tokens ) self.stats.total_cost += cost self.stats.instance_cost += cost self.stats.tokens_sent += input_tokens self.stats.tokens_received += output_tokens self.stats.api_calls += 1 # Log updated cost values to std. out. f"input_tokens={input_tokens:_}, " f"output_tokens={output_tokens:_}, " f"instance_cost={self.stats.instance_cost:.2f}, " f"cost={cost:.2f}" ) f"total_tokens_sent={self.stats.tokens_sent:_}, " f"total_tokens_received={self.stats.tokens_received:_}, " f"total_cost={self.stats.total_cost:.2f}, " f"total_api_calls={self.stats.api_calls:_}" ) # Check whether total cost or instance cost limits have been exceeded if 0 < self.args.total_cost_limit <= self.stats.total_cost: logger.warning( f"Cost {self.stats.total_cost:.2f} exceeds limit {self.args.total_cost_limit:.2f}" ) raise CostLimitExceededError("Total cost limit exceeded") if 0 < self.args.per_instance_cost_limit <= self.stats.instance_cost: logger.warning( f"Cost {self.stats.instance_cost:.2f} exceeds limit {self.args.per_instance_cost_limit:.2f}" ) raise CostLimitExceededError("Instance cost limit exceeded") return cost def query(self, history: list[dict[str, str]]) -> str: raise NotImplementedError("Use a subclass of BaseModel") class OpenAIModel(BaseModel): MODELS = { "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125": { "max_context": 16_385, "cost_per_input_token": 5e-07, "cost_per_output_token": 1.5e-06, }, "gpt-3.5-turbo-1106": { "max_context": 16_385, "cost_per_input_token": 1.5e-06, "cost_per_output_token": 2e-06, }, "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613": { "max_context": 16_385, "cost_per_input_token": 1.5e-06, "cost_per_output_token": 2e-06, }, "gpt-4-32k-0613": { "max_context": 32_768, "cost_per_input_token": 6e-05, "cost_per_output_token": 0.00012, }, "gpt-4-0613": { "max_context": 8_192, "cost_per_input_token": 3e-05, "cost_per_output_token": 6e-05, }, "gpt-4-1106-preview": { "max_context": 128_000, "cost_per_input_token": 1e-05, "cost_per_output_token": 3e-05, }, "gpt-4-0125-preview": { "max_context": 128_000, "cost_per_input_token": 1e-05, "cost_per_output_token": 3e-05, }, } SHORTCUTS = { "gpt3": "gpt-3.5-turbo-1106", "gpt3-legacy": "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613", "gpt4": "gpt-4-1106-preview", "gpt4-legacy": "gpt-4-0613", "gpt4-0125": "gpt-4-0125-preview", "gpt3-0125": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125", } def __init__(self, args: ModelArguments, commands: list[Command]): super().__init__(args, commands) # Set OpenAI key cfg = config.Config(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "keys.cfg")) if self.args.model_name.startswith("azure"): self.api_model = cfg["AZURE_OPENAI_DEPLOYMENT"] self.client = AzureOpenAI(api_key=cfg["AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY"], azure_endpoint=cfg["AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT"], api_version=cfg.get("AZURE_OPENAI_API_VERSION", "2024-02-01")) else: api_base_url: Optional[str] = cfg.get("OPENAI_API_BASE_URL", None) self.client = OpenAI(api_key=cfg["OPENAI_API_KEY"], base_url=api_base_url) def history_to_messages( self, history: list[dict[str, str]], is_demonstration: bool = False ) -> Union[str, list[dict[str, str]]]: """ Create `messages` by filtering out all keys except for role/content per `history` turn """ # Remove system messages if it is a demonstration if is_demonstration: history = [entry for entry in history if entry["role"] != "system"] return '\n'.join([entry["content"] for entry in history]) # Return history components with just role, content fields return [ {k: v for k, v in entry.items() if k in ["role", "content"]} for entry in history ] @retry( wait=wait_random_exponential(min=1, max=15), reraise=True, stop=stop_after_attempt(3), retry=retry_if_not_exception_type((CostLimitExceededError, RuntimeError)), ) def query(self, history: list[dict[str, str]]) -> str: """ Query the OpenAI API with the given `history` and return the response. """ try: # Perform OpenAI API call response = messages=self.history_to_messages(history), model=self.api_model, temperature=self.args.temperature, top_p=self.args.top_p, ) except BadRequestError: raise CostLimitExceededError(f"Context window ({self.model_metadata['max_context']} tokens) exceeded") # Calculate + update costs, return response input_tokens = response.usage.prompt_tokens output_tokens = response.usage.completion_tokens self.update_stats(input_tokens, output_tokens) return response.choices[0].message.content class AnthropicModel(BaseModel): MODELS = { "claude-instant": { "max_context": 100_000, "cost_per_input_token": 1.63e-06, "cost_per_output_token": 5.51e-06, }, "claude-2": { "max_context": 100_000, "cost_per_input_token": 1.102e-05, "cost_per_output_token": 3.268e-05, }, "claude-2.1": { "max_context": 100_000, "cost_per_input_token": 1.102e-05, "cost_per_output_token": 3.268e-05, }, "claude-3-opus-20240229": { "max_context": 200_000, "max_tokens": 4096, # Max tokens to generate for Claude 3 models "cost_per_input_token": 1.5e-05, "cost_per_output_token": 7.5e-05, }, "claude-3-sonnet-20240229": { "max_context": 200_000, "max_tokens": 4096, "cost_per_input_token": 3e-06, "cost_per_output_token": 1.5e-05, }, "claude-3-haiku-20240307": { "max_context": 200_000, "max_tokens": 4096, "cost_per_input_token": 2.5e-07, "cost_per_output_token": 1.25e-06, }, } SHORTCUTS = { "claude": "claude-2", "claude-opus": "claude-3-opus-20240229", "claude-sonnet": "claude-3-sonnet-20240229", "claude-haiku": "claude-3-haiku-20240307", } def __init__(self, args: ModelArguments, commands: list[Command]): super().__init__(args, commands) # Set Anthropic key cfg = config.Config(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "keys.cfg")) self.api = Anthropic(api_key=cfg["ANTHROPIC_API_KEY"]) def history_to_messages( self, history: list[dict[str, str]], is_demonstration: bool = False ) -> Union[str, list[dict[str, str]]]: """ Create `prompt` by filtering out all keys except for role/content per `history` turn Reference: """ # Preserve behavior for older models if self.api_model in ["claude-instant", "claude-2"]: # Remove system messages if it is a demonstration if is_demonstration: history = [entry for entry in history if entry["role"] != "system"] # Map history to Claude format prompt = "\n\n" for entry in history: if entry["role"] in {"user", "system"}: prompt += f'{HUMAN_PROMPT} {entry["content"]}\n\n' elif entry["role"] == "assistant": prompt += f'{AI_PROMPT} {entry["content"]}\n\n' prompt += AI_PROMPT return prompt # Remove system messages if it is a demonstration if is_demonstration: history = [entry for entry in history if entry["role"] != "system"] return '\n'.join([entry["content"] for entry in history]) # Return history components with just role, content fields (no system message) messages = [ { k: v for k, v in entry.items() if k in ["role", "content"] } for entry in history if entry["role"] != "system" ] compiled_messages = [] # Combine messages from the same role last_role = None for message in reversed(messages): if last_role == message["role"]: compiled_messages[-1]["content"] = message["content"] + "\n" + compiled_messages[-1]["content"] else: compiled_messages.append(message) last_role = message["role"] compiled_messages = list(reversed(compiled_messages)) # Replace any empty content values with a "(No output)" for message in compiled_messages: if message["content"].strip() == "": message["content"] = "(No output)" return compiled_messages @retry( wait=wait_random_exponential(min=1, max=15), reraise=True, stop=stop_after_attempt(3), retry=retry_if_not_exception_type((CostLimitExceededError, RuntimeError)), ) def query(self, history: list[dict[str, str]]) -> str: """ Query the Anthropic API with the given `history` and return the response. """ # Preserve behavior for older models if self.api_model in ["claude-instant", "claude-2"]: # Perform Anthropic API call prompt = self.history_to_messages(history) input_tokens = self.api.count_tokens(prompt) completion = self.api.completions.create( model=self.api_model, prompt=prompt, max_tokens_to_sample=self.model_metadata["max_context"] - input_tokens, temperature=self.args.temperature, top_p=self.args.top_p, ) # Calculate + update costs, return response response = completion.completion output_tokens = self.api.count_tokens(response) self.update_stats(input_tokens, output_tokens) return response # Get system message(s) system_message = "\n".join([ entry["content"] for entry in history if entry["role"] == "system" ]) messages = self.history_to_messages(history) # Perform Anthropic API call response = self.api.messages.create( messages=messages, max_tokens=self.model_metadata["max_tokens"], model=self.api_model, temperature=self.args.temperature, top_p=self.args.top_p, system=system_message, ) # Calculate + update costs, return response self.update_stats( response.usage.input_tokens, response.usage.output_tokens ) response = "\n".join([x.text for x in response.content]) return response class OllamaModel(BaseModel): MODELS = defaultdict(lambda: { "max_context": 128_000, "cost_per_input_token": 0, "cost_per_output_token": 0, }) def __init__(self, args: ModelArguments, commands: list[Command]): super().__init__(args, commands) from ollama import Client self.client = Client(host=args.host_url) def history_to_messages( self, history: list[dict[str, str]], is_demonstration: bool = False ) -> Union[str, list[dict[str, str]]]: """ Create `messages` by filtering out all keys except for role/content per `history` turn """ # Remove system messages if it is a demonstration if is_demonstration: history = [entry for entry in history if entry["role"] != "system"] return '\n'.join([entry["content"] for entry in history]) # Return history components with just role, content fields return [ {k: v for k, v in entry.items() if k in ["role", "content"]} for entry in history ] @retry( wait=wait_random_exponential(min=1, max=15), reraise=True, stop=stop_after_attempt(3), retry=retry_if_not_exception_type((CostLimitExceededError, RuntimeError)), ) def query(self, history: list[dict[str, str]]) -> str: """ Query the Ollama API with the given `history` and return the response. """ response = model=self.api_model, messages=self.history_to_messages(history), options={ "temperature": self.args.temperature, "top_p": self.args.top_p, } ) # Calculate + update costs, return response if "prompt_eval_count" in response: input_tokens = response["prompt_eval_count"] else: logger.warning( "Prompt eval count not found in response. Using 0. " "This might be because the prompt has been cached. " "See " "and" ) input_tokens = 0 output_tokens = response["eval_count"] self.update_stats(input_tokens, output_tokens) return response["message"]["content"] class TogetherModel(BaseModel): # Check for model names, context # Check for pricing MODELS = { "meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-chat-hf": { "max_context": 4096, "cost_per_input_token": 2.25e-07, "cost_per_output_token": 2.25e-07, }, "meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf": { "max_context": 4096, "cost_per_input_token": 9e-07, "cost_per_output_token": 9e-07, }, "mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2": { "max_context": 32768, "cost_per_input_token": 2e-07, "cost_per_output_token": 2e-07, }, "togethercomputer/RedPajama-INCITE-7B-Chat": { "max_context": 2048, "cost_per_input_token": 2e-07, "cost_per_output_token": 2e-07, }, "mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1": { "max_context": 32768, "cost_per_input_token": 6e-07, "cost_per_output_token": 6e-07, }, } SHORTCUTS = { "llama13b": "meta-llama/Llama-2-13b-chat-hf", "llama70b": "meta-llama/Llama-2-70b-chat-hf", "mistral7b": "mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2", "mixtral8x7b": "mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1", "redpajama7b": "togethercomputer/RedPajama-INCITE-7B-Chat", } def __init__(self, args: ModelArguments, commands: list[Command]): super().__init__(args, commands) # Set Together key cfg = config.Config(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "keys.cfg")) together.api_key = cfg.TOGETHER_API_KEY def history_to_messages( self, history: list[dict[str, str]], is_demonstration: bool = False ) -> str: """ Create `prompt` by filtering out all keys except for role/content per `history` turn """ # Remove system messages if it is a demonstration if is_demonstration: history = [entry for entry in history if entry["role"] != "system"] # Map history to TogetherAI format mapping = {"user": "human", "assistant": "bot", "system": "bot"} prompt = [f'<{mapping[d["role"]]}>: {d["content"]}' for d in history] prompt = "\n".join(prompt) prompt = f"{prompt}\n:" return prompt @retry( wait=wait_random_exponential(min=1, max=15), reraise=True, stop=stop_after_attempt(3), retry=retry_if_not_exception_type((CostLimitExceededError, RuntimeError)), ) def query(self, history: list[dict[str, str]]) -> str: """ Query the Together API with the given `history` and return the response. """ # Perform Together API call prompt = self.history_to_messages(history) completion = together.Complete.create( model=self.api_model, prompt=prompt, max_tokens=self.model_metadata["max_context"], stop="", temperature=self.args.temperature, top_p=self.args.top_p, ) # Calculate + update costs, return response response = completion["output"]["choices"][0]["text"].split("")[0] input_tokens = completion["output"]["usage"]["prompt_tokens"] output_tokens = completion["output"]["usage"]["completion_tokens"] self.update_stats(input_tokens, output_tokens) return response class HumanModel(BaseModel): MODELS = {"human": {}} def __init__(self, args: ModelArguments, commands: list[Command]): super().__init__(args, commands) # Determine which commands require multi-line input self.multi_line_command_endings = { command.end_name for command in commands if command.end_name is not None } def history_to_messages( self, history: list[dict[str, str]], is_demonstration: bool = False ) -> Union[str, list[dict[str, str]]]: """ Create `messages` by filtering out all keys except for role/content per `history` turn """ # Remove system messages if it is a demonstration if is_demonstration: history = [entry for entry in history if entry["role"] != "system"] return '\n'.join([entry["content"] for entry in history]) # Return history components with just role, content fields return [ {k: v for k, v in entry.items() if k in ["role", "content"]} for entry in history ] def query(self, history: list[dict[str, str]], action_prompt: str = "> ") -> str: """ Logic for handling user input to pass to SWEEnv """ action = input(action_prompt) command_name = action.split()[0] if action else "" # Special handling for multi-line input actions (i.e. edit) if command_name in self.multi_line_command_endings: buffer = [action] end_keyword = self.multi_line_command_endings[command_name] while True: action = input("... ") buffer.append(action) if action.rstrip() == end_keyword: # Continue reading input until terminating keyword inputted break action = "\n".join(buffer) elif action.strip() == "start_multiline_command": # do arbitrary multi-line input buffer = [] while True: action = input("... ") if action.rstrip() == "end_multiline_command": break buffer.append(action) action = "\n".join(buffer) return action class HumanThoughtModel(HumanModel): MODELS = {"human_thought": {}} def query(self, history: list[dict[str, str]]) -> str: """ Logic for handling user input (both thought + action) to pass to SWEEnv """ thought_all = "" thought = input("Thought (end w/ END_THOUGHT): ") while True: if "END_THOUGHT" in thought: thought = thought.split("END_THOUGHT")[0] thought_all += thought break thought_all += thought thought = input("... ") action = super().query(history, action_prompt="Action: ") return f"{thought_all}\n```\n{action}\n```" class ReplayModel(BaseModel): MODELS = {"replay": {}} def __init__(self, args: ModelArguments, commands: list[Command]): super().__init__(args, commands) if self.args.replay_path is None or not os.path.exists(self.args.replay_path): raise ValueError( "--replay_path must point to a file that exists to run a replay policy" ) self.replays = [ list(json.loads(x).values())[0] for x in open(self.args.replay_path, "r").readlines() ] self.replay_idx = 0 self.action_idx = 0 def query(self, history: list[dict[str, str]]) -> str: """ Logic for tracking which replay action to pass to SWEEnv """ action = self.replays[self.replay_idx][self.action_idx] self.action_idx += 1 # Assuming `submit` is always last action of replay trajectory if action == "submit": self.replay_idx += 1 self.action_idx = 0 return action def get_model(args: ModelArguments, commands: Optional[list[Command]] = None): """ Returns correct model object given arguments and commands """ if commands is None: commands = [] if args.model_name == "human": return HumanModel(args, commands) if args.model_name == "human_thought": return HumanThoughtModel(args, commands) if args.model_name == "replay": return ReplayModel(args, commands) elif args.model_name.startswith("gpt") or args.model_name.startswith("ft:gpt") or args.model_name.startswith("azure:gpt"): return OpenAIModel(args, commands) elif args.model_name.startswith("claude"): return AnthropicModel(args, commands) elif args.model_name.startswith("ollama"): return OllamaModel(args, commands) elif args.model_name in TogetherModel.SHORTCUTS: return TogetherModel(args, commands) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid model name: {args.model_name}")