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Environment variables

Persisting environment variables

All environment variables can also be added to keys.cfg instead. See here for more information.

This page details all environment variables that are currently in use by SWE-agent.

  • All API keys (for LMs and GitHub) can be set as an environment variable. See here for more information.
  • SWE_AGENT_CONFIG_ROOT: Used to resolve relative paths in the config
  • SWE_AGENT_ENV_LONG_TIMEOUT (default: 500): Timeout in seconds used for commands that install instance environment.
  • SWE_AGENT_ACTION_TIMEOUT (default: 25): Timeout in seconds used for commands issued by the agent
  • SWE_AGENT_ACTION_NO_OUTPUT_TIMEOUT (default: equal to SWE_AGENT_ACTION_TIMEOUT): Timeout in seconds used when no output is produced for the defined duration for commands issued by the agent
  • SWE_AGENT_MODEL_MAX_RETRIES (default: 10): Maximum retries when querying the model

The following three variables can only be set as environment variables, not in the config file

  • SWE_AGENT_LOG_TIME: Add timestamps to log
  • SWE_AGENT_LOG_STREAM_LEVEL: Level of logging that is shown on the command line interface (TRACE being a custom level below DEBUG)


The following variables might still be subject to change

  • SWE_AGENT_COMMUNICATE_METHOD: Determines how SWE-agent communicates with the running process in the docker container: end-marker (default, fast) or processes (legacy, slow, more tested)
  • SWE_AGENT_CLONE_METHOD: shallow (default, only retrieves relevant commit) or full (clones repository including full history). When using persistent containers or running over multiple problem statements, we fall back to full.
  • SWE_AGENT_DOCKER_START_UP_DELAY: Number of seconds to wait after starting a docker container