requirements.txt 1.0 KB

  1. Cython
  2. numpy # ==1.23.0
  3. numba==0.56.4
  4. pandas
  5. transformers
  6. scipy==1.11.1 # required by cal_fid.
  7. scikit-learn
  8. scikit-image
  9. # tensorflow # you can flexible it, this is gpu version
  10. tensorboard
  11. tensorboardX
  12. python_speech_features
  13. resampy
  14. opencv_python
  15. face_alignment
  16. matplotlib
  17. configargparse
  18. librosa==0.9.2
  19. praat-parselmouth # ==0.4.3
  20. trimesh
  21. kornia==0.5.0
  22. PyMCubes
  23. lpips
  24. setuptools # ==59.5.0
  25. ffmpeg-python
  26. moviepy
  27. dearpygui
  28. ninja
  29. pyaudio # for extract esperanto
  30. mediapipe
  31. protobuf
  32. decord
  33. soundfile
  34. pillow
  35. # torch # it's better to install torch with conda
  36. av
  37. timm
  38. pretrainedmodels
  39. faiss-cpu # for fast nearest camera pose retriveal
  40. einops
  41. # mmcv # use mim install is faster
  42. # conditional flow matching
  43. beartype
  44. torchode
  45. torchdiffeq
  46. # tts
  47. cython
  48. textgrid
  49. pyloudnorm
  50. websocket-client
  51. pyworld==0.2.1rc0
  52. pypinyin==0.42.0
  53. webrtcvad
  54. torchshow
  55. # cal spk sim
  56. s3prl
  57. fire
  58. # cal LMD
  59. dlib
  60. # debug
  61. ipykernel
  62. # lama
  63. hydra-core
  64. pytorch_lightning
  65. setproctitle
  66. # Gradio GUI
  67. httpx==0.23.3
  68. gradio==4.16.0