glossary.rst 5.0 KB

  1. ========
  2. Glossary
  3. ========
  4. .. glossary::
  5. 6LoWPAN
  6. IPv6 over Low power Wireless Personal Area Networks
  7. ACM
  8. Abstract Control Model (USB)
  9. ADC
  10. Analog to Digital Conversion
  11. AIC
  12. Advanced Interrupt Controller (Atmel SAM)
  13. ARP
  14. Address Resolution Protocol (networking)
  15. BCH
  16. Block to Character
  17. BINFMT
  18. Binary Format (Dynamic Loader)
  19. BLE
  20. Bluetooth4 Low Energy
  21. BPP
  22. Bits Per Pixel
  23. CAN
  24. Controller Area Network
  25. CDC
  26. Communication Device Class (USB)
  27. CP15
  28. Coprocessor 15 (ARM)
  29. CPU
  30. Central Processing Unit
  31. DEVIF
  32. Device Interface (networking)
  33. DAC
  34. Digital to Analog Conversion
  35. DCD
  36. Device Controller Driver (USB)
  37. DCMI
  38. Digital Camera Interface
  39. DEV
  40. Device
  41. DHCP
  42. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
  43. DHCPC
  44. DHCP Client
  45. DHCPD
  46. DHCP Daemon (server)
  47. DMA
  48. Direct Memory Access (hardware)
  49. DMAC
  50. DMA Controller (hardware)
  51. DNS
  52. Domain Name Service (or System or Server) (networking)
  53. DRAM
  54. Dynamic RAM
  55. EABI
  56. Embedded-Application Binary Interface
  57. EEPROM
  58. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
  59. EMAC
  60. Ethernet Media Access Controller (networking)
  61. EPROM
  62. Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
  63. FAT
  64. File Allocation Table (file systems)
  65. FB
  66. Frame Buffer (video interface)
  67. FSMC
  68. Flexible Static Memory Controller (STM32)
  69. FTL
  70. FLASH Translation Layer (MTD)
  71. GPIO
  72. General Purpose Input/Output
  73. GMAC
  74. Gigabit Media Access Controller (networking)
  75. HCD
  76. Host Controller Driver (USB)
  77. HSMCI
  78. High Speed Memory Card Interface (Atmel)
  79. I/O Input/Output
  80. IOCTL
  81. Input/Output Control
  82. IoT
  83. Internet of Things (marketing BS)
  84. IP
  85. Internet Protocol (version 4?) (networking)
  86. IPv4
  87. Internet Protocol Version 4 (networking)
  88. IPv6
  89. Internet Protocol Version 6 (networking)
  90. IRQ
  91. Interrupt Request (hardware)
  92. I2C
  93. Inter-Integrated Circuit (serial interface)
  94. I2S
  95. Inter IC Sound (serial interface)
  96. ICMP
  97. Internet Control Message Protocol (networking)
  98. ICMPv6
  99. Internet Control Message Protocol for IPv6 (networking)
  100. IGMP
  101. Internet Group Multicast Protocol (networking)
  102. IOB
  103. I/O Buffer (networking)
  104. LAN
  105. Local Area Network (networking)
  106. LCD
  107. Liquid Crystal Display
  108. LIBC
  109. The "C" Library
  110. LIBM
  111. The "C" Math Library
  112. LP
  113. Low Power
  114. MAC
  115. Media Access Control (networking, OSI model)
  116. MCI
  117. Memory Card Interface
  118. MCU
  119. Microcontroller Unit
  120. MM
  121. Memory Management/Manager
  122. MMAP
  123. Memory Map
  124. MMC
  125. Multi-Media Card
  126. MMCSD
  127. See MMC and SD
  128. MMU
  129. Memory Management Unit
  130. MPU
  131. Memory Protection Unit
  132. MTD
  133. Memory Technology Device
  134. NFS
  135. Network File System
  136. NETDB
  137. Network Data Base (networking)
  138. NETDEV
  139. Network Device (networking)
  140. NSH
  141. NuttShell
  142. NVM
  143. Non-Volatile Memory
  144. NTP
  145. Network Time Protocol (networking)
  146. NX
  147. NuttX, the NuttX Graphics server (graphics)
  148. NXFFS
  149. NuttX Flash File System
  150. NXWM
  151. The NuttX Window Manager (graphics)
  152. PID
  153. Process ID (operating systems)
  154. Peripheral
  155. ID (Atmel SAM)
  156. PROM
  157. Programmable Read-Only Memory
  158. OS
  159. Operating System
  160. OTG
  161. On-The-Go (USB)
  162. OTP
  163. One-Time Programmable
  164. POR
  165. Power-On Reset
  166. PWM
  167. Pulse Width Modulation
  168. PKT
  169. "Raw" Packet socket (networking)
  170. PRNG
  171. Pseudo-Random Number Generator
  172. QSPI
  173. Quad SPI
  174. RAM
  175. Random Access Memory
  176. RNG
  177. Random Number Generator
  178. ROM
  179. Read-Only Memory
  180. RNDIS
  181. Remote Network Driver Interface Specification (USB, networking)
  182. RTC
  183. Real Time Clock
  184. RTCC
  185. Real Time Clock/Calendar
  186. RTOS
  187. Real Time Operating System
  188. SAIC
  189. Secure Advanced Interrupt Controller (Atmel SAM)
  190. SCI
  191. Serial Communications Interface
  192. SD
  193. Secure Digital (flash memory)
  194. SDHC
  195. Secure Digital High Capacity (flash memory),
  196. Secure
  197. Digital Host Controller (hardware)
  198. SDIO
  199. Secure Digital I/O
  200. SDRAM
  201. Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
  202. SLCD
  203. Segment Liquid Crystal Display
  204. SMC
  205. Static Memory Controller (hardware)
  206. SPI
  207. Serial Peripheral Interface
  208. SPRNG
  209. Scalable Parallel Random Number Generator
  210. SRAM
  211. Static RAM
  212. SYSLOG
  213. System Log
  214. TCP
  215. Transmission Control Protocol (networking)
  216. TRNG
  217. True Random Number Generator
  218. TSC
  219. Touchscreen Controller
  220. TUN
  221. network TUNnel
  222. TWI
  223. Two-Wire Interface (serial interface)
  224. UDP
  225. User Datagram Protocol (networking)
  226. UART
  227. Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
  228. USB
  229. Universal Serial Bus (serial interface)
  230. USART
  231. Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
  232. VNC
  233. Virtual Network Computing (graphics, remote desktop)
  234. WAN
  235. Wide Area Network (networking)
  236. WLAN
  237. Wireless Local Area Network (networking)
  238. WPAN
  239. Wireless Personal Area Network (networking)
  240. WDT
  241. Watchdog Timer (hardware)
  242. XIP
  243. eXecute In Place
  244. XDMAC
  245. Extended DMA Controller (Atmel)