.. include:: /substitutions.rst .. _compiling: ========= Compiling ========= Now that we've installed Apache NuttX prerequisites and downloaded the source code, we are ready to compile the source code into an executable binary file that can be run on the embedded board. Initialize Configuration ======================== The first step is to initialize NuttX configuration for a given board, based from a pre-existing configuration. To list all supported configurations you can do: .. code-block:: console $ cd nuttx $ ./tools/configure.sh -L | less The output is in the format ``:``. You will see that generally all boards support the ``nsh`` configuration which is a good starting point since it enables booting into the interactive command line :doc:`/applications/nsh/index`. To choose a configuration you pass the ``:`` option to ``configure.sh`` and indicate your host platform, such as: .. code-block:: console $ cd nuttx $ ./tools/configure.sh -l stm32f4discovery:nsh The ``-l`` tells use that we're on Linux (macOS and Windows builds are possible). Use the ``-h`` argument to see all available options. You can then customize this configuration by using the menu based configuration system with: .. code-block:: console $ cd nuttx/ $ make menuconfig Modifying the configuration is covered in :doc:`configuring`. Build NuttX =========== We can now build NuttX. To do so, you can simply run: .. code-block:: console $ cd nuttx/ $ make The build will complete by generating the binary outputs inside ``nuttx`` directory. Typically this includes the ``nuttx`` ELF file (suitable for debugging using ``gdb``) and a ``nuttx.bin`` file that can be flashed to the board. To clean the build, you can do: .. code-block:: console $ make clean .. tip:: To increase build speed (or of any other target such as ``clean``), you can pass the ``-jN`` flag to ``make``, where ``N`` is the number of parallel jobs to start (usually, the number of processors on your machine).