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  624. <h1 id="meshcentral-documentation">MeshCentral Documentation<a class="headerlink" href="#meshcentral-documentation" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h1>
  625. <h2 id="about">About<a class="headerlink" href="#about" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
  626. <p>MeshCentral is a full computer management web site. With MeshCentral, you can run your own web server to remotely manage and control computers on a local network or anywhere on the internet. Once you get the server started, create device group and download and install an agent on each computer you want to manage. A minute later, the new computer will show up on the web site and you can take control of it. MeshCentral includes full web-based remote desktop, terminal and file management capability.</p>
  627. <p>For more information, <a href="">visit</a>.</p>
  628. <h2 id="social-media">Social Media<a class="headerlink" href="#social-media" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
  629. <p><a href="">YouTube</a></p>
  630. <p><a href="">Reddit</a></p>
  631. <p><a href="">Twitter</a></p>
  632. <p><a href="">BlogSpot</a></p>
  633. <h2 id="documentation">Documentation<a class="headerlink" href="#documentation" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
  634. <p>The <a href="meshcentral">User's Guide</a> contains information every administrator should know including usage, the server configuration file, databases, TLS offloading, Lets Encrypt, IP Filtering, Email setup, embedding, server port aliasing, reverse proxy setup, multi factor authentication, branding &amp; terms of use, HashiCorp Vault support, and SSO.</p>
  635. <p>The <a href="install/install2/">Installation Guide</a> has detailed instructions for installing the MeshCentral Server on Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 2012 R2, Amazon Linux 2, Raspberry Pi, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Ubuntu 18, Ubuntu 16 and OpenBSD.</p>
  636. <p>The <a href="design">Design and Architecture Guide</a> is a short document that includes information on the design overview, dependencies, source code descriptions of each file, certificates, TLS security, the agent to server handshake, browser to agent relay and WebRTC and the messenger service.</p>
  637. <h2 id="video-tutorials">Video Tutorials<a class="headerlink" href="#video-tutorials" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
  638. <p>You can watch many tutorial videos on the <a href="">MeshCentral YouTube Channel</a>. Two videos to get started involve installation and basic usages.</p>
  639. <p>Installing MeshCentral on Windows, Linux and macOS.
  640. <a href="">MeshCentral - Installation</a></p>
  641. <p>Basic Usages including installing the agent and remote desktop, terminal and file access.
  642. <a href="">MeshCentral - Basics</a></p>
  643. <p>MeshCentral support for two-factor authentication.
  644. <a href="">MeshCentral - Two Factor Authentication</a></p>
  645. <p>How to setup MeshCentral with the NGINX reverse proxy.
  646. <a href="">MeshCentral - NGINX Reverse Proxy</a></p>
  647. <p>Installing and using the MeshCentral Android agent.
  648. <a href="">MeshCentral - Android</a></p>
  649. <p>Using MeshCentral Router to port map TCP connections.
  650. <a href="">MeshCentral - Basics</a></p>
  651. <h2 id="feedback">Feedback<a class="headerlink" href="#feedback" title="Permanent link">&para;</a></h2>
  652. <p>If you encounter a problem or have a suggestion to improve the product, you may file an <a href="">issue report</a></p>
  653. <p>If you are filing a problem report, you should include:</p>
  654. <ul>
  655. <li>The version of the software you are using</li>
  656. <li>The Operating System and version</li>
  657. <li>The observed output</li>
  658. <li>The expected output</li>
  659. <li>Any troubleshooting you took to resolve the issue yourself</li>
  660. <li>Any other similar reports~~</li>
  661. </ul>
  662. <p>If you are having issues with the following other products, you should file a report on their respective issue pages
  663. <a href="">MeshAgent</a>
  664. <a href="">MeshRouter</a>
  665. License</p>
  666. <p>This software is licensed under <a href="">Apache 2.0</a>.</p>
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