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How to create a docker image for meshcentral

> git clone
> cd MeshCentral

> docker build -f docker/Dockerfile --force-rm -t meshcentral .

# alternative, if you want to include the mongodb-tools (mongodump, ...), you can add the 'INCLUDE_MONGODBTOOLS=yes' build argument
> docker build -f docker/Dockerfile --force-rm --build-arg INCLUDE_MONGODBTOOLS=yes -t meshcentral .

# (optional) cleanup after docker build:
> cd ..
> rm -rf MeshCentral/
Argument Description
-f docker/Dockerfile Path/Name of the Dockerfile
--force-rm Always remove intermediate containers
-t meshcentral Name and optionally a tag in the 'name:tag' format

Optional build arguments

Argument Description
INCLUDE_MONGODBTOOLS=yes Includes mongodb-tools (mongodump, ...) in the image
DISABLE_MINIFY=yes Disables the minification of files
DISABLE_TRANSLATE=yes Disables the translation of files