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title: "1-bit Adam: Up to 5x less communication volume and up to 2x faster training"

In this tutorial, we are going to introduce the 1-bit Adam optimizer in DeepSpeed. 1-bit Adam can improve model training speed on communication-constrained clusters, especially for communication-intensive large models by reducing the overall communication volume by up to 5x. Detailed description of the 1-bit Adam algorithm, its implementation in DeepSpeed, and performance evaluation is available from our blog post.

To illustrate the benefits and usage of 1-bit Adam optimizer in DeepSpeed, we use the following two training tasks as examples:

  1. BingBertSQuAD Fine-tuning
  2. BERT Pre-training

For more details on these tasks, please refer to the tutorial posts on BingBertSQuAD Fine-tuning and BERT Pre-training.

1. Overview

Pre-requisites for installing DeepSpeed

If you don't already have a copy of the DeepSpeed repository, please clone in now and checkout the DeepSpeedExamples submodule that contains the BingBertSQuAD and BERT Pre-training examples.

git clone
cd DeepSpeed
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd DeepSpeedExamples/

Pre-requisites for 1-bit Adam

1-bit Adam uses advanced communication schemes that are not yet supported by PyTorch distributed and NCCL. We rely on Message Passing Interface (MPI) for these advanced communication primitives.

We package the necessary dependencies in the DeepSpeed docker images. However, if you are using a different build system, please install MPI and mpi4py on your system. We have tested CUDA-Aware MPI communication using the MVAPICH2-GDR library. However, any CUDA-Aware communication library including OpenMPI should work fine with these examples.

An example launch command for 1-bit Adam using the deepspeed launcher is as follows:

deepspeed --launcher=[mvapich|openmpi]

Alternatively, the standard mpirun launcher can also be used as follows:

mpirun -np [#processes] -ppn [#GPUs on each node] -hostfile [hostfile] [MPI flags] bash []

1-bit Algorithm

The detailed description of the 1-bit Algorithm can be seen from our blog post.

Configuration of 1-bit Adam

The 1-bit Adam feature can be used by setting the optimizer configuration options as follows. An example json config file is shown below.

  "train_batch_size": 4096,
  "train_micro_batch_size_per_gpu": 64,
  "optimizer": {
    "type": "OneBitAdam",
    "params": {
      "lr": 2e-4,
      "freeze_step": 400,
      "cuda_aware": true
  "fp16": {
    "enabled": true,

Please note two new parameters freeze_step and cuda_aware that have been added to support the 1-bit Adam feature.

cuda_aware is used to indicate that the underlying MPI library support CUDA-Aware communication. This feature is only supported on systems with InfiniBand interconnect and a CUDA-Aware MPI library like MVAPICH2-GDR or OpenMPI built with CUDA-Aware support. Setting cuda_aware to False will allow training on Ethernet based systems. However, the communication will happen using sender as well as receiver side memory copies between CPU and GPU buffers before and after communication.

freeze_step is the number of warm up steps before 1-bit compression gets applied to the communication. In order to determine the number of warm up steps, one strategy is to set 15-25% of the total training steps for a given model. If it provides the desired outcome, one can try to extract more performance by reducing the steps systematically. In future, we plan to introduce a threshold that can automatically search and decide for the number of warm up steps for different models. The examples below have been tuned for the number of warm up steps. The freeze_step parameter has already been set to the best number we found in the corresponding run scripts.

2. BingBertSQuAD Fine-tuning with 1-bit Adam

You can also use a pre-trained BERT model checkpoint from either DeepSpeed, HuggingFace, or TensorFlow to run the fine-tuning.

2.1 Running BingBertSQuAD with DeepSpeed and 1-bit Adam

The main part of training is done in, which has already been modified to use DeepSpeed. The script helps to invoke training and setup several different hyperparameters relevant to the training process.

  • DeepSpeed-enabled: Start training with DeepSpeed by providing the following 4 arguments to this script:

The first argument is the number of GPUs to train with, second argument is the path to the pre-training checkpoint, third is the path to training and validation sets (e.g., train-v1.1.json), and fourth is path to an output folder where the results will be saved. This script will invoke

  • DeepSpeed with 1-bit Adam enabled: In order to run with 1-bit Adam feature enabled, the same script ( can be used but there are two options for launching this properly: 1) Launch using deepspeed launcher and 2) Launch with mpirun.

To enable the 1-bit compressed training, 1-bit Adam uses an MPI library (E.g. MVAPICH2-GDR, OpenMPI, etc.) as the communication backend, which means that we can use mpirun to launchg the training job. However, our user-friendly launcher called deepspeed has been enhanced to launch MPI jobs as well.

Launch with deepspeed

The following helper script in the DeepSpeedExamples/BingBertSQuAD will launch the training without the need for setting any mpirun parameters. The number of nodes and GPUs will be automatically detected and the job will be launched on all the available resources.


Launch with mpirun

Alternatively, we show how the standard mpirun launcher can be used for launching the fine-tuning job.

mpirun -np [#processes] -ppn [#GPUs on each node] -hostfile [hostfile] [MPI flags] bash

For example, in order to use 32 GPUs (4GPUs/node, 8 nodes in total), with the support of InfiniBand, you can use the mpirun launcher packaged with the MVAPICH2 library. Please run the folowing command:

mpirun -np 32 -ppn 4 -hostfile hosts -env MV2_USE_CUDA=1 -env MV2_SUPPORT_DL=1 -env MV2_ENABLE_AFFINITY=0 -env MV2_SMP_USE_CMA=0 bash

2.2 Configuration for BingBertSQuAD with DeepSpeed and 1-bit Adam enabled

The deepspeed_onebitadam_bsz96_config.json file gives the user the ability to specify DeepSpeed options in terms of batch size, micro batch size, optimizer, learning rate, and other parameters. When running the, in addition to the --deepspeed flag to enable DeepSpeed, the appropriate DeepSpeed configuration file must be specified using --deepspeed_config deepspeed_onebitadam_bsz96_config.json.

Table 1 shows the fine-tuning configuration we used in our experiments.

Parameters Value
Total batch size 96
Train micro batch size per GPU 3
Optimizer OnebitAdam
Learning rate 3e-5
Sequence-length 384
Weight-decay 0.0
Epoch count 2
freeze_step 400
cuda_aware True

Table 1. Fine-tuning configuration

Note: For more details about loading checkpoint, argument parsing, initialization, forward pass, backward pass, weight update and evaluation, please refer to the BingBertSQuAD Fine-tuning tutorial.

2.3 Performance Results for BingBertSQuAD Fine-tuning

Accuracy: The results are summarized in the table below. The total batch size is set to 96 and training is conducted on 32 GPUs for 2 epochs. A set of parameters (seeds and learning rates) were tried and the best ones were selected. We fixed the learning rate to 3e-5. The table below shows the F1 and the EM scores we achieved that are on-par or better than the HuggingFace results.

Case Model Precision EM F1
HuggingFace Bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking FP16 87.26 93.32

Training Speed and Scalability:

1-bit Adam enables up to 2.7x overall speedup in training speed for SQuAD fine-tuning. This is made possible by up to 6.2x faster througput during the compressed stage of the algorithm as shown in Figure 1.

SQuAD Finetuning{: .align-center}

Figure 1: Scalability of 1-bit Adam for SQuAD Finetuning on V100 GPUs with batch size of 3/GPU.

3. BERT Pre-training with 1-bit Adam

For data downloading and pre-processing, please refer to the BERT Pre-training post.

3.1 Running Pre-training with DeepSpeed and 1-bit Adam

The main part of training is done in, which has already been modified to use DeepSpeed. The and are the shell scripts that help to invoke training and setup several different hyperparameters relevant to the training process.

  • DeepSpeed-enabled: Start training with DeepSpeed by running the command below:
  • DeepSpeed with 1-bit Adam enabled: In order to run with 1-bit Adam feature enabled, the same script ( can be used but there are two options for launching this properly:

Launch with deepspeed

As discussed for BingBertSQuAD fine-tuning, we can simply use the deepspeed launcher to launch our BERT pre-training jobs as follows.


Launch with mpirun

Alternatively, use the following command to launch using mpirun.

mpirun -np [#processes] -ppn [#GPUs on each node] -hostfile [hostfile] [MPI flags] bash

For example, in order to use 32 GPUs (4GPUs/node, 8 nodes in total), with the support of InfiniBand, you can use MVAPICH2 as the launcher and run the following command:

mpirun -np 32 -ppn 4 -hostfile hosts -env MV2_USE_CUDA=1 -env MV2_SUPPORT_DL=1 -env MV2_ENABLE_AFFINITY=0 -env MV2_SMP_USE_CMA=0 bash

3.2 Configuration for BingBertSQuAD with DeepSpeed and 1-bit Adam enabled

The deepspeed_bsz4k_onebit_config_seq128.json file gives the user the ability to specify DeepSpeed options in terms of batch size, micro batch size, optimizer, learning rate, and other parameters.

Below is the DeepSpeed configuration file for running BERT-large pre-training with sequence length of 128 using the 1-bit Adam optimizer.

  "train_batch_size": 4096,
  "train_micro_batch_size_per_gpu": 16,
  "steps_per_print": 100,
  "optimizer": {
    "type": "OneBitAdam",
    "params": {
      "lr": 2e-4,
      "max_grad_norm": 1.0,
      "weight_decay": 0.01,
      "bias_correction": false,
      "freeze_step": 23000,
      "cuda_aware": true
  "fp16": {
    "enabled": true,
    "loss_scale": 0,
    "initial_scale_power": 16

The above file is for BERT-large but for BERT-base training (sequence length 128), the suggested freeze_step will need to be changed to 16000. For the rest of the pre-training using sequence 512, we suggest to use a freeze_step of 1500.

3.3 Performance Results for BERT Pre-training

Performance results of BERT Pre-training can be seen from our detailed blog post.