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# DeepSpeed Universal Checkpointing: Efficient and Flexible Checkpointing for Large Scale Distributed Training

To cite DeepSpeed Universal Checkpoint, please cite our arxiv report:

title={Universal Checkpointing: Efficient and Flexible Checkpointing for
Large Scale Distributed Training},
author={Xinyu Lian and Sam Ade Jacobs and Lev Kurilenko and Masahiro Tanaka
and Stas Bekman and Olatunji Ruwase and Minjia Zhang},
journal={arxiv preprint arxiv:406.18820},



Checkpointing is a crucial technique for reducing the cost of training machine learning models, as it enables saving the model state during the process. This way, if the system fails, the training can resume from the most recent checkpoint instead of from the beginning. Additionally, checkpointing allows for evaluating the model performance at various stages of training, which facilitates hyperparameter tuning and finetuning for different and varied downstream tasks.

However, there are challenges in the design, implementation and usage of checkpointing especially in distributed training and finetuning scenarios. Parallel training methods such as ZeRO data parallelism (ZeRO-DP), pipeline parallelism (PP), tensor parallelism (TP) and sequence parallelism (SP) are popular technologies for accelerating LLMs training. However, elastic and flexible composition of these different parallelism topologies with checkpointing is not currently available, in part, because these techniques shard model and/or optimizer states making it difficult to resume training with a checkpoint that was created on a different number of GPUs or accelerators.

In this release, we are excited to introduce DeepSpeed Universal Checkpointing (UCP), a most comprehensive solution to the problem of distributed checkpointing. UCP enables efficient checkpoint creation while providing the flexibility of resuming on arbitrary parallelism strategies and hardware configurations. UCP also unlocks unprecedented capabilities for large-scale training such as improved resilience to hardware failures through continued training on remaining healthy hardware, and reduced training time through opportunistic exploitation of elastic capacity.

In summary, this release of UCP unlocks the following capabilities:

  • Flexible checkpoints reshape along any of the training parallelism techniques (i.e., PP, TP, DP, ZeRO-DP, SP, MoE)

  • Elastic resource management, scale up or scale down of training and finetuning accelerator resources

  • Real world examples with support for multiple commercial-scale models (i.e., BLOOM, Megatron GPT, LLAMA, Microsoft Phi)

Core Design

The key insight of DeepSpeed UCP is the selection of the optimal representation in each phase of the checkpointing life cycle: distributed representation for saving, and consolidated representation for loading. This is achieved using two key mechanisms. First, the universal checkpoint format, which consists of a consolidated representation of each model parameter, and metadata for mapping parameter fragments to the ranks of an arbitrary parallel training configuration. Second, the universal checkpoint language, a simple but powerful and robust specification language for converting distributed checkpoints into the universal checkpoint format.

Universal Checkpoint Format

Figure 1: UCP overview: top row and bottom row are Source and Target parallelism configurations respectively. The middle row shows UCP as an intermediate format of translating from Source to Target.

Figure 1 shows high level schematic description of UCP conversion process and format. Conversion starts with top block of checkpointing in any parallel format e.g, DP, TP, PP, SP. Saving in the native format of parallel training avoids any overhead of consolidating into a single global checkpoint. To ensure that a checkpoint saved in one parallel configuration (herein called Source) can be easily converted and loaded for continuous training in another parallel configuration (herein called Target), we introduce the idea of atomic checkpoint as an intermediate format.

The concept of atomic checkpoint is central to UCP. These are fine-grained files containing the consolidated representation of each model parameter, along with optimizer states. The atomic checkpoint format is useful for three reasons. First, the atomic representation of checkpoints decouples the dependencies of distributed checkpoints and specific parallelism techniques and hardware configurations. As such, one does not need to implement individual converters for each Source and Target pair. Instead, UCP can act as a common interchange format between different distributed training techniques, which then can be easily transformed into other distributed training strategies, as shown in Fig 2. By keeping the consolidated representation of each model parameter, UCP enables easy splitting and flexible mapping of model states or fragmented states to different GPUs on a parameter-by-parameter basis, effectively reducing the working memory needed to load large model checkpoints. Second, the UCP conversion happens lazily and on-demand, e.g., when a training process detects a change of parallelism technique and hardware configuration. In other words, the existing distributed checkpoint saving logic does not need any change. Third, the structure of the UCP also makes it easy to handle advanced techniques in distributed training, such as mixed-precision training. In practice, researchers and practitioners may switch between fp16 and bfloat16 mixed precision training. By keeping the fp32 weight/optimizer values, the training can resume either with fp16 or bfloat16.

Universal Checkpoint Language

Figure 2: UCP language helps transform distributed checkpoints into the UCP format and load UCP checkpoints based on the Target parallel technique and new hardware configuration.

While UCP provides a common interface for different parallelism strategies, the development of transformation from arbitrary distributed checkpoints to UCP can still incur a high engineering and implementation cost. This is because the number of distributed checkpoint files and their contents can vary across the different parallel training techniques.

To tackle this challenge, UCP provides UCP language, which is a simple but powerful specification language for converting a distributed checkpoint into the atomic checkpoint format, described in previous section. UCP does this in two ways. First, it provides a declarative system with pre-defined parameter patterns, which cover a wide range of parallelism strategies for model states. Parameter patterns contain runtime information about how a parameter is partitioned across GPUs. For instance, nopattern means that a parameter is uniquely associated with a GPU rank, which is the most common pattern seen in techniques such as ZeRO-1/2 and PP (see our technical report for a completed list of currently supported parameter patterns). Second, UCP language provides a set of common operators that facilitate the transformation of distributed checkpoints into consolidated atomic checkpoints. At a high-level, as illustrated in Figure 3, UCP language is invoked when support for a new Target is needed or the hardware configuration changes. It first transforms distributed checkpoints into the UCP format. It then loads the UCP checkpoints based on the Target parallel technique and new hardware configuration.

Key Results

We evaluate UCP through a series of experiments on training LLMs. We focus on the decoder-only Transformers: an architecture chosen due to its state-of-the-art performance. Some of the largest models are also decoder-based, making flexible and efficient checkpointing especially important. In this blog, we present results of correctness verification across different models and parallel strategies. For more results on parallel efficiency analysis, detailed system and model architectures and training hyperparameters, please see our technical report referenced above.

UCP provides flexible checkpointing from a Source parallelism strategy to a different Target with different hardware configurations. To verify this capability, we conduct correctness tests of UCP with two groups of experiments.

Single Source to Multiple Target

Figure 3: Training curves of loading UCP checkpoints into different Target at iteration 101 with various GPU counts and parallelism strategies

To test if UCP allows resuming training with different parallelism strategies and hardware configuration, we first train the GPT-3 model using a configuration of TP=2, PP=2, DP=2 (ZeRO-1), and SP=1. Due to constraints in time and resources, we limited the experiment to the first 200 iterations. We convert the checkpoints saved at the 100th iteration to UCP checkpoints and resume training with these UCP checkpoints using different GPU counts and parallelism strategies. We record the LM loss (average losses across the data parallel group) for each iteration. Figure 3 illustrates that the training can be seamlessly resumed with UCP checkpoints using different Target parallelism strategies, achieving consistent convergence if the training were to continue with the Source strategy.

Multiple Source to Single Target

Figure 4: Training curves of transforming different Source parallelism strategies at iteration 100 to UCP and loading UCP with a different Target.

Figure 4 shows the training curves from multiple Source configurations to a single Target. Given a fixed random seed, we first train the GPT-3 model using different Source configurations. We then convert their distributed checkpoints saved at the 100th iteration to UCP checkpoints and resume training with a configuration of TP=2, PP=2, DP=1, and SP=1. The results show that regardless of the different Source configurations, their checkpoints can all be converted into UCP and resume training with a different configuration. Most importantly, the resumed training curves match the curves from the Source at iterations 101--200. These results validate the effectiveness of UCP of converting an arbitrary configuration to a different configuration for resumed training.

Varying Model Architectures

UCP is model architecture agnostic. As such, it is not only compatible with GPT models but also flexible enough to support various other model architectures and sizes. Figures 5, 6 and 7 show the training convergence for LLaMA 7B, BLOOM 176B, and a variant of Mixtral-7x8B MoE, when resuming from UCP at the middle of training with new parallelism strategies. These figures show that training is seamlessly resumed with UCP, achieving consistent convergence that aligns with the initial training phase across these diverse models. These results suggest that UCP is quite flexible for various model architectures and sizes.

A graph of training step Description automatically generated

Figure 5: Training curve with LLaMA model architecture. Source is TP=PP=DP=2. Training is resumed at iteration 101 with new Targets TP=DP=2, PP=1 and TP=PP=2, DP=1

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Figure 6: Training curve of BLOOM model architecture. Source is TP=2, PP=24, DP=8. Training is resumed at iteration 94767 with a new Targets TP=2, DP=4, PP=24.

A graph of training step Description automatically generated

Figure 7: Training curve with a variant of the Mixtral-MoE model architecture. Source is TP=1, PP=2, DP=4. Training is resumed at iteration 501 with a new Target TP=PP=DP=2.

General Availability of DeepSpeed Universal Checkpoint

We are excited to release DeepSpeed Universal Checkpoint. DeepSpeed Universal Checkpoint is available in DeepSpeed versions >= 0.14.4, has been fully integrated with Megatron-DeepSpeed (commit c3a13be). Detailed tutorial on usage is available on DeepSpeed tutorial page.

We welcome contributions and collaboration from the broader open-source community. DeepSpeed Universal Checkpoint is part of the bigger DeepSpeed ecosystem of large-scale AI training and inference. For more details on all DeepSpeed technologies and innovations, please visit our website and follow us on X, formerly Twitter, (English, Japanese) and Chinese Zhihu.

Acknowledgements and Contributions

We thank the collaboration of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Statosphere, and Intel Habana.

Contributions: Xinyu Lian $^1$, Sam Ade Jacobs $^2$, Lev Kurilenko $^2$, Masahiro Tanaka $^2$, Stas Bekman $^3$, Olatunji Ruwase $^2$, Minjia Zhang $^1$, Moshe Island $^4$

1: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2: Microsoft 3: StasoSphere 4: Intel Habana