# DeepSpeed note, some parts of code taken & adapted from commit c368a9fd1b2c9dee4cc94de9a6bb0be3d447be41 # https://github.com/ptillet/torch-blocksparse/blob/master/tests/test_softmax.py # https://github.com/ptillet/torch-blocksparse/blob/master/tests/test_matmul.py # https://github.com/ptillet/torch-blocksparse/blob/master/tests/utils import pytest import torch def test_sparse_attention_module_availability(): try: from deepspeed.ops import sparse_attention except ImportError: print("Sparse Attention Module is not installed!") return False return True def test_matmul_module_availability(): try: from deepspeed.ops.sparse_attention import MatMul except ImportError: print("Sparse MatMul Module is not installed!") return False return True def test_softmax_module_availability(): try: from deepspeed.ops.sparse_attention import Softmax except ImportError: print("Sparse Softmax Module is not installed!") return False return True def test_sparsityconfig_module_availability(): try: from deepspeed.ops.sparse_attention import SparsityConfig except ImportError: print("SparsityConfig Module is not installed!") return False return True def test_densesparsityconfig_module_availability(): try: from deepspeed.ops.sparse_attention import DenseSparsityConfig except ImportError: print("DenseSparsityConfig Module is not installed!") return False return True def test_fixedsparsityconfig_module_availability(): try: from deepspeed.ops.sparse_attention import FixedSparsityConfig except ImportError: print("FixedSparsityConfig Module is not installed!") return False return True def test_variablesparsityconfig_module_availability(): try: from deepspeed.ops.sparse_attention import VariableSparsityConfig except ImportError: print("VariableSparsityConfig Module is not installed!") return False return True def test_bigbirdsparsityconfig_module_availability(): try: from deepspeed.ops.sparse_attention import BigBirdSparsityConfig except ImportError: print("BigBirdSparsityConfig Module is not installed!") return False return True def test_bslongformersparsityconfig_module_availability(): try: from deepspeed.ops.sparse_attention import BSLongformerSparsityConfig except ImportError: print("BSLongformerSparsityConfig Module is not installed!") return False return True def test_sparseselfattention_module_availability(): try: from deepspeed.ops.sparse_attention import SparseSelfAttention except ImportError: print("SparseSelfAttention Module is not installed!") return False return True def test_bertsparseselfattention_module_availability(): try: from deepspeed.ops.sparse_attention import BertSparseSelfAttention except ImportError: print("BertSparseSelfAttention Module is not installed!") return False return True def test_sparseattentionutils_availability(): try: from deepspeed.ops.sparse_attention import SparseAttentionUtils except ImportError: print("SparseAttentionUtils Module is not installed!") return False return True def test_cpp_utils_availability(): try: from deepspeed.ops.sparse_attention import cpp_utils except ImportError: print("Sparse Attention cpp_utils Module is not installed!") return False return True def dense_to_sparse(w, mask, block): """Converts dense matrix with explicit zeros to sparse matrix """ Z = w.size(0) ret = torch.empty((Z, mask.sum(), block, block), dtype=w.dtype, device=w.device) nnz = mask.nonzero() h, i, j = nnz[:, 0], nnz[:, 1], nnz[:, 2] for zz in range(Z): for idx, (hh, ii, jj) in enumerate(zip(h, i, j)): ret[zz, idx, :, :] = w[zz, hh, ii*block: (ii+1)*block, jj*block: (jj+1)*block] return ret def sparse_to_dense(w, mask, block, zero=0): """Converts sparse matrix to dense matrix with explicit zeros """ maskedw = w.clone() for bz, wz in enumerate(range(0, w.size(0))): for bh, wh in enumerate(range(0, w.size(1))): for bi, wi in enumerate(range(0, w.size(2), block)): for bj, wj in enumerate(range(0, w.size(3), block)): if mask[bh, bi, bj] == 0: maskedw[wz, wh, wi:wi + block, wj:wj + block] = zero #maskedw[wz, wh, wi : wi+block, wj : wj+block] *= mask[bh, bi, bj] return maskedw def allclose(x, y): assert x.dtype == y.dtype rtol, atol = {torch.float32: (1e-4, 1e-5), torch.float16: (1e-2, 1e-3)}[x.dtype] return torch.allclose(x, y, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) def make_layout(rho, shape): probs = torch.Tensor([rho, 1 - rho]) generator = torch.distributions.categorical.Categorical(probs) layout = generator.sample(shape) return layout def run_softmax_reference(x, scale, dx, kp_mask, attn_mask, layout, block): x = sparse_to_dense(x, layout, block, zero=float('-inf')) x.retain_grad() if kp_mask is not None: bcattn_mask = attn_mask[None, None, :, :] + torch.zeros_like(x) x[bcattn_mask == 0] = float('-inf') y = torch.softmax(x * scale + kp_mask[:, None, None, :], -1) else: y = torch.softmax(x * scale, -1) y.backward(dx) dx = x.grad.clone() dx = dense_to_sparse(dx, layout, block) y = dense_to_sparse(y, layout, block) return y, dx def run_softmax_sparse(x, scale, dx, kp_mask, attn_mask, layout, block): from deepspeed.ops.sparse_attention import Softmax sparse_softmax = Softmax(layout, block, bench=False) dx = dense_to_sparse(dx, layout, block) x = dense_to_sparse(x, layout, block) x.retain_grad() y = sparse_softmax(x, scale=scale, key_padding_mask=kp_mask, key_padding_mask_mode='add', attn_mask=attn_mask, attn_mask_mode='mul') y.backward(dx) dx = x.grad.clone() x.grad.zero_() return x, dx def init_softmax_inputs(Z, H, M, N, scale, rho, block, dtype, dense_x=True, layout=None): if layout is None: layout = make_layout(rho, (H, M // block, N // block)) if dense_x: x = torch.rand((Z, H, M, N), dtype=dtype, requires_grad=True, device='cuda') else: x = torch.rand((Z, layout.sum(), block, block), dtype=dtype, requires_grad=True, device='cuda') dx = torch.rand_like(x) bool_attn_mask = torch.randint(low=0, high=2, size=(N, N), dtype=torch.bool, requires_grad=False, device='cuda') fp_attn_mask = bool_attn_mask.type(dtype) kp_mask = torch.randint(low=0, high=2, size=(Z, N), dtype=dtype, requires_grad=False, device='cuda') kp_mask[kp_mask == 1.] = float('-inf') return layout, x, dx, bool_attn_mask, fp_attn_mask, kp_mask def _skip_on_cuda_compatability(): pytest.skip("Skip these tests for now until we get our docker image fixed.") if torch.cuda.get_device_capability()[0] != 7: pytest.skip("needs compute capability 7; v100") cuda_major = int(torch.version.cuda.split('.')[0]) * 10 cuda_minor = int(torch.version.cuda.split('.')[1]) cuda_version = cuda_major + cuda_minor if cuda_version != 101 and cuda_version != 102: pytest.skip("requires cuda 10.1 or 10.2") @pytest.mark.parametrize("block", [16, 32]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("width", [256, 576]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [torch.float16, torch.float32]) def test_softmax(block, width, dtype): _skip_on_cuda_compatability() Z = 2 H = 4 scale = 0.4 rho = 0.4 M = N = width layout, x, dx, bool_attn_mask, fp_attn_mask, kp_mask = init_softmax_inputs(Z, H, M, N, scale, rho, block, dtype, layout=None) ref_y, ref_dx = run_softmax_reference(x, scale, dx, kp_mask, bool_attn_mask, layout, block) st_y, st_dx = run_softmax_sparse(x, scale, dx, kp_mask, fp_attn_mask, layout, block) assert allclose(ref_y, st_y) assert allclose(ref_dx, st_dx) def run_matmul_reference(x, w, mode, trans_a, trans_b, layout, block, dy): x = sparse_to_dense(x, layout, block) if mode == 'dsd' else x w = sparse_to_dense(w, layout, block) if mode == 'dds' else w x.retain_grad() w.retain_grad() xx = x.transpose(2, 3) if trans_a else x ww = w.transpose(2, 3) if trans_b else w y = torch.matmul(xx, ww) y = sparse_to_dense(y, layout, block) if mode == 'sdd' else y y.backward(dy) dx = x.grad.clone() dw = w.grad.clone() x.grad.zero_() w.grad.zero_() y = dense_to_sparse(y, layout, block) if mode == 'sdd' else y dx = dense_to_sparse(dx, layout, block) if mode == 'dsd' else dx dw = dense_to_sparse(dw, layout, block) if mode == 'dds' else dw return y, dx, dw def run_matmul_sparse(x, w, mode, trans_a, trans_b, layout, block, dy): from deepspeed.ops.sparse_attention import MatMul x = dense_to_sparse(x, layout, block) if mode == 'dsd' else x w = dense_to_sparse(w, layout, block) if mode == 'dds' else w dy = dense_to_sparse(dy, layout, block) if mode == 'sdd' else dy op = MatMul(layout, block, mode, trans_a=trans_a, trans_b=trans_b) x.retain_grad() w.retain_grad() y = op(x, w) y.backward(dy) dx = x.grad.clone() dw = w.grad.clone() x.grad.zero_() return y, dx, dw def init_matmul_inputs(Z, H, M, N, K, rho, mode, trans_a, trans_b, block, dtype, layout): torch.manual_seed(1) AS0 = K if trans_a else M AS1 = M if trans_a else K BS0 = N if trans_b else K BS1 = K if trans_b else N shape = {'sdd': (M, N), 'dsd': (AS0, AS1), 'dds': (BS0, BS1)}[mode] x = torch.rand((Z, H, AS0, AS1), dtype=dtype, requires_grad=True, device='cuda') w = torch.rand((Z, H, BS0, BS1), dtype=dtype, requires_grad=True, device='cuda') dy = torch.rand((Z, H, M, N), dtype=dtype, device='cuda') if layout is None: layout = make_layout(rho, (H, shape[0] // block, shape[1] // block)) else: assert list(layout.shape) == [H, shape[0] // block, shape[1] // block] x.retain_grad() w.retain_grad() return x, w, dy, shape, layout testdata = [ (16, dtype, mode, trans_a, trans_b)\ for dtype in [torch.float16, torch.float32]\ for mode in ['sdd', 'dsd', 'dds']\ for trans_a in [False, True]\ for trans_b in [False, True]\ ] + [ (block, torch.float16, mode, False, False)\ for block in [16, 32, 64]\ for mode in ['sdd', 'dsd', 'dds']\ ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("block, dtype, mode, trans_a, trans_b", testdata) def test_matmul(block, dtype, mode, trans_a, trans_b): _skip_on_cuda_compatability() Z = 3 H = 2 M = 128 N = 256 K = 192 rho = 0.5 x, w, dy, shape, layout = init_matmul_inputs(Z, H, M, N, K, rho, mode, trans_a, trans_b, block, dtype, layout=None) ref_y, ref_dx, ref_dw = run_matmul_reference(x.clone(), w.clone(), mode, trans_a, trans_b, layout, block, dy) st_y, st_dx, st_dw = run_matmul_sparse(x.clone(), w.clone(), mode, trans_a, trans_b, layout, block, dy) assert allclose(ref_y, st_y) assert allclose(ref_dx, st_dx) assert allclose(ref_dw, st_dw)