# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # DeepSpeed Team ############################################# # Routes ############################################# ROUTE_TRAIN = "train" ROUTE_EVAL = "eval" ROUTE_PREDICT = "predict" ROUTE_ENCODE = "encode" ############################################# # Batch size ############################################# TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE = "train_batch_size" TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE_DEFAULT = None ############################################# # Sparse attention ############################################# SPARSE_ATTENTION = "sparse_attention" SPARSE_DENSE_MODE = "dense" SPARSE_FIXED_MODE = "fixed" SPARSE_VARIABLE_MODE = "variable" SPARSE_BIGBIRD_MODE = "bigbird" SPARSE_BSLONGFORMER_MODE = "bslongformer" SPARSE_MODE = "mode" SPARSE_MODE_DEFAULT = SPARSE_FIXED_MODE SPARSE_BLOCK = "block" SPARSE_BLOCK_DEFAULT = 16 SPARSE_DIFFERENT_LAYOUT_PER_HEAD = "different_layout_per_head" SPARSE_DIFFERENT_LAYOUT_PER_HEAD_DEFAULT = False SPARSE_NUM_LOCAL_BLOCKS = "num_local_blocks" SPARSE_NUM_LOCAL_BLOCKS_DEFAULT = 4 SPARSE_NUM_GLOBAL_BLOCKS = "num_global_blocks" SPARSE_NUM_GLOBAL_BLOCKS_DEFAULT = 1 SPARSE_ATTENTION_TYPE = "attention" SPARSE_ATTENTION_TYPE_DEFAULT = "bidirectional" SPARSE_HORIZONTAL_GLOBAL_ATTENTION = "horizontal_global_attention" SPARSE_HORIZONTAL_GLOBAL_ATTENTION_DEFAULT = False SPARSE_NUM_DIFFERENT_GLOBAL_PATTERNS = "num_different_global_patterns" SPARSE_NUM_DIFFERENT_GLOBAL_PATTERNS_DEFAULT = 1 SPARSE_NUM_RANDOM_BLOCKS = "num_random_blocks" SPARSE_NUM_RANDOM_BLOCKS_DEFAULT = 0 SPARSE_LOCAL_WINDOW_BLOCKS = "local_window_blocks" SPARSE_LOCAL_WINDOW_BLOCKS_DEFAULT = [4] SPARSE_GLOBAL_BLOCK_INDICES = "global_block_indices" SPARSE_GLOBAL_BLOCK_INDICES_DEFAULT = [0] SPARSE_GLOBAL_BLOCK_END_INDICES = "global_block_end_indices" SPARSE_GLOBAL_BLOCK_END_INDICES_DEFAULT = None SPARSE_NUM_SLIDING_WINDOW_BLOCKS = "num_sliding_window_blocks" SPARSE_NUM_SLIDING_WINDOW_BLOCKS_DEFAULT = 3 ############################################# # Optimizer and lr scheduler ############################################# OPTIMIZER = "optimizer" OPTIMIZER_TYPE_DEFAULT = None OPTIMIZER_PARAMS = "params" TYPE = "type" LEGACY_FUSION = "legacy_fusion" LEGACY_FUSION_DEFAULT = False SCHEDULER = "scheduler" SCHEDULER_TYPE_DEFAULT = None SCHEDULER_PARAMS = "params" MAX_GRAD_NORM = 'max_grad_norm' ############################################# # Optimizer and lr scheduler ############################################# ZERO_ALLOW_UNTESTED_OPTIMIZER = "zero_allow_untested_optimizer" ZERO_ALLOW_UNTESTED_OPTIMIZER_DEFAULT = False ZERO_FORCE_DS_CPU_OPTIMIZER = "zero_force_ds_cpu_optimizer" ZERO_FORCE_DS_CPU_OPTIMIZER_DEFAULT = True # Steps STEPS_PER_PRINT = "steps_per_print" STEPS_PER_PRINT_DEFAULT = 10 ######################################### # Training micro batch size per GPU ######################################### # Batch size for one training step. This is used when the # TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE cannot fit in GPU memory to determine # the number of gradient accumulation steps. By default, this # is set to None. Users can configure in ds_config.json as below example: TRAIN_MICRO_BATCH_SIZE_PER_GPU = ''' TRAIN_MICRO_BATCH_SIZE_PER_GPU is defined in this format: "train_micro_batch_size_per_gpu": 1 ''' TRAIN_MICRO_BATCH_SIZE_PER_GPU = "train_micro_batch_size_per_gpu" TRAIN_MICRO_BATCH_SIZE_PER_GPU_DEFAULT = None ######################################### # Gradient Accumulation ######################################### # Gradient accumulation feature. By default, this feature is not enabled. # Users can configure in ds_config.json as below example: GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION_FORMAT = ''' Gradient Accumulation should be of the format: "gradient_accumulation_steps": 1 ''' GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION_STEPS = "gradient_accumulation_steps" GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION_STEPS_DEFAULT = None # DeepSpeed CSR gradient sparsity SPARSE_GRADIENTS = "sparse_gradients" SPARSE_GRADIENTS_DEFAULT = False ######################################### # BFLOAT16 support ######################################### # BFLOAT16 feature. By default, this feature is not enabled. # Users can configure in ds_config.json as below example: BFLOAT16_FORMAT = ''' BFLOAT16 parameters should be of the format: "bf16": { "enabled": true } ''' BFLOAT16 = "bf16" BFLOAT16_OLD = "bfloat16" # keeping for backwards compatibility BFLOAT16_ENABLED = "enabled" BFLOAT16_ENABLED_DEFAULT = False ######################################### # FP16 support ######################################### # FP16 feature. By default, this feature is not enabled. # Users can configure in ds_config.json as below example: FP16_FORMAT = ''' FP16 parameters should be of the format: "fp16": { "enabled": true, "auto_cast": false, "loss_scale": 0, "initial_scale_power": 16, "loss_scale_window": 1000, "hysteresis": 2, "consecutive_hysteresis": false, "min_loss_scale": 1 } ''' FP16 = "fp16" FP16_ENABLED = "enabled" FP16_ENABLED_DEFAULT = False # FP16 loss scale, zero means using dynamic scaling FP16_LOSS_SCALE = "loss_scale" FP16_LOSS_SCALE_DEFAULT = 0 FP16_AUTO_CAST = "auto_cast" FP16_AUTO_CAST_DEFAULT = False # FP16 initial dynamic scale loss power FP16_INITIAL_SCALE_POWER = "initial_scale_power" FP16_INITIAL_SCALE_POWER_DEFAULT = 16 # FP16 loss scale window FP16_LOSS_SCALE_WINDOW = "loss_scale_window" FP16_LOSS_SCALE_WINDOW_DEFAULT = 1000 # FP16 hysteresis FP16_HYSTERESIS = "hysteresis" FP16_HYSTERESIS_DEFAULT = 2 # FP16 consecutive hysteresis FP16_CONSECUTIVE_HYSTERESIS = "consecutive_hysteresis" FP16_CONSECUTIVE_HYSTERESIS_DEFAULT = False # FP16 min loss scale FP16_MIN_LOSS_SCALE = "min_loss_scale" FP16_MIN_LOSS_SCALE_DEFAULT = 1 # FP16 master and grads FP16_MASTER_WEIGHTS_AND_GRADS = "fp16_master_weights_and_grads" FP16_MASTER_WEIGHTS_AND_GRADS_DEFAULT = False ######################################### # Apex AMP support ######################################### # Use Apex AMP for mixed precision support, all parameters (other than 'enabled') will be passed to # amp.initialize(model, optimizer, **amp_params) # See apex documentation for supported parameters/features: https://nvidia.github.io/apex/amp.html#apex.amp.initialize AMP_FORMAT = ''' "amp" { "enabled: true, "opt_level": "O1", ... } ''' AMP = "amp" AMP_ENABLED = "enabled" AMP_ENABLED_DEFAULT = False ######################################### # Gradient clipping ######################################### # Gradient clipping. By default, this feature is not enabled. # Users can configure in ds_config.json as below example: GRADIENT_CLIPPING_FORMAT = ''' Gradient clipping should be enabled as: "gradient_clipping": 1.0 ''' GRADIENT_CLIPPING = 'gradient_clipping' GRADIENT_CLIPPING_DEFAULT = 0. ######################################### # Capture graph for short kernels sequences ######################################### # Graph harvesting. By default, this feature is not enabled. # Users can configure in ds_config.json as below example: GRAPH_HARVESTING_FORMAT = ''' Graph harvesting should be enabled as: "graph_harvesting": true ''' GRAPH_HARVESTING = 'graph_harvesting' GRAPH_HARVESTING_DEFAULT = False ######################################### # Communication data type ######################################### # Supported types: ['none', 'fp16', 'fp32'] # By default, this feature is not enabled ('none' value) # Users can configure in ds_config.json as below example: COMMUNICATION_DATA_TYPE_FORMAT = ''' Communication data type should be set as: "communication_data_type": "fp32" ''' COMMUNICATION_DATA_TYPE = "communication_data_type" COMMUNICATION_DATA_TYPE_DEFAULT = None ########################################################### # Gradient communication data type for sequence parallelism ########################################################### # Supported types: ['fp16', 'bf16','fp32'] # Default value is fp32 # Users can configure in ds_config.json as below example: SEQ_PARALLEL_COMMUNICATION_DATA_TYPE_FORMAT = ''' Optional comm data type for seq paralleism should be set as: "seq_parallel_communication_data_type": "fp32" ''' SEQ_PARALLEL_COMMUNICATION_DATA_TYPE = "seq_parallel_comm_data_type" SEQ_PARALLEL_COMMUNICATION_DATA_TYPE_DEFAULT = "fp32" ######################################### # Scale/predivide gradients before allreduce ######################################### # Prescale gradients. By default, this feature is not enabled. # Users can configure in ds_config.json as below example: PRESCALE_GRADIENTS_FORMAT = ''' Gradient prescaling should be enabled as: "prescale_gradients": true ''' PRESCALE_GRADIENTS = "prescale_gradients" PRESCALE_GRADIENTS_DEFAULT = False GRADIENT_PREDIVIDE_FACTOR_FORMAT = ''' Gradient predivide factor should be enabled as: "gradient_predivide_factor": 1.0 ''' GRADIENT_PREDIVIDE_FACTOR = "gradient_predivide_factor" GRADIENT_PREDIVIDE_FACTOR_DEFAULT = 1.0 ######################################### # Disable AllGather ######################################### # Disable AllGather. By default, this feature is not enabled. # Users can configure in ds_config.json as below example: DISABLE_ALLGATHER_FORMAT = ''' Disable AllGather should be enabled as: "disable_allgather": true ''' DISABLE_ALLGATHER = "disable_allgather" DISABLE_ALLGATHER_DEFAULT = False ######################################### # Dump DeepSpeed state ######################################### # Dump State. By default, this feature is not enabled. # Users can configure in ds_config.json as below example: DUMP_STATE_FORMAT = ''' Dump state should be enabled as: "dump_state": true ''' DUMP_STATE = 'dump_state' DUMP_STATE_DEFAULT = False ######################################### # Vocabulary size ######################################### # Vocabulary size. # Users can configure in ds_config.json as below example: VOCABULARY_SIZE_FORMAT = ''' Vocabulary size can be specified as: "vocabulary_size": 1024 ''' VOCABULARY_SIZE = 'vocabulary_size' VOCABULARY_SIZE_DEFAULT = None ######################################### # Wall block breakdown ######################################### # Wall clock breakdown. By default, this feature is not enabled. # Users can configure in ds_config.json as below example: WALL_CLOCK_BREAKDOWN_FORMAT = ''' Wall block breakdown should be enabled as: "wall_clock_breakdown": true ''' WALL_CLOCK_BREAKDOWN = 'wall_clock_breakdown' WALL_CLOCK_BREAKDOWN_DEFAULT = False MEMORY_BREAKDOWN = 'memory_breakdown' MEMORY_BREAKDOWN_DEFAULT = False ######################################### # Eigenvalue ######################################### # Eigenvalue computation. By default, this feature is not enabled. # Users can configure in ds_config.json as below example: EIGENVALUE_FORMAT = ''' Tensorboard can be specified as: "eigenvalue": { "enabled": true, "verbose": true, "max_iter": 100, "tol": 1e-2, "stability": 1e-6 } ''' EIGENVALUE = "eigenvalue" # Tensorboard enable signal EIGENVALUE_ENABLED = "enabled" EIGENVALUE_ENABLED_DEFAULT = False EIGENVALUE_VERBOSE = "verbose" EIGENVALUE_VERBOSE_DEFAULT = False EIGENVALUE_MAX_ITER = "max_iter" EIGENVALUE_MAX_ITER_DEFAULT = 100 EIGENVALUE_TOL = "tol" EIGENVALUE_TOL_DEFAULT = 1e-2 EIGENVALUE_STABILITY = "stability" EIGENVALUE_STABILITY_DEFAULT = 1e-6 EIGENVALUE_GAS_BOUNDARY_RESOLUTION = "gas_boundary_resolution" EIGENVALUE_GAS_BOUNDARY_RESOLUTION_DEFAULT = 1 EIGENVALUE_LAYER_NAME = "layer_name" EIGENVALUE_LAYER_NAME_DEFAULT = "bert.encoder.layer" EIGENVALUE_LAYER_NUM = "layer_num" EIGENVALUE_LAYER_NUM_DEFAULT = 0 ######################################### # Progressive Layer Drop (PLD) ######################################### PROGRESSIVE_LAYER_DROP = "progressive_layer_drop" # PLD enable signal PLD_ENABLED = "enabled" PLD_ENABLED_DEFAULT = False PLD_THETA = "theta" PLD_THETA_DEFAULT = 1.0 PLD_GAMMA = "gamma" PLD_GAMMA_DEFAULT = 0.001 ######################################### # Validation modes ######################################### class ValidationMode: WARN = "WARN" IGNORE = "IGNORE" FAIL = "FAIL" ######################################### # Checkpoint config params ######################################### # "checkpoint": { # tag_validation=["Ignore"|"Warn"|"Fail"] # load_universal=false # use_node_local_storage=false # parallel_write: { # pipeline_stage: [True|False] # } # } CHECKPOINT = "checkpoint" CHECKPOINT_TAG_VALIDATION = "tag_validation" CHECKPOINT_TAG_VALIDATION_DEFAULT = ValidationMode.WARN CHECKPOINT_TAG_VALIDATION_MODES = [ValidationMode.WARN, ValidationMode.IGNORE, ValidationMode.FAIL] LOAD_UNIVERSAL_CHECKPOINT = "load_universal" LOAD_UNIVERSAL_CHECKPOINT_DEFAULT = False USE_NODE_LOCAL_STORAGE_CHECKPOINT = "use_node_local_storage" USE_NODE_LOCAL_STORAGE_CHECKPOINT_DEFAULT = False CHECKPOINT_PARALLEL_WRITE = "parallel_write" CHECKPOINT_PARALLEL_WRITE_PIPELINE_STAGE = "pipeline_stage" CHECKPOINT_PARALLEL_WRITE_PIPELINE_STAGE_DEFAULT = False ######################################### # Data types config params ######################################### # "data_types": { # grad_accum_dtype=["bf16"|"fp16"|"fp32"] # } # } DATA_TYPES = "data_types" GRAD_ACCUM_DTYPE = "grad_accum_dtype" GRAD_ACCUM_DTYPE_DEFAULT = None ######################################### # Drop the last incomplete Batch # ######################################### # dataloader_drop_last. By default, this feature is not enabled. # Users can configure in ds_config.json as below example: DATALOADER_DROP_LAST_FORMAT = ''' The last incomplete batch can be dropped by setting: "dataloader_drop_last": True ''' DATALOADER_DROP_LAST = "dataloader_drop_last" DATALOADER_DROP_LAST_DEFAULT = False ######################################### # PIPELINE PARALLELISM ######################################### PIPE_REPLICATED = 'ds_pipe_replicated' ######################################### # DATA PARALLELISM ######################################### DATA_PARALLEL_GROUP = "data_parallel_group" GLOBAL_RANK = "global_rank" ######################################### # EXPERT-DATA PARALLELISM TOPO Config ######################################### USE_DATA_BEFORE_EXPERT_PARALLEL = "use_data_before_expert_parallelism" USE_DATA_BEFORE_EXPERT_PARALLEL_DEFAULT = False