# Running Communication Benchmarks To run benchmarks, there are two options: 1. Run a single communication operation: For example, run with a single large message size:
deepspeed all_reduce.py
Scan across message sizes:
deepspeed all_reduce.py --scan
2. Run all available communication benchmarks:
deepspeed run_all.py
Like the individual benchmarks, `run_all.py` supports scanning arguments for the max message size, bw-unit, etc. Simply pass the desired arguments to `run_all.py` and they'll be propagated to each comm op.
usage: ds_bench [-h] [--local_rank LOCAL_RANK] [--trials TRIALS] [--warmups WARMUPS] [--maxsize MAXSIZE] [--async-op] [--bw-unit {Gbps,GBps}] [--backend {nccl}] [--dist {deepspeed,torch}] [--scan] [--raw] [--all-reduce] [--all-gather] [--all-to-all]
                [--pt2pt] [--broadcast] [--dtype DTYPE] [--mem-factor MEM_FACTOR] [--debug]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --local_rank LOCAL_RANK
  --trials TRIALS       Number of timed iterations
  --warmups WARMUPS     Number of warmup (non-timed) iterations
  --maxsize MAXSIZE     Max message size as a power of 2
  --async-op            Enables non-blocking communication
  --bw-unit {Gbps,GBps}
  --backend {nccl}      Communication library to use
  --dist {deepspeed,torch}
                        Distributed DL framework to use
  --scan                Enables scanning all message sizes
  --raw                 Print the message size and latency without units
  --all-reduce          Run all_reduce
  --all-gather          Run all_gather
  --all-to-all          Run all_to_all
  --pt2pt               Run pt2pt
  --broadcast           Run broadcast
  --dtype DTYPE         PyTorch tensor dtype
  --mem-factor MEM_FACTOR
                        Proportion of max available GPU memory to use for single-size evals
  --debug               Enables all_to_all debug prints
Note that `ds_bench` is a pre-packaged wrapper around `run_all.py`. Users can pass the same arguments as well:
/bin/ds_bench --scan --trials=10
Finally, users can choose specific communication operations to run in `run_all.py` or `ds_bench` by passing them as arguments (all operations are run by default). For example:
deepspeed run_all.py --scan --all-reduce --all-to-all --broadcast
# Adding Communication Benchmarks To add new communication benchmarks, follow this general procedure: 1. Copy a similar benchmark file (e.g. to add `reduce_scatter`, copy `all_reduce.py` as a template) 2. Add a new bw formula in `utils.get_bw`, a new maximum tensor element formula in `utils.max_numel`, and a new arg in `utils.benchmark_parser` 3. Replace comm op calls in new file with find-replace 4. Find a good default `mem_factor` for use in `run__single()` function 5. Add new comm op to `run_all.py`