from mpi4py import MPI import time import torch import torch.distributed as dist import numpy as np import deepspeed from deepspeed.runtime.fp16.onebit_adam import OnebitAdam comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD size = comm.Get_size() rank = comm.Get_rank() #TODO: Detect the hostname we are running on automatically torch.distributed.init_process_group(backend='nccl', init_method='tcp://worker-1:2245', world_size=size, rank=rank) dummy_model = [torch.nn.Parameter(torch.ones(10))] # Set cuda_aware to False to use host buffers for communication dummy_optim = OnebitAdam(dummy_model, cuda_aware=False) device = torch.device('cuda', rank % torch.cuda.device_count()) def torch_sim(a): a_sign = a.sign().add_(1).bool().float().add_(-0.5).mul_(2.0) scale = a.norm() / np.sqrt(a.numel()) a_compressed = scale * a_sign a_sign = None worker_error = a - a_compressed dist.all_reduce(a_compressed) a_compressed.mul_(1 / dist.get_world_size()) a_server_sign = a_compressed.sign().add_(1).bool().float().add_(-0.5).mul_(2.0) a_list = torch.chunk(a_compressed, chunks=dist.get_world_size()) server_scale = [chunk_a.norm() / np.sqrt(chunk_a.numel()) for chunk_a in a_list] a_sign_list = torch.chunk(a_server_sign, dist.get_world_size()) a_server_compressed = [server_scale[i] * a_sign_list[i] for i in range(dist.get_world_size())]) rank = dist.get_rank() server_error = a_list[rank] - server_scale[rank] * a_sign_list[rank] torch.cuda.synchronize() torch.distributed.barrier() return a_server_compressed, worker_error, server_error tensor_size = 100 * 2**20 server_size = int(tensor_size / size) if tensor_size % (8 * size) != 0: right_tensor_size = tensor_size + (8 * size - (tensor_size % (8 * size))) else: right_tensor_size = tensor_size right_server_size = right_tensor_size // size # Adding bias to the initialization of the gradient we are communicating # In order to get rid of the case where some elements in the gradient are too small a = (torch.rand(tensor_size, device=device) - 0.5) + 0.01 * rank worker_error = torch.zeros(right_tensor_size, device=device) server_error = torch.zeros(right_server_size, device=device) a_torch, worker_error_torch, server_error_torch = torch_sim(a) torch.cuda.empty_cache() local_rank = rank % torch.cuda.device_count() a_after = dummy_optim.Compressed_Allreduce(a, worker_error, server_error, rank, size, comm, local_rank) threshold = 1e-6 magnitude_threshold = 1e-6 diff_mask = (a_after - a_torch) > threshold diff_server_mask = torch.chunk(diff_mask, size)[rank] mpi_server = torch.chunk(a_after, size)[rank] + server_error torch_server = torch.chunk(a_torch, size)[rank] + server_error_torch # If the number in the compensated_server_m is too small (e.g 1e-8), then calling sign() might be problematic # The test would skip those numbers that are too small in compensated_server_m if torch.sum(diff_server_mask) == 0: print('Successfully passed the test for 1bit Adam at Rank {}'.format(rank)) else: check_mag_mask = mpi_server[diff_mask] > magnitude_threshold if torch.sum(check_mag_mask) == 0: print('Successfully passed the test for 1bit Adam at Rank {}'.format(rank)) else: print('Fails at {} of positions'.format(torch.sum(check_mag_mask)))