# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # DeepSpeed Team # Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import sys from typing import List import deepspeed import torch from deepspeed import comm as dist from deepspeed.runtime.zero.utils import is_zero_param from deepspeed.runtime.zero.mics_utils import (MiCS_CommGroups, create_mics_comm_groups, scale_tensors) from deepspeed.runtime.zero.parameter_offload import DeepSpeedZeRoOffload from deepspeed.runtime.zero.partition_parameters import Init, AllGatherCoalescedHandle, ZeroParamStatus from deepspeed.runtime.zero.stage3 import DeepSpeedZeroOptimizer_Stage3 from deepspeed.utils import instrument_w_nvtx, log_dist from deepspeed.accelerator import get_accelerator from torch import Tensor from torch.nn import Parameter def has_hierarchical_all_gather_groups(comm_groups: MiCS_CommGroups): result = False if comm_groups.param_intra_node_group is not None and comm_groups.param_inter_node_shard_group is not None: result = True return result class MiCS_AllGatherCoalescedHandle(AllGatherCoalescedHandle): """ This handle assumes that no need to copy data out from a contiguous tensor """ def __init__(self, allgather_handle, params: List[Parameter], partitions: List[Tensor], world_size: int) -> None: super().__init__(allgather_handle, params, partitions, world_size) def wait(self) -> None: """ """ # let the current stream to op try: print("HANDLE", self.allgather_handle) instrument_w_nvtx(self.allgather_handle.wait)() except (ValueError, RuntimeError) as e: log_dist( f"WARNING: Runtime Error while waiting the collective all-gather, possibly due to the _IllegalWork", ranks=[0]) log_dist(f"Error message: {e}", ranks=[0]) if self.complete: return for _, param in enumerate(self.params): assert param.ds_status == ZeroParamStatus.INFLIGHT, f"expected param {param.ds_summary()} to be inflight" param.ds_status = ZeroParamStatus.AVAILABLE self.complete = True class MiCS_Init(Init): def __init__(self, module=None, data_parallel_group=None, sequence_data_parallel_group=None, mem_efficient_linear=True, remote_device=None, pin_memory=False, config_dict_or_path=None, config=None, enabled=True, dtype=None, mpu=None): """A context manager to partition the model parameters during the model construction with MiCS partition strategy. Model states are partitioned to the number of devices specified via ``mics_shard_size`` field in the deepspeed config json file. The context manager also introduces hierarchical communication method to reduce the cost of inter-node communications, which can be enabled with ``mics_hierarchical_params_gather`` field in deepspeed config. Args: module (``torch.nn.Module``, optional): If provided, partition the model as if it was constructed in the context. data_parallel_group (``deepspeed.comm`` process group, optional): The group of processes to partition among. Defaults to all processes. mem_efficient_linear (bool, optional): Replace torch.nn.functional.linear with an implementation that allows DeepSpeed to partition parameters. Defaults to ``True``. remote_device (string, optional): The initial device to store model weights e.g., ``cpu``, ``nvme``. Passing ``"cpu"`` will create the model in CPU memory. The model may still be moved to GPU based on the offload settings for training. Defaults to param offload device if a config is defined, otherwise GPU. pin_memory (bool, optional): Potentially increase performance by using pinned memory for model weights. ``remote_device`` must be ``"cpu"``. Defaults to pin_memory value in config, otherwise ``False``. config_dict_or_path (dict or ``json file``, optional): If provided, provides configuration for swapping fp16 params to NVMe. config (dict or ``json file``, optional): Deprecated, use config_dict_or_path instead. enabled (bool, optional): If ``False``, this context has no effect. Defaults to ``True``. dtype (``dtype``, optional): Can be used to change the data type of the parameters. Supported options are ``torch.half`` and ``torch.float``. Defaults to ``None`` mpu (``object``, optional): A model parallelism unit object that implements get_{model,data}_parallel_{rank,group,world_size}. This context follows the same logic as ``deepspeed.zero.Init()``, but with the modification for partition size of each parameter. Examples -------- #. Allocate a model and partition it among all processes: .. code-block:: python # the config_dict_or_path is required to let the context manager know # how partition the parameters. # The configuration has to include the field ``mics_shard_size`` with deepspeed.zero.MiCS_Init(config_dict_or_path=ds_config): model = MyLargeModel() #. Allocate a model in pinned CPU memory and partition it among a subgroup of processes: .. code-block:: python with deepspeed.zero.MiCS_Init(data_parallel_group=mpu.get_data_parallel_group(), remote_device="cpu", pin_memory=True config_dict_or_path=ds_config): model = MyLargeModel() #. Partition an already-allocated model in CPU memory: .. code-block:: python model = deepspeed.zero.MiCS_Init(module=model, config_dict_or_path=ds_config) """ assert config_dict_or_path is not None, "Must provide configuration for MiCS Initialization" _ds_config = deepspeed.runtime.config.DeepSpeedConfig(config_dict_or_path, mpu) if not dist.is_initialized(): dist.init_distributed() assert dist.is_initialized(), "Parameters cannot be scattered without initializing deepspeed.comm" if data_parallel_group is None and sequence_data_parallel_group is None: ds_process_group = dist.get_world_group() elif sequence_data_parallel_group is not None: ds_process_group = sequence_data_parallel_group elif data_parallel_group is not None: ds_process_group = data_parallel_group else: # both given raise ValueError( "Both 'data_parallel_group' and 'sequence_data_parallel_group' were specified. Please provide only one of these arguments." ) self.mics_comm_groups = create_mics_comm_groups( _ds_config.mics_shard_size, ds_process_group, hierarchical_allgather=_ds_config.mics_hierarchial_params_gather, mpu=mpu) super().__init__(module, data_parallel_group, mem_efficient_linear, remote_device, pin_memory, config_dict_or_path, config, enabled, dtype, mpu) def _convert_to_deepspeed_param(self, param): super()._convert_to_deepspeed_param(param) # attach communication groups to every param param.comm = self.mics_comm_groups # record existing all_gather_coalesced implementation # so that we can fallback later old_all_gather_coalesced = param.all_gather_coalesced def _param_all_gather_coalesced(params, param_buffers=None, **kwargs): """""" mics_comm_groups: MiCS_CommGroups = params[0].comm hierarchical_all_gather = has_hierarchical_all_gather_groups(mics_comm_groups) if dist.has_coalescing_manager() and hierarchical_all_gather: return self._hierarchical_all_gather_params(params, param_buffers) elif dist.has_coalescing_manager(): return self._flat_all_gather_with_coalescing_manager(params, param_buffers) else: return old_all_gather_coalesced(params, **kwargs) # change the all_gather_coalesced method param.all_gather_coalesced = _param_all_gather_coalesced def _pre_all_gather(self, params, params_buffers=None): # fetches from nvme if the partition is not available and in nvme self._ensure_availability_of_partitioned_params(params) for param in params: if param.ds_status != ZeroParamStatus.NOT_AVAILABLE: raise RuntimeError(param.ds_summary()) param.ds_status = ZeroParamStatus.INFLIGHT # ensure that each rank has params in same order. the allgather # is done by flattening the parameter list into a single tensor that # can be allgathered in a single call - this means that if each rank # gives a list of the same parameters in a different order we will # silently get incorrect parameter values, and have very difficult # to debug correctness issues. params = sorted(params, key=lambda p: p.ds_id) return params, params_buffers def _flat_all_gather_with_coalescing_manager(self, params, params_buffers=None): """""" # must have to change the status of the param # and ensure they are on the device params, params_buffers = self._pre_all_gather(params, params_buffers) mics_comm_groups: MiCS_CommGroups = params[0].comm param_shard_size = mics_comm_groups.param_shard_size output_tensors = [] input_tensors = [] for i, p in enumerate(params): t_size = p.ds_tensor.ds_numel * param_shard_size if params_buffers is not None and params_buffers[i] is not None: assert params_buffers[i].numel( ) == t_size, f'params_to_gather_buffers[{i}] size {params_buffers[i].numel()} does not match with t_size {t_size}' flat_out = params_buffers[i] else: flat_out = torch.empty(t_size, dtype=p.dtype, device=self.local_device, requires_grad=False).view(-1) output_tensors.append(flat_out) _flat_input = p.ds_tensor.data.view(-1) input_tensors.append(_flat_input) all_gather_handle = dist.all_gather_coalesced(output_tensors, input_tensors, group=mics_comm_groups.param_shard_group, async_op=True) for idx, param in enumerate(params): param.data = output_tensors[idx].narrow(0, 0, param.ds_numel).view(param.ds_shape).data return MiCS_AllGatherCoalescedHandle(allgather_handle=all_gather_handle, params=params, partitions=[], world_size=param_shard_size) def _hierarchical_all_gather_params(self, params, params_buffers=None): """""" params, params_buffers = self._pre_all_gather(params, params_buffers) mics_comm_groups: MiCS_CommGroups = params[0].comm local_rank = dist.get_rank(group=mics_comm_groups.param_intra_node_group) inter_node_comm_group = mics_comm_groups.param_inter_node_shard_group intra_node_comm_group = mics_comm_groups.param_intra_node_group param_shard_size = mics_comm_groups.param_shard_size inter_node_size = dist.get_world_size(group=inter_node_comm_group) intra_node_size = dist.get_world_size(group=intra_node_comm_group) param_tensors = [] for i, p in enumerate(params): param_size = p.ds_tensor.ds_numel * param_shard_size if params_buffers is not None and params_buffers[i] is not None: assert params_buffers[i].numel( ) == param_size, f'param_buffers[{i}] size {params_buffers[i].numel()} does not match with param_size {param_size}' param_tensor = params_buffers[i] else: param_tensor = torch.empty(param_size, dtype=p.dtype, device=self.local_device, requires_grad=False).view(-1) param_tensors.append(param_tensor) # inter node all-gather inter_outputs = [] inter_inputs = [] for i, p in enumerate(params): inter_size = p.ds_tensor.ds_numel * inter_node_size _out = param_tensors[i].narrow(0, local_rank * inter_size, inter_size) inter_outputs.append(_out) inter_inputs.append(p.ds_tensor.data.view(-1).to(self.local_device)) # sync enqueue dist.all_gather_coalesced(inter_outputs, inter_inputs, group=inter_node_comm_group, async_op=False) # intra node all-gather intra_outputs = [] intra_inputs = [] for i, p in enumerate(params): # partition param into multiple chunks for allgather # because inter-node all-gather outputs are in a continues memory # while in param memory, those inter-node data are placed in different # location. # each chunk is an intra-node output param_chunk = param_tensors[i].view( (inter_node_size, intra_node_size, p.ds_tensor.ds_numel)).narrow(1, local_rank, 1) param_chunk.copy_(inter_outputs[i].detach().clone().view(param_chunk.size())) output_chunks = torch.chunk(param_tensors[i], inter_node_size) for j, _out in enumerate(output_chunks): intra_chunk_size = intra_node_size * p.ds_tensor.ds_numel local_offset = local_rank * p.ds_tensor.ds_numel _in = param_tensors[i].narrow(0, j * intra_chunk_size + local_offset, p.ds_tensor.ds_numel) intra_outputs.append(_out) intra_inputs.append(_in) all_gather_handle = dist.all_gather_coalesced(intra_outputs, intra_inputs, group=intra_node_comm_group, async_op=True) for i, param in enumerate(params): param.data = param_tensors[i].narrow(0, 0, param.ds_numel).view(param.ds_shape).data return MiCS_AllGatherCoalescedHandle( allgather_handle=all_gather_handle, params=params, partitions=[], world_size=param_shard_size, ) def get_partition_dp_group(self, param): return param.comm.param_shard_group def get_partition_rank(self): return self.mics_comm_groups.param_shard_rank @property def num_partitions(self): return self.mics_comm_groups.param_shard_size class MiCS_Offload(DeepSpeedZeRoOffload): """ Wrapper to change the behavior for parameter sharding """ def _convert_to_zero_parameters(self, ds_config, module, mpu): """ overload the parent class function for convert the parameters """ log_dist(f'Convert to zero parameters from MiCS Offload manager', ranks=[0]) non_zero_params = [p for p in module.parameters() if not is_zero_param(p)] if non_zero_params: zero_params = [p for p in module.parameters() if is_zero_param(p)] if zero_params: zero_params[0].convert_to_zero_parameters(param_list=non_zero_params) else: group = None if mpu: group = mpu.get_data_parallel_group() MiCS_Init(module=module, data_parallel_group=group, dtype=self.dtype, config_dict_or_path=ds_config, remote_device=self.offload_device, pin_memory=self.offload_param_pin_memory, mpu=mpu) class MiCS_Optimizer(DeepSpeedZeroOptimizer_Stage3): """ MiCS Optimizer """ def __init__(self, module, init_optimizer, timers, ds_config, static_loss_scale=1, dynamic_loss_scale=False, dynamic_loss_args=None, verbose=True, contiguous_gradients=True, reduce_bucket_size=500000000, prefetch_bucket_size=50000000, max_reuse_distance=1000000000, max_live_parameters=1000000000, param_persistence_threshold=100000, model_persistence_threshold=sys.maxsize, dp_process_group=None, reduce_scatter=True, overlap_comm=False, offload_optimizer_config=None, offload_param_config=None, sub_group_size=1000000000000, offload_ratio=0.0, mpu=None, clip_grad=0, gradient_accumulation_dtype=torch.float16, communication_data_type=torch.float16, postscale_gradients=True, gradient_predivide_factor=1, gradient_accumulation_steps=1, elastic_checkpoint=False, aio_config=None): log_dist("Init MiCS optimizer", ranks=[0]) super().__init__(module, init_optimizer, timers, ds_config, static_loss_scale, dynamic_loss_scale, dynamic_loss_args, verbose, contiguous_gradients, reduce_bucket_size, prefetch_bucket_size, max_reuse_distance, max_live_parameters, param_persistence_threshold, model_persistence_threshold, dp_process_group, reduce_scatter, overlap_comm, offload_optimizer_config, offload_param_config, sub_group_size, offload_ratio, mpu, clip_grad, gradient_accumulation_dtype, communication_data_type, postscale_gradients, gradient_predivide_factor, gradient_accumulation_steps, elastic_checkpoint, aio_config) first_param = next(module.parameters()) # overload the dp_process_group and partition_count assert hasattr(first_param, "comm"), " ".join([ "Sharded parameters don't have the MiCS_CommGroups attached.", "Might due to the use of deepspeed.zero.Init context for initializing the weights.", "To use MiCS sharding, please use deepspeed.zero.MiCS_Init instead for initializing parameter." ]) self.dp_process_group = first_param.comm.param_shard_group self.partition_count = first_param.comm.param_shard_size def initialize_ds_offload( self, *args, **kwargs, ): return MiCS_Offload(*args, **kwargs) def partition_grads(self, params_to_release: List[Parameter], grad_partitions: List[Tensor]) -> None: grad_buffers = super().partition_grads(params_to_release, grad_partitions) # perform all-reduce among replication groups # the function will perform accumulation boundary check self.allreduce_mics_shard_grads(params_to_release, grad_buffers) @instrument_w_nvtx def allreduce_mics_shard_grads(self, params, partitioned_grads_buffers: List[Tensor]): """ """ # TODO: improve the condition check if not self.is_gradient_accumulation_boundary or \ len(partitioned_grads_buffers) == 0: return mics_comm_groups: MiCS_CommGroups = params[0].comm param_repli_group = mics_comm_groups.param_repli_group param_repli_size = mics_comm_groups.param_repli_size if param_repli_size is None or param_repli_size <= 1: return if not get_accelerator().on_accelerator(partitioned_grads_buffers[0]): raise RuntimeError("Local sharding has no support for CPU offloading") if dist.has_all_reduce_coalesced(): scale_tensors(partitioned_grads_buffers, param_repli_size) dist.all_reduce_coalesced(tensors=partitioned_grads_buffers, group=param_repli_group) else: # manually coalescing all-reduce aggregated_buffer: Tensor = torch.cat(partitioned_grads_buffers) aggregated_buffer.div_(param_repli_size) dist.all_reduce(aggregated_buffer, group=param_repli_group) offset = 0 for grad_buff in partitioned_grads_buffers: grad_buff.view(-1).copy_(aggregated_buffer.narrow(0, offset, grad_buff.numel())) offset += grad_buff.numel() def load_state_dict(self, state_dict_list, load_optimizer_states=True, load_from_fp32_weights=False, checkpoint_folder=None, load_serial=None): r""" Loading the ZeRO-3/MiCS partitioned checkpoints Because the self.dp_process_group is replaced with the communicator for partition group we can call the load_state_dict logic from ZeRO-3. """ super().load_state_dict(state_dict_list, load_optimizer_states, load_from_fp32_weights, checkpoint_folder)