import os import json import time from threading import Thread import threading from ..utils.logger import AgentLogger from ..utils.chat_template import Query import importlib from aios.hooks.request import send_request class BaseAgent: def __init__(self, agent_name, task_input, log_mode: str): # super().__init__() self.agent_name = agent_name self.config = self.load_config() self.tool_names = self.config["tools"] self.plan_max_fail_times = 3 self.tool_call_max_fail_times = 3 # self.agent_process_factory = agent_process_factory self.tool_list = dict() = [] self.tool_info = ( [] ) # simplified information of the tool: {"name": "xxx", "description": "xxx"} self.load_tools(self.tool_names) self.start_time = None self.end_time = None self.request_waiting_times: list = [] self.request_turnaround_times: list = [] self.task_input = task_input self.messages = [] self.workflow_mode = "manual" # (mannual, automatic) self.rounds = 0 self.log_mode = log_mode self.logger = self.setup_logger() self.set_status("active") self.set_created_time(time.time()) def run(self): """Execute each step to finish the task.""" # self.set_aid(threading.get_ident()) self.logger.log( f"{self.agent_name} starts running. Agent ID is {self.get_aid()}\n", level="info", ) # can be customization def build_system_instruction(self): pass def check_workflow(self, message): try: # print(f"Workflow message: {message}") workflow = json.loads(message) if not isinstance(workflow, list): return None for step in workflow: if "message" not in step or "tool_use" not in step: return None return workflow except json.JSONDecodeError: return None def automatic_workflow(self): for i in range(self.plan_max_fail_times): response, start_times, end_times, waiting_times, turnaround_times = send_request( agent_name = self.agent_name, query=Query( messages=self.messages, tools=None, message_return_type="json" ) ) if self.rounds == 0: self.set_start_time(start_times[0]) self.request_waiting_times.extend(waiting_times) self.request_turnaround_times.extend(turnaround_times) workflow = self.check_workflow(response.response_message) self.rounds += 1 if workflow: return workflow else: self.messages.append( { "role": "assistant", "content": f"Fail {i+1} times to generate a valid plan. I need to regenerate a plan", } ) return None def manual_workflow(self): pass def check_path(self, tool_calls): script_path = os.path.abspath(__file__) save_dir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(script_path), "output" ) # modify the customized output path for saving outputs if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) for tool_call in tool_calls: try: for k in tool_call["parameters"]: if "path" in k: path = tool_call["parameters"][k] if not path.startswith(save_dir): tool_call["parameters"][k] = os.path.join( save_dir, os.path.basename(path) ) except Exception: continue return tool_calls def snake_to_camel(self, snake_str): components = snake_str.split("_") return "".join(x.title() for x in components) def load_tools(self, tool_names): if tool_names == "None": return for tool_name in tool_names: org, name = tool_name.split("/") module_name = ".".join(["pyopenagi", "tools", org, name]) class_name = self.snake_to_camel(name) tool_module = importlib.import_module(module_name) tool_class = getattr(tool_module, class_name) self.tool_list[name] = tool_class() tool_format = tool_class().get_tool_call_format() self.tool_info.append( { "name": tool_format["function"]["name"], "description": tool_format["function"]["description"], } ) def pre_select_tools(self, tool_names): pre_selected_tools = [] for tool_name in tool_names: for tool in if tool["function"]["name"] == tool_name: pre_selected_tools.append(tool) break return pre_selected_tools def setup_logger(self): logger = AgentLogger(self.agent_name, self.log_mode) return logger def load_config(self): script_path = os.path.abspath(__file__) script_dir = os.path.dirname(script_path) config_file = os.path.join(script_dir, self.agent_name, "config.json") with open(config_file, "r") as f: config = json.load(f) return config def set_aid(self, aid): self.aid = aid def get_aid(self): return self.aid def get_agent_name(self): return self.agent_name def set_status(self, status): """ Status type: Waiting, Running, Done, Inactive """ self.status = status def get_status(self): return self.status def set_created_time(self, time): self.created_time = time def get_created_time(self): return self.created_time def set_start_time(self, time): self.start_time = time def get_start_time(self): return self.start_time def set_end_time(self, time): self.end_time = time def get_end_time(self): return self.end_time