import logging, os, sys, json import threading import schedule, time import random import aiohttp, asyncio import traceback import copy import webbrowser from functools import partial import http.cookies from typing import * from flask import Flask, send_from_directory, render_template, request, jsonify from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit from flask_cors import CORS from utils.common import Common from utils.config import Config from utils.logger import Configure_logger from utils.my_handle import My_handle """ 全局变量 """ # 创建一个全局变量,用于表示程序是否正在运行 running_flag = False # 创建一个子进程对象,用于存储正在运行的外部程序 running_process = None config = None common = None my_handle = None # last_liveroom_data = None last_username_list = None # 空闲时间计数器 global_idle_time = 0 # 键盘监听线程 thread = None do_listen_and_comment_thread = None stop_do_listen_and_comment_thread_event = None # 这里填一个已登录账号的cookie。不填cookie也可以连接,但是收到弹幕的用户名会打码,UID会变成0 SESSDATA = '' session: Optional[aiohttp.ClientSession] = None # 最新的直播间数据 last_liveroom_data = { 'OnlineUserCount': 0, 'TotalUserCount': 0, 'TotalUserCountStr': '0', 'OnlineUserCountStr': '0', 'MsgId': 0, 'User': None, 'Content': '当前直播间人数 0,累计直播间人数 0', 'RoomId': 0 } # 最新入场的用户名列表 last_username_list = [""] common = Common() # 日志文件路径 log_path = "./log/log-" + common.get_bj_time(1) + ".txt" Configure_logger(log_path) # 获取 werkzeug 库的日志记录器 werkzeug_logger = logging.getLogger("werkzeug") # 设置 httpx 日志记录器的级别为 WARNING werkzeug_logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # 点火起飞 def start_server(config_path, sub_thread_exit_events): global log_path, config, common, my_handle, last_username_list, last_liveroom_data global SESSDATA global thread, do_listen_and_comment_thread, stop_do_listen_and_comment_thread_event # 创建和启动子线程 sub_threads = [] config = Config(config_path) # 获取 httpx 库的日志记录器 httpx_logger = logging.getLogger("httpx") # 设置 httpx 日志记录器的级别为 WARNING httpx_logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) my_handle = My_handle(config_path) if my_handle is None: logging.error("程序初始化失败!") os._exit(0) # 添加用户名到最新的用户名列表 def add_username_to_last_username_list(data): global last_username_list # 添加数据到 最新入场的用户名列表 last_username_list.append(data) # 保留最新的3个数据 last_username_list = last_username_list[-3:] # 定时任务 def schedule_task(index): logging.debug("定时任务执行中...") hour, min = common.get_bj_time(6) if 0 <= hour and hour < 6: time = f"凌晨{hour}点{min}分" elif 6 <= hour and hour < 9: time = f"早晨{hour}点{min}分" elif 9 <= hour and hour < 12: time = f"上午{hour}点{min}分" elif hour == 12: time = f"中午{hour}点{min}分" elif 13 <= hour and hour < 18: time = f"下午{hour - 12}点{min}分" elif 18 <= hour and hour < 20: time = f"傍晚{hour - 12}点{min}分" elif 20 <= hour and hour < 24: time = f"晚上{hour - 12}点{min}分" # 根据对应索引从列表中随机获取一个值 random_copy = random.choice(config.get("schedule")[index]["copy"]) # 假设有多个未知变量,用户可以在此处定义动态变量 variables = { 'time': time, 'user_num': "N", 'last_username': last_username_list[-1], } # 使用字典进行字符串替换 if any(var in random_copy for var in variables): content = random_copy.format(**{var: value for var, value in variables.items() if var in random_copy}) else: content = random_copy data = { "platform": "哔哩哔哩", "username": None, "content": content }"定时任务:{content}") my_handle.process_data(data, "schedule") # 启动定时任务 def run_schedule(exit_event): global config try: for index, task in enumerate(config.get("schedule")): if task["enable"]: # # 设置定时任务,每隔n秒执行一次 schedule.every(task["time"]), index)) except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) while True: schedule.run_pending() # time.sleep(1) # 控制每次循环的间隔时间,避免过多占用 CPU 资源 if exit_event.is_set(): return if any(item['enable'] for item in config.get("schedule")): # 创建定时任务子线程并启动 schedule_thread = threading.Thread(target=run_schedule, args=(sub_thread_exit_events[1],)) schedule_thread.start() sub_threads.append(schedule_thread) # 启动动态文案 async def run_trends_copywriting(exit_event): global config try: if False == config.get("trends_copywriting", "enable"): return"动态文案任务线程运行中...") while True: # 文案文件路径列表 copywriting_file_path_list = [] # 获取动态文案列表 for copywriting in config.get("trends_copywriting", "copywriting"): # 获取文件夹内所有文件的文件绝对路径,包括文件扩展名 for tmp in common.get_all_file_paths(copywriting["folder_path"]): copywriting_file_path_list.append(tmp) # 是否开启随机播放 if config.get("trends_copywriting", "random_play"): random.shuffle(copywriting_file_path_list) logging.debug(f"copywriting_file_path_list={copywriting_file_path_list}") # 遍历文案文件路径列表 for copywriting_file_path in copywriting_file_path_list: # 获取文案文件内容 copywriting_file_content = common.read_file_return_content(copywriting_file_path) # 是否启用提示词对文案内容进行转换 if copywriting["prompt_change_enable"]: data_json = { "username": "trends_copywriting", "content": copywriting["prompt_change_content"] + copywriting_file_content } # 调用函数进行LLM处理,以及生成回复内容,进行音频合成,需要好好考虑考虑实现 data_json["content"] = my_handle.llm_handle(config.get("chat_type"), data_json) else: data_json = { "username": "trends_copywriting", "content": copywriting_file_content } logging.debug(f'copywriting_file_content={copywriting_file_content},content={data_json["content"]}') # 空数据判断 if data_json["content"] != None and data_json["content"] != "": # 发给直接复读进行处理 my_handle.reread_handle(data_json) await asyncio.sleep(config.get("trends_copywriting", "play_interval")) if exit_event.is_set(): return except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) if config.get("trends_copywriting", "enable"): # 创建动态文案子线程并启动 trends_copywriting_thread = threading.Thread(target=lambda:, args=(sub_thread_exit_events[2],)) trends_copywriting_thread.start() sub_threads.append(trends_copywriting_thread) # 闲时任务 async def idle_time_task(exit_event): global config, global_idle_time try: if False == config.get("idle_time_task", "enable"): return"闲时任务线程运行中...") # 记录上一次触发的任务类型 last_mode = 0 comment_copy_list = None local_audio_path_list = None overflow_time = int(config.get("idle_time_task", "idle_time")) # 是否开启了随机闲时时间 if config.get("idle_time_task", "random_time"): overflow_time = random.randint(0, overflow_time)"闲时时间={overflow_time}秒") def load_data_list(type): if type == "comment": tmp = config.get("idle_time_task", "comment", "copy") elif type == "local_audio": tmp = config.get("idle_time_task", "local_audio", "path") tmp2 = copy.copy(tmp) return tmp2 comment_copy_list = load_data_list("comment") local_audio_path_list = load_data_list("local_audio") logging.debug(f"comment_copy_list={comment_copy_list}") logging.debug(f"local_audio_path_list={local_audio_path_list}") while True: # 每隔一秒的睡眠进行闲时计数 await asyncio.sleep(1) global_idle_time = global_idle_time + 1 # 闲时计数达到指定值,进行闲时任务处理 if global_idle_time >= overflow_time: # 闲时计数清零 global_idle_time = 0 # 闲时任务处理 if config.get("idle_time_task", "comment", "enable"): if last_mode == 0 or not config.get("idle_time_task", "local_audio", "enable"): # 是否开启了随机触发 if config.get("idle_time_task", "comment", "random"): logging.debug("切换到文案触发模式") if comment_copy_list != []: # 随机打乱列表中的元素 random.shuffle(comment_copy_list) comment_copy = comment_copy_list.pop(0) else: # 刷新list数据 comment_copy_list = load_data_list("comment") # 随机打乱列表中的元素 random.shuffle(comment_copy_list) comment_copy = comment_copy_list.pop(0) else: if comment_copy_list != []: comment_copy = comment_copy_list.pop(0) else: # 刷新list数据 comment_copy_list = load_data_list("comment") comment_copy = comment_copy_list.pop(0) # 发送给处理函数 data = { "platform": "哔哩哔哩2", "username": "闲时任务", "type": "comment", "content": comment_copy } my_handle.process_data(data, "idle_time_task") # 模式切换 last_mode = 1 overflow_time = int(config.get("idle_time_task", "idle_time")) # 是否开启了随机闲时时间 if config.get("idle_time_task", "random_time"): overflow_time = random.randint(0, overflow_time)"闲时时间={overflow_time}秒") continue if config.get("idle_time_task", "local_audio", "enable"): if last_mode == 1 or (not config.get("idle_time_task", "comment", "enable")): logging.debug("切换到本地音频模式") # 是否开启了随机触发 if config.get("idle_time_task", "local_audio", "random"): if local_audio_path_list != []: # 随机打乱列表中的元素 random.shuffle(local_audio_path_list) local_audio_path = local_audio_path_list.pop(0) else: # 刷新list数据 local_audio_path_list = load_data_list("local_audio") # 随机打乱列表中的元素 random.shuffle(local_audio_path_list) local_audio_path = local_audio_path_list.pop(0) else: if local_audio_path_list != []: local_audio_path = local_audio_path_list.pop(0) else: # 刷新list数据 local_audio_path_list = load_data_list("local_audio") local_audio_path = local_audio_path_list.pop(0) logging.debug(f"local_audio_path={local_audio_path}") # 发送给处理函数 data = { "platform": "哔哩哔哩2", "username": "闲时任务", "type": "local_audio", "content": common.extract_filename(local_audio_path, False), "file_path": local_audio_path } my_handle.process_data(data, "idle_time_task") # 模式切换 last_mode = 0 overflow_time = int(config.get("idle_time_task", "idle_time")) # 是否开启了随机闲时时间 if config.get("idle_time_task", "random_time"): overflow_time = random.randint(0, overflow_time)"闲时时间={overflow_time}秒") continue if exit_event.is_set(): return except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) if config.get("idle_time_task", "enable"): # 创建闲时任务子线程并启动 idle_time_task_thread = threading.Thread(target=lambda:, args=(sub_thread_exit_events[3],)) idle_time_task_thread.start() sub_threads.append(idle_time_task_thread) if config.get("platform") == "bilibili": try: # 导入所需的库 from bilibili_api import Credential, live, sync, login if config.get("bilibili", "login_type") == "cookie":"b站登录后F12抓网络包获取cookie,强烈建议使用小号!有封号风险")"b站登录后,F12控制台,输入 window.localStorage.ac_time_value 回车获取(如果没有,请重新登录)") bilibili_cookie = config.get("bilibili", "cookie") bilibili_ac_time_value = config.get("bilibili", "ac_time_value") if bilibili_ac_time_value == "": bilibili_ac_time_value = None # print(f'SESSDATA={common.parse_cookie_data(bilibili_cookie, "SESSDATA")}') # print(f'bili_jct={common.parse_cookie_data(bilibili_cookie, "bili_jct")}') # print(f'buvid3={common.parse_cookie_data(bilibili_cookie, "buvid3")}') # print(f'DedeUserID={common.parse_cookie_data(bilibili_cookie, "DedeUserID")}') # 生成一个 Credential 对象 credential = Credential( sessdata=common.parse_cookie_data(bilibili_cookie, "SESSDATA"), bili_jct=common.parse_cookie_data(bilibili_cookie, "bili_jct"), buvid3=common.parse_cookie_data(bilibili_cookie, "buvid3"), dedeuserid=common.parse_cookie_data(bilibili_cookie, "DedeUserID"), ac_time_value=bilibili_ac_time_value ) elif config.get("bilibili", "login_type") == "手机扫码": credential = login.login_with_qrcode() elif config.get("bilibili", "login_type") == "手机扫码-终端": credential = login.login_with_qrcode_term() elif config.get("bilibili", "login_type") == "账号密码登录": bilibili_username = config.get("bilibili", "username") bilibili_password = config.get("bilibili", "password") credential = login.login_with_password(bilibili_username, bilibili_password) elif config.get("bilibili", "login_type") == "不登录": credential = None else: credential = login.login_with_qrcode() # 初始化 Bilibili 直播间 room = live.LiveDanmaku(my_handle.get_room_id(), credential=credential) except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) os._exit(0) """ DANMU_MSG: 用户发送弹幕 SEND_GIFT: 礼物 COMBO_SEND:礼物连击 GUARD_BUY:续费大航海 SUPER_CHAT_MESSAGE:醒目留言(SC) SUPER_CHAT_MESSAGE_JPN:醒目留言(带日语翻译?) WELCOME: 老爷进入房间 WELCOME_GUARD: 房管进入房间 NOTICE_MSG: 系统通知(全频道广播之类的) PREPARING: 直播准备中 LIVE: 直播开始 ROOM_REAL_TIME_MESSAGE_UPDATE: 粉丝数等更新 ENTRY_EFFECT: 进场特效 ROOM_RANK: 房间排名更新 INTERACT_WORD: 用户进入直播间 ACTIVITY_BANNER_UPDATE_V2: 好像是房间名旁边那个xx小时榜 本模块自定义事件: VIEW: 直播间人气更新 ALL: 所有事件 DISCONNECT: 断开连接(传入连接状态码参数) TIMEOUT: 心跳响应超时 VERIFICATION_SUCCESSFUL: 认证成功 """ @room.on('DANMU_MSG') async def _(event): """ 处理直播间弹幕事件 :param event: 弹幕事件数据 """ global global_idle_time # 闲时计数清零 global_idle_time = 0 content = event["data"]["info"][1] # 获取弹幕内容 username = event["data"]["info"][2][1] # 获取发送弹幕的用户昵称"[{username}]: {content}") data = { "platform": "哔哩哔哩", "username": username, "content": content } my_handle.process_data(data, "comment") @room.on('COMBO_SEND') async def _(event): """ 处理直播间礼物连击事件 :param event: 礼物连击事件数据 """ gift_name = event["data"]["data"]["gift_name"] username = event["data"]["data"]["uname"] # 礼物数量 combo_num = event["data"]["data"]["combo_num"] # 总金额 combo_total_coin = event["data"]["data"]["combo_total_coin"]"用户:{username} 赠送 {combo_num} 个 {gift_name},总计 {combo_total_coin}电池") data = { "platform": "哔哩哔哩", "gift_name": gift_name, "username": username, "num": combo_num, "unit_price": combo_total_coin / combo_num / 1000, "total_price": combo_total_coin / 1000 } my_handle.process_data(data, "gift") @room.on('SEND_GIFT') async def _(event): """ 处理直播间礼物事件 :param event: 礼物事件数据 """ # print(event) gift_name = event["data"]["data"]["giftName"] username = event["data"]["data"]["uname"] # 礼物数量 num = event["data"]["data"]["num"] # 总金额 combo_total_coin = event["data"]["data"]["combo_total_coin"] # 单个礼物金额 discount_price = event["data"]["data"]["discount_price"]"用户:{username} 赠送 {num} 个 {gift_name},单价 {discount_price}电池,总计 {combo_total_coin}电池") data = { "platform": "哔哩哔哩", "gift_name": gift_name, "username": username, "num": num, "unit_price": discount_price / 1000, "total_price": combo_total_coin / 1000 } my_handle.process_data(data, "gift") @room.on('GUARD_BUY') async def _(event): """ 处理直播间续费大航海事件 :param event: 续费大航海事件数据 """ @room.on('SUPER_CHAT_MESSAGE') async def _(event): """ 处理直播间醒目留言(SC)事件 :param event: 醒目留言(SC)事件数据 """ message = event["data"]["data"]["message"] uname = event["data"]["data"]["user_info"]["uname"] price = event["data"]["data"]["price"]"用户:{uname} 发送 {price}元 SC:{message}") data = { "platform": "哔哩哔哩", "gift_name": "SC", "username": uname, "num": 1, "unit_price": price, "total_price": price, "content": message } my_handle.process_data(data, "gift") my_handle.process_data(data, "comment") @room.on('INTERACT_WORD') async def _(event): """ 处理直播间用户进入直播间事件 :param event: 用户进入直播间事件数据 """ global last_username_list username = event["data"]["data"]["uname"]"用户:{username} 进入直播间") # 添加用户名到最新的用户名列表 add_username_to_last_username_list(username) data = { "platform": "哔哩哔哩", "username": username, "content": "进入直播间" } my_handle.process_data(data, "entrance") # @room.on('WELCOME') # async def _(event): # """ # 处理直播间老爷进入房间事件 # :param event: 老爷进入房间事件数据 # """ # print(event) # @room.on('WELCOME_GUARD') # async def _(event): # """ # 处理直播间房管进入房间事件 # :param event: 房管进入房间事件数据 # """ # print(event) try: # 启动 Bilibili 直播间连接 sync(room.connect()) except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.warning('程序被强行退出') finally: logging.warning('关闭连接...可能是直播间号配置有误或者其他原因导致的') os._exit(0) elif config.get("platform") == "bilibili2": try: import blivedm import blivedm.models.web as web_models import blivedm.models.open_live as open_models # 直播间ID的取值看直播间URL TEST_ROOM_IDS = [my_handle.get_room_id()] if config.get("bilibili", "login_type") == "cookie": bilibili_cookie = config.get("bilibili", "cookie") SESSDATA = common.parse_cookie_data(bilibili_cookie, "SESSDATA") elif config.get("bilibili", "login_type") == "open_live": # 在开放平台申请的开发者密钥 ACCESS_KEY_ID = config.get("bilibili", "open_live", "ACCESS_KEY_ID") ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = config.get("bilibili", "open_live", "ACCESS_KEY_SECRET") # 在开放平台创建的项目ID APP_ID = config.get("bilibili", "open_live", "APP_ID") # 主播身份码 直播中心获取 ROOM_OWNER_AUTH_CODE = config.get("bilibili", "open_live", "ROOM_OWNER_AUTH_CODE") except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) async def main_func(): global session if config.get("bilibili", "login_type") == "open_live": await run_single_client2() else: try: init_session() await run_single_client() await run_multi_clients() finally: await session.close() def init_session(): global session, SESSDATA cookies = http.cookies.SimpleCookie() cookies['SESSDATA'] = SESSDATA cookies['SESSDATA']['domain'] = '' #"SESSDATA={SESSDATA}") session = aiohttp.ClientSession() session.cookie_jar.update_cookies(cookies) async def run_single_client(): """ 演示监听一个直播间 """ global session room_id = random.choice(TEST_ROOM_IDS) client = blivedm.BLiveClient(room_id, session=session) handler = MyHandler() client.set_handler(handler) client.start() try: # 演示5秒后停止 await asyncio.sleep(5) client.stop() await client.join() finally: await client.stop_and_close() async def run_single_client2(): """ 演示监听一个直播间 开放平台 """ client = blivedm.OpenLiveClient( access_key_id=ACCESS_KEY_ID, access_key_secret=ACCESS_KEY_SECRET, app_id=APP_ID, room_owner_auth_code=ROOM_OWNER_AUTH_CODE, ) handler = MyHandler2() client.set_handler(handler) client.start() try: # 演示70秒后停止 # await asyncio.sleep(70) # client.stop() await client.join() finally: await client.stop_and_close() async def run_multi_clients(): """ 演示同时监听多个直播间 """ global session clients = [blivedm.BLiveClient(room_id, session=session) for room_id in TEST_ROOM_IDS] handler = MyHandler() for client in clients: client.set_handler(handler) client.start() try: await asyncio.gather(*( client.join() for client in clients )) finally: await asyncio.gather(*( client.stop_and_close() for client in clients )) class MyHandler(blivedm.BaseHandler): # 演示如何添加自定义回调 _CMD_CALLBACK_DICT = blivedm.BaseHandler._CMD_CALLBACK_DICT.copy() # 入场消息回调 def __interact_word_callback(self, client: blivedm.BLiveClient, command: dict): #"[{client.room_id}] INTERACT_WORD: self_type={type(self).__name__}, room_id={client.room_id}," # f" uname={command['data']['uname']}") global last_username_list username = command['data']['uname']"用户:{username} 进入直播间") # 添加用户名到最新的用户名列表 add_username_to_last_username_list(username) data = { "platform": "哔哩哔哩2", "username": username, "content": "进入直播间" } my_handle.process_data(data, "entrance") _CMD_CALLBACK_DICT['INTERACT_WORD'] = __interact_word_callback # noqa def _on_heartbeat(self, client: blivedm.BLiveClient, message: web_models.HeartbeatMessage): logging.debug(f'[{client.room_id}] 心跳') def _on_danmaku(self, client: blivedm.BLiveClient, message: web_models.DanmakuMessage): global global_idle_time # 闲时计数清零 global_idle_time = 0 #'[{client.room_id}] {message.uname}:{message.msg}') content = message.msg # 获取弹幕内容 username = message.uname # 获取发送弹幕的用户昵称"[{username}]: {content}") data = { "platform": "哔哩哔哩2", "username": username, "content": content } my_handle.process_data(data, "comment") def _on_gift(self, client: blivedm.BLiveClient, message: web_models.GiftMessage): #'[{client.room_id}] {message.uname} 赠送{message.gift_name}x{message.num}' # f' ({message.coin_type}瓜子x{message.total_coin})') gift_name = message.gift_name username = message.uname # 礼物数量 combo_num = message.num # 总金额 combo_total_coin = message.total_coin"用户:{username} 赠送 {combo_num} 个 {gift_name},总计 {combo_total_coin}电池") data = { "platform": "哔哩哔哩2", "gift_name": gift_name, "username": username, "num": combo_num, "unit_price": combo_total_coin / combo_num / 1000, "total_price": combo_total_coin / 1000 } my_handle.process_data(data, "gift") def _on_buy_guard(self, client: blivedm.BLiveClient, message: web_models.GuardBuyMessage):'[{client.room_id}] {message.username} 购买{message.gift_name}') def _on_super_chat(self, client: blivedm.BLiveClient, message: web_models.SuperChatMessage): #'[{client.room_id}] 醒目留言 ¥{message.price} {message.uname}:{message.message}') message = message.message uname = message.uname price = message.price"用户:{uname} 发送 {price}元 SC:{message}") data = { "platform": "哔哩哔哩2", "gift_name": "SC", "username": uname, "num": 1, "unit_price": price, "total_price": price, "content": message } my_handle.process_data(data, "gift") my_handle.process_data(data, "comment") class MyHandler2(blivedm.BaseHandler): def _on_heartbeat(self, client: blivedm.BLiveClient, message: web_models.HeartbeatMessage): logging.debug(f'[{client.room_id}] 心跳') def _on_open_live_danmaku(self, client: blivedm.OpenLiveClient, message: open_models.DanmakuMessage): global global_idle_time # 闲时计数清零 global_idle_time = 0 #'[{client.room_id}] {message.uname}:{message.msg}') content = message.msg # 获取弹幕内容 username = message.uname # 获取发送弹幕的用户昵称"[{username}]: {content}") data = { "platform": "哔哩哔哩2", "username": username, "content": content } my_handle.process_data(data, "comment") def _on_open_live_gift(self, client: blivedm.OpenLiveClient, message: open_models.GiftMessage): gift_name = message.gift_name username = message.uname # 礼物数量 combo_num = message.gift_num # 总金额 combo_total_coin = message.price * message.gift_num"用户:{username} 赠送 {combo_num} 个 {gift_name},总计 {combo_total_coin}电池") data = { "platform": "哔哩哔哩2", "gift_name": gift_name, "username": username, "num": combo_num, "unit_price": combo_total_coin / combo_num / 1000, "total_price": combo_total_coin / 1000 } my_handle.process_data(data, "gift") def _on_open_live_buy_guard(self, client: blivedm.OpenLiveClient, message: open_models.GuardBuyMessage):'[{client.room_id}] {message.user_info.uname} 购买 大航海等级={message.guard_level}') def _on_open_live_super_chat( self, client: blivedm.OpenLiveClient, message: open_models.SuperChatMessage ): print(f'[{message.room_id}] 醒目留言 ¥{message.rmb} {message.uname}:{message.message}') message = message.message uname = message.uname price = message.rmb"用户:{uname} 发送 {price}元 SC:{message}") data = { "platform": "哔哩哔哩2", "gift_name": "SC", "username": uname, "num": 1, "unit_price": price, "total_price": price, "content": message } my_handle.process_data(data, "gift") my_handle.process_data(data, "comment") def _on_open_live_super_chat_delete( self, client: blivedm.OpenLiveClient, message: open_models.SuperChatDeleteMessage ):'[直播间 {message.room_id}] 删除醒目留言 message_ids={message.message_ids}') def _on_open_live_like(self, client: blivedm.OpenLiveClient, message: open_models.LikeMessage):'用户:{message.uname} 点了个赞') elif config.get("platform") == "douyu": import websockets async def on_message(websocket, path): global last_liveroom_data, last_username_list global global_idle_time async for message in websocket: # print(f"收到消息: {message}") # await websocket.send("服务器收到了你的消息: " + message) try: data_json = json.loads(message) # logging.debug(data_json) if data_json["type"] == "comment": # # 闲时计数清零 global_idle_time = 0 username = data_json["username"] content = data_json["content"]'[📧直播间弹幕消息] [{username}]:{content}') data = { "platform": "斗鱼", "username": username, "content": content } my_handle.process_data(data, "comment") # 添加用户名到最新的用户名列表 add_username_to_last_username_list(username) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) logging.error("数据解析错误!") continue async def ws_server(): ws_url = "" ws_port = 5000 server = await websockets.serve(on_message, ws_url, ws_port)"WebSocket 服务器已在 {ws_url}:{ws_port} 启动") await server.wait_closed() elif config.get("platform") == "dy": import websocket def on_message(ws, message): global last_liveroom_data, last_username_list, config, config_path global global_idle_time message_json = json.loads(message) # logging.debug(message_json) if "Type" in message_json: type = message_json["Type"] data_json = json.loads(message_json["Data"]) if type == 1: # 闲时计数清零 global_idle_time = 0 username = data_json["User"]["Nickname"] content = data_json["Content"]'[📧直播间弹幕消息] [{username}]:{content}') data = { "platform": "抖音", "username": username, "content": content } my_handle.process_data(data, "comment") pass elif type == 2: username = data_json["User"]["Nickname"] count = data_json["Count"]'[👍直播间点赞消息] {username} 点了{count}赞') elif type == 3: username = data_json["User"]["Nickname"]'[🚹🚺直播间成员加入消息] 欢迎 {username} 进入直播间') data = { "platform": "抖音", "username": username, "content": "进入直播间" } # 添加用户名到最新的用户名列表 add_username_to_last_username_list(username) my_handle.process_data(data, "entrance") elif type == 4: username = data_json["User"]["Nickname"]'[➕直播间关注消息] 感谢 {data_json["User"]["Nickname"]} 的关注') data = { "platform": "抖音", "username": username } my_handle.process_data(data, "follow") pass elif type == 5: gift_name = data_json["GiftName"] username = data_json["User"]["Nickname"] # 礼物数量 num = data_json["GiftCount"] # 礼物重复数量 repeat_count = data_json["RepeatCount"] try: # 暂时是写死的 data_path = "data/抖音礼物价格表.json" # 读取JSON文件 with open(data_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: # 解析JSON数据 data_json = json.load(file) if gift_name in data_json: # 单个礼物金额 需要自己维护礼物价值表 discount_price = data_json[gift_name] else: logging.warning(f"数据文件:{data_path} 中,没有 {gift_name} 对应的价值,请手动补充数据") discount_price = 1 except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) discount_price = 1 # 总金额 combo_total_coin = repeat_count * discount_price'[🎁直播间礼物消息] 用户:{username} 赠送 {num} 个 {gift_name},单价 {discount_price}抖币,总计 {combo_total_coin}抖币') data = { "platform": "抖音", "gift_name": gift_name, "username": username, "num": num, "unit_price": discount_price / 10, "total_price": combo_total_coin / 10 } my_handle.process_data(data, "gift") elif type == 6:'[直播间数据] {data_json["Content"]}') # {'OnlineUserCount': 50, 'TotalUserCount': 22003, 'TotalUserCountStr': '2.2万', 'OnlineUserCountStr': '50', # 'MsgId': 7260517442466662207, 'User': None, 'Content': '当前直播间人数 50,累计直播间人数 2.2万', 'RoomId': 7260415920948906807} # print(f"data_json={data_json}") last_liveroom_data = data_json # 当前在线人数 OnlineUserCount = data_json["OnlineUserCount"] try: # 是否开启了动态配置功能 if config.get("trends_config", "enable"): for path_config in config.get("trends_config", "path"): online_num_min = int(path_config["online_num"].split("-")[0]) online_num_max = int(path_config["online_num"].split("-")[1]) # 判断在线人数是否在此范围内 if OnlineUserCount >= online_num_min and OnlineUserCount <= online_num_max: logging.debug(f"当前配置文件:{path_config['path']}") # 如果配置文件相同,则跳过 if config_path == path_config["path"]: break config_path = path_config["path"] config = Config(config_path) my_handle.reload_config(config_path)"切换配置文件:{config_path}") break except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) pass elif type == 8:'[分享直播间] 感谢 {data_json["User"]["Nickname"]} 分享了直播间') pass def on_error(ws, error): logging.error("Error:", error) def on_close(ws): logging.debug("WebSocket connection closed") def on_open(ws): logging.debug("WebSocket connection established") try: # WebSocket连接URL ws_url = "ws://""监听地址:{ws_url}") # 不设置日志等级 websocket.enableTrace(False) # 创建WebSocket连接 ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(ws_url, on_message=on_message, on_error=on_error, on_close=on_close, on_open=on_open) # 运行WebSocket连接 ws.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.warning('程序被强行退出') finally:'关闭连接...可能是直播间不存在或下播或网络问题') os._exit(0) elif config.get("platform") == "ks": from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict from configparser import ConfigParser import kuaishou_pb2 class kslive(object): def __init__(self): global config, common, my_handle self.path = os.path.abspath('') self.chrome_path = r"\firefox-1419\firefox\firefox.exe" = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0' self.uri = '' self.context = None self.browser = None = None try: self.live_ids = config.get("room_display_id") self.thread = 2 # 没什么用的手机号配置,也就方便登录 = "123" except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) logging.error("请检查配置文件") exit() def find_file(self, find_path, file_type) -> list: """ 寻找文件 :param find_path: 子路径 :param file_type: 文件类型 :return: """ path = self.path + "\\" + find_path data_list = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): if root != path: break for file in files: file_path = os.path.join(root, file) if file_path.find(file_type) != -1: data_list.append(file_path) return data_list def main(self, lid, semaphore): if not os.path.exists(self.path + "\\cookie"): os.makedirs(self.path + "\\cookie") cookie_path=self.path + "\\cookie\\" + + ".json" # if not os.path.exists(cookie_path): # with open(cookie_path, 'w') as file: # file.write('{"a":"a"}') #"'{cookie_path}' 创建成功") # else: #"'{cookie_path}' 已存在,无需创建") with semaphore: thread_name = threading.current_thread().name.split("-")[0] with sync_playwright() as p: self.browser = p.firefox.launch(headless=False) # executable_path=self.path + self.chrome_path cookie_list = self.find_file("cookie", "json") if not os.path.exists(cookie_path): self.context = self.browser.new_context(storage_state=None, else: self.context = self.browser.new_context(storage_state=cookie_list[0], = self.context.new_page()"Object.defineProperties(navigator, {webdriver:{get:()=>undefined}});")"") element ='.no-login', "style") if not element:'.login').click()' > h4:nth-child(1)').click() 'div.normal-login-item:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > input:nth-child(1)').fill( try:"#app > section > div.header-placeholder > header > div.header-main > " "div.right-part > div.user-info > div.tooltip-trigger > span", timeout=1000 * 60 * 2) if not os.path.exists(self.path + "\\cookie"): os.makedirs(self.path + "\\cookie") self.context.storage_state(path=cookie_path) # 检测是否开播 selector = "html body div#app div.detail div.player " \ "div.kwai-player.kwai-player-container.kwai-player-rotation-0 " \ "div.kwai-player-container-video div.kwai-player-plugins div.state " \ " div.desc p.tip" # 检测正在直播时下播的选择器 try: msg ="当前%s" % thread_name + "," + msg) self.context.close() self.browser.close() except Exception as e:"当前%s,[%s]正在直播" % (thread_name, lid)) + lid)"websocket", self.web_sockets), timeout=86400000) logging.error("当前%s,[%s]的直播结束了" % (thread_name, lid)) self.context.close() self.browser.close() except Exception:"登录失败") self.context.close() self.browser.close() def web_sockets(self, web_socket):"web_sockets...") urls = web_socket.url if '/websocket' in urls: web_socket.on("close", self.websocket_close) web_socket.on("framereceived", self.handler) def websocket_close(self): self.context.close() self.browser.close() def handler(self, websocket): global global_idle_time Message = kuaishou_pb2.SocketMessage() Message.ParseFromString(websocket) if Message.payloadType == 310: SCWebFeedPUsh = kuaishou_pb2.SCWebFeedPush() SCWebFeedPUsh.ParseFromString(Message.payload) obj = MessageToDict(SCWebFeedPUsh, preserving_proto_field_name=True) logging.debug(obj) if obj.get('commentFeeds', ''): msg_list = obj.get('commentFeeds', '') for i in msg_list: # 闲时计数清零 global_idle_time = 0 username = i['user']['userName'] pid = i['user']['principalId'] content = i['content']"[📧直播间弹幕消息] [{username}]:{content}") data = { "platform": "快手", "username": username, "content": content } my_handle.process_data(data, "comment") if obj.get('giftFeeds', ''): msg_list = obj.get('giftFeeds', '') for i in msg_list: username = i['user']['userName'] # pid = i['user']['principalId'] giftId = i['giftId'] comboCount = i['comboCount']"[🎁直播间礼物消息] 用户:{username} 赠送礼物Id={giftId} 连击数={comboCount}") if obj.get('likeFeeds', ''): msg_list = obj.get('likeFeeds', '') for i in msg_list: username = i['user']['userName'] pid = i['user']['principalId']"{username}") class run(kslive): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.ids_list = self.live_ids.split(",") def run_live(self): """ 主程序入口 :return: """ t_list = [] # 允许的最大线程数 if self.thread < 1: self.thread = 1 elif self.thread > 8: self.thread = 8"线程最大允许8,线程数最好设置cpu核心数") semaphore = threading.Semaphore(self.thread) # 用于记录数量 n = 0 if not self.live_ids:"请导入网页直播id,多个以','间隔") return for i in self.ids_list: n += 1 t = threading.Thread(target=kslive().main, args=(i, semaphore), name=f"线程:{n}-{i}") t.start() t_list.append(t) for i in t_list: i.join() run().run_live() elif config.get("platform") == "talk": import keyboard import pyaudio import wave import numpy as np import speech_recognition as sr from aip import AipSpeech import signal # 冷却时间 0.3 秒 cooldown = 0.3 last_pressed = 0 stop_do_listen_and_comment_thread_event = threading.Event() # signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exit_handler) # signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exit_handler) # 录音功能(录音时间过短进入openai的语音转文字会报错,请一定注意) def record_audio(): pressdown_num = 0 CHUNK = 1024 FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16 CHANNELS = 1 RATE = 44100 WAVE_OUTPUT_FILENAME = "out/record.wav" p = pyaudio.PyAudio() stream =, channels=CHANNELS, rate=RATE, input=True, frames_per_buffer=CHUNK) frames = [] print("Recording...") flag = 0 while 1: while keyboard.is_pressed('RIGHT_SHIFT'): flag = 1 data = frames.append(data) pressdown_num = pressdown_num + 1 if flag: break print("Stopped recording.") stream.stop_stream() stream.close() p.terminate() wf =, 'wb') wf.setnchannels(CHANNELS) wf.setsampwidth(p.get_sample_size(FORMAT)) wf.setframerate(RATE) wf.writeframes(b''.join(frames)) wf.close() if pressdown_num >= 5: # 粗糙的处理手段 return 1 else: print("杂鱼杂鱼,好短好短(录音时间过短,按右shift重新录制)") return 0 # THRESHOLD 设置音量阈值,默认值800.0,根据实际情况调整 silence_threshold 设置沉默阈值,根据实际情况调整 def audio_listen(volume_threshold=800.0, silence_threshold=15): audio = pyaudio.PyAudio() # 设置音频参数 FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16 CHANNELS = 1 RATE = 16000 CHUNK = 1024 stream = format=FORMAT, channels=CHANNELS, rate=RATE, input=True, frames_per_buffer=CHUNK, input_device_index=int(config.get("talk", "device_index")) ) frames = [] # 存储录制的音频帧 is_speaking = False # 是否在说话 silent_count = 0 # 沉默计数 speaking_flag = False #录入标志位 不重要 while True: # 读取音频数据 data = audio_data = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.short) max_dB = np.max(audio_data) # print(max_dB) if max_dB > volume_threshold: is_speaking = True silent_count = 0 elif is_speaking is True: silent_count += 1 if is_speaking is True: frames.append(data) if speaking_flag is False:"[录入中……]") speaking_flag = True if silent_count >= silence_threshold: break"[语音录入完成]") # 将音频保存为WAV文件 '''with, 'wb') as wf: wf.setnchannels(CHANNELS) wf.setsampwidth(pyaudio.get_sample_size(FORMAT)) wf.setframerate(RATE) wf.writeframes(b''.join(frames))''' return frames # 执行录音、识别&提交 def do_listen_and_comment(status=True): global stop_do_listen_and_comment_thread_event while True: # 检查是否收到停止事件 if stop_do_listen_and_comment_thread_event.is_set():'停止录音~') break config = Config(config_path) # 根据接入的语音识别类型执行 if "baidu" == config.get("talk", "type"): # 设置音频参数 FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16 CHANNELS = 1 RATE = 16000 audio_out_path = config.get("play_audio", "out_path") if not os.path.isabs(audio_out_path): if not audio_out_path.startswith('./'): audio_out_path = './' + audio_out_path file_name = 'baidu_' + common.get_bj_time(4) + '.wav' WAVE_OUTPUT_FILENAME = common.get_new_audio_path(audio_out_path, file_name) # WAVE_OUTPUT_FILENAME = './out/baidu_' + common.get_bj_time(4) + '.wav' frames = audio_listen(config.get("talk", "volume_threshold"), config.get("talk", "silence_threshold")) # 将音频保存为WAV文件 with, 'wb') as wf: wf.setnchannels(CHANNELS) wf.setsampwidth(pyaudio.get_sample_size(FORMAT)) wf.setframerate(RATE) wf.writeframes(b''.join(frames)) # 读取音频文件 with open(WAVE_OUTPUT_FILENAME, 'rb') as fp: audio = # 初始化 AipSpeech 对象 baidu_client = AipSpeech(config.get("talk", "baidu", "app_id"), config.get("talk", "baidu", "api_key"), config.get("talk", "baidu", "secret_key")) # 识别音频文件 res = baidu_client.asr(audio, 'wav', 16000, { 'dev_pid': 1536, }) if res['err_no'] == 0: content = res['result'][0] # 输出识别结果"识别结果:" + content) username = config.get("talk", "username") data = { "platform": "本地聊天", "username": username, "content": content } my_handle.process_data(data, "talk") else: logging.error(f"百度接口报错:{res}") elif "google" == config.get("talk", "type"): # 创建Recognizer对象 r = sr.Recognizer() try: # 打开麦克风进行录音 with sr.Microphone() as source:'录音中...') # 从麦克风获取音频数据 audio = r.listen(source)"成功录制") # 进行谷歌实时语音识别 en-US zh-CN ja-JP content = r.recognize_google(audio, language=config.get("talk", "google", "tgt_lang")) # 输出识别结果 #"识别结果:" + content) username = config.get("talk", "username") data = { "platform": "本地聊天", "username": username, "content": content } my_handle.process_data(data, "talk") except sr.UnknownValueError: logging.warning("无法识别输入的语音") except sr.RequestError as e: logging.error("请求出错:" + str(e)) if not status: return def on_key_press(event): global do_listen_and_comment_thread, stop_do_listen_and_comment_thread_event # if in ['z', 'Z', 'c', 'C'] and keyboard.is_pressed('ctrl'): # print("退出程序") # os._exit(0) # 按键CD current_time = time.time() if current_time - last_pressed < cooldown: return """ 触发按键部分的判断 """ trigger_key_lower = None stop_trigger_key_lower = None # trigger_key是字母, 整个小写 if trigger_key.isalpha(): trigger_key_lower = trigger_key.lower() # stop_trigger_key是字母, 整个小写 if stop_trigger_key.isalpha(): stop_trigger_key_lower = stop_trigger_key.lower() if trigger_key_lower: if == trigger_key or == trigger_key_lower:'检测到单击键盘 {},即将开始录音~') elif == stop_trigger_key or == stop_trigger_key_lower:'检测到单击键盘 {},即将停止录音~') stop_do_listen_and_comment_thread_event.set() return else: return else: if == trigger_key:'检测到单击键盘 {},即将开始录音~') elif == stop_trigger_key:'检测到单击键盘 {},即将停止录音~') stop_do_listen_and_comment_thread_event.set() return else: return # 是否启用连续对话模式 if config.get("talk", "continuous_talk"): stop_do_listen_and_comment_thread_event.clear() do_listen_and_comment_thread = threading.Thread(target=do_listen_and_comment, args=(True,)) do_listen_and_comment_thread.start() else: stop_do_listen_and_comment_thread_event.clear() do_listen_and_comment_thread = threading.Thread(target=do_listen_and_comment, args=(False,)) do_listen_and_comment_thread.start() # 按键监听 def key_listener(): # 注册按键按下事件的回调函数 keyboard.on_press(on_key_press) try: # 进入监听状态,等待按键按下 keyboard.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt: os._exit(0) # 从配置文件中读取触发键的字符串配置 trigger_key = config.get("talk", "trigger_key") stop_trigger_key = config.get("talk", "stop_trigger_key")'单击键盘 {trigger_key} 按键进行录音喵~ 由于其他任务还要启动,如果按键没有反应,请等待一段时间') # 创建并启动按键监听线程 thread = threading.Thread(target=key_listener) thread.start() elif config.get("platform") == "twitch": import socks from emoji import demojize try: server = '' port = 6667 nickname = '主人' try: channel = '#' + config.get("room_display_id") # 要从中检索消息的频道,注意#必须携带在头部 The channel you want to retrieve messages from token = config.get("twitch", "token") # 访问 获取 user = config.get("twitch", "user") # 你的Twitch用户名 Your Twitch username # 代理服务器的地址和端口 proxy_server = config.get("twitch", "proxy_server") proxy_port = int(config.get("twitch", "proxy_port")) except Exception as e: logging.error("获取Twitch配置失败!\n{0}".format(e)) # 配置代理服务器 socks.set_default_proxy(socks.HTTP, proxy_server, proxy_port) # 创建socket对象 sock = socks.socksocket() try: sock.connect((server, port))"成功连接 Twitch IRC server") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"连接 Twitch IRC server 失败: {e}") sock.send(f"PASS {token}\n".encode('utf-8')) sock.send(f"NICK {nickname}\n".encode('utf-8')) sock.send(f"JOIN {channel}\n".encode('utf-8')) regex = r":(\w+)!\w+@\w+\.tmi\.twitch\.tv PRIVMSG #\w+ :(.+)" # 重连次数 retry_count = 0 while True: try: resp = sock.recv(2048).decode('utf-8') # 输出所有接收到的内容,包括PING/PONG # if resp.startswith('PING'): sock.send("PONG\n".encode('utf-8')) elif not user in resp: # 闲时计数清零 global_idle_time = 0 resp = demojize(resp) logging.debug(resp) match = re.match(regex, resp) username = content = content = content.rstrip()"[{username}]: {content}") data = { "platform": "twitch", "username": username, "content": content } my_handle.process_data(data, "comment") except AttributeError as e: logging.error(f"捕获到异常: {e}") logging.error("发生异常,重新连接socket") if retry_count >= 3: logging.error(f"多次重连失败,程序结束!") return retry_count += 1 logging.error(f"重试次数: {retry_count}") # 在这里添加重新连接socket的代码 # 例如,你可能想要关闭旧的socket连接,然后重新创建一个新的socket连接 sock.close() # 创建socket对象 sock = socks.socksocket() try: sock.connect((server, port))"成功连接 Twitch IRC server") except Exception as e: logging.error(f"连接 Twitch IRC server 失败: {e}") sock.send(f"PASS {token}\n".encode('utf-8')) sock.send(f"NICK {nickname}\n".encode('utf-8')) sock.send(f"JOIN {channel}\n".encode('utf-8')) except Exception as e: logging.error("Error receiving chat: {0}".format(e)) except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) elif config.get("platform") == "youtube": import pytchat try: try: video_id = config.get("room_display_id") except Exception as e: logging.error("获取直播间号失败!\n{0}".format(e)) live = pytchat.create(video_id=video_id) while live.is_alive(): try: for c in live.get().sync_items(): # 过滤表情包 chat_raw = re.sub(r':[^\s]+:', '', c.message) chat_raw = chat_raw.replace('#', '') if chat_raw != '': # 闲时计数清零 global_idle_time = 0 # chat_author makes the chat look like this: "Nightbot: Hello". So the assistant can respond to the user's name # chat = '[' + + ']: ' + chat_raw # content = chat_raw # 获取弹幕内容 username = # 获取发送弹幕的用户昵称"[{username}]: {content}") data = { "platform": "YouTube", "username": username, "content": content } my_handle.process_data(data, "comment") # time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: logging.error("Error receiving chat: {0}".format(e)) except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.warning('程序被强行退出') finally: logging.warning('关闭连接...') os._exit(0) while not sub_thread_exit_events[0].is_set(): # 等待事件被设置或超时,每次检查之间暂停1秒 sub_thread_exit_events[0].wait(1) # 关闭所有子线程 for event in sub_thread_exit_events: event.set() for t in sub_threads: t.join()"start_server子线程退出") # 退出程序 def exit_handler(signum, frame):"收到信号:", signum) if __name__ == '__main__': os.environ['GEVENT_SUPPORT'] = 'True' port = 8082 password = "中文的密码,怕了吧!" app = Flask(__name__, static_folder='static') CORS(app) # 允许跨域请求 socketio = SocketIO(app, cors_allowed_origins="*") @app.route('/static/') def static_files(filename): return send_from_directory(app.static_folder, filename) sub_thread_exit_events = [threading.Event() for _ in range(4)] # 为每个子线程创建退出事件 """ 通用函数 """ def restart_application(): """ 重启 """ try: # 获取当前 Python 解释器的可执行文件路径 python_executable = sys.executable # 获取当前脚本的文件路径 script_file = os.path.abspath(__file__) # 重启当前程序 os.execv(python_executable, ['python', script_file]) except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return {"code": -1, "msg": f"重启失败!{e}"} # 创建一个函数,用于运行外部程序 def run_external_program(config_path): global running_flag, running_process if running_flag: return {"code": 1, "msg": "运行中,请勿重复运行"} try: running_flag = True thread = threading.Thread(target=start_server, args=(config_path, sub_thread_exit_events,)) thread.start() # thread.join()"程序开始运行") return {"code": 200, "msg": "程序开始运行"} except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) running_flag = False return {"code": -1, "msg": f"运行失败!{e}"} # 定义一个函数,用于停止正在运行的程序 def stop_external_program(): global running_flag, running_process if running_flag: try: # 通知子线程退出 sub_thread_exit_events[0].set() running_flag = False"程序已停止") return {"code": 200, "msg": "停止成功"} except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return {"code": -1, "msg": f"停止失败!{e}"} # 恢复出厂配置 def factory(src_path, dst_path): try: with open(src_path, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as source: with open(dst_path, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as destination: destination.write("恢复出厂配置成功!") return {"code": 200, "msg": "恢复出厂配置成功!"} except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return {"code": -1, "msg": f"恢复出厂配置失败!\n{e}"} # def check_password(data_json, ip): # try: # if data_json["password"] == password: # return True # else: # return False # except Exception as e: # logging.error(f"[{ip}] 密码校验失败!{e}") # return False """ 配置config config_path 配置文件路径(默认相对路径) data 传入的json将被写入配置文件 data_json = { "config_path": "config.json", "data": { "key": "value" } } return: {"code": 200, "msg": "成功"} {"code": -1, "msg": "失败"} """ @app.route('/set_config', methods=['POST']) def set_config(): """ { "config_path": "config.json", "data": { "platform": "bilibili" } } """ try: data_json = request.get_json()'收到数据:{data_json}') # 打开JSON文件 with open(data_json['config_path'], 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as file: # 读取文件内容 data = json.load(file) # 遍历 data_json 并更新或添加到 data for key, value in data_json['data'].items(): data[key] = value # 将文件指针移动到文件开头 # 将修改后的数据写回文件 json.dump(data, file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2) # 截断文件 file.truncate()'配置更新成功!') return jsonify({"code": 200, "msg": "配置更新成功!"}) except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"code": -1, "msg": f"配置更新失败!{e}"}) """ 系统命令 type 命令类型(run/stop/restart/factory) data 传入的json data_json = { "type": "命令名", "data": { "key": "value" } } return: {"code": 200, "msg": "成功"} {"code": -1, "msg": "失败"} """ @app.route('/sys_cmd', methods=['POST']) def sys_cmd(): try: data_json = request.get_json()'收到数据:{data_json}')"开始执行 {data_json['type']}命令...") resp_json = {} if data_json['type'] == 'run': """ { "type": "run", "data": { "config_path": "config.json" } } """ # 运行 resp_json = run_external_program(data_json['data']['config_path']) elif data_json['type'] =='stop': """ { "type": "stop", "data": { "config_path": "config.json" } } """ # 停止 resp_json = stop_external_program() elif data_json['type'] =='restart': """ { "type": "factory", "data": { "config_path": "config.json" } } """ # 重启 resp_json = restart_application() elif data_json['type'] =='factory': """ { "type": "factory", "data": { "src_path": "config.json.bak", "dst_path": "config.json" } } """ # 恢复出厂 resp_json = factory(data_json['data']['src_path'], data_json['data']['dst_path']) return jsonify(resp_json) except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"code": -1, "msg": f"{data_json['type']}执行失败!{e}"}) """ 发送数据 type 数据类型(comment/gift/entrance/reread/tuning/...) data 传入的json,根据数据类型自行适配 data_json = { "type": "数据类型", "data": { "key": "value" } } return: {"code": 200, "msg": "成功"} {"code": -1, "msg": "失败"} """ @app.route('/send', methods=['POST']) def send(): global my_handle, config try: try: data_json = request.get_json()"send收到数据:{data_json}") if my_handle is None: return jsonify({"code": -1, "msg": f"系统还没运行,请先运行后再发送数据!"}) if data_json["type"] == "reread": """ { "type": "reread", "data": { "platform": "哔哩哔哩", "username": "用户名", "content": "弹幕内容" } } """ my_handle.reread_handle(data_json['data']) elif data_json["type"] == "tuning": """ { "type": "tuning", "data": { "platform": "聊天模式", "username": "用户名", "content": "弹幕内容" } } """ my_handle.tuning_handle(data_json['data']) elif data_json["type"] == "comment": """ { "type": "comment", "data": { "platform": "哔哩哔哩", "username": "用户名", "content": "弹幕内容" } } """ my_handle.process_data(data_json['data'], "comment") elif data_json["type"] == "gift": """ { "type": "gift", "data": { "platform": "哔哩哔哩", "gift_name": "礼物名", "username": "用户名", "num": 礼物数量, "unit_price": 礼物单价, "total_price": 礼物总价, "content": "弹幕内容" } } """ my_handle.process_data(data_json['data'], "gift") elif data_json["type"] == "entrance": """ { "type": "entrance", "data": { "platform": "哔哩哔哩", "username": "用户名", "content": "入场信息" } } """ my_handle.process_data(data_json['data'], "entrance") return jsonify({"code": 200, "msg": "发送数据成功!"}) except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"code": -1, "msg": f"发送数据失败!{e}"}) except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return jsonify({"code": -1, "msg": f"发送数据失败!{e}"}) url = f'http://localhost:{port}/static/index.html'"浏览器访问地址:{url}"), host='', port=port, debug=False)