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pycorrector: useful python text correction toolkit

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pycorrector: Chinese Text Error Correction Toolkit.

pycorrector Use the language model to detect errors, pinyin feature and shape feature to correct chinese text error, it can be used for Chinese Pinyin and stroke input method.


language model

  • Kenlm

deep model

  • rnn_attention
  • seq2seq_attention
  • conv_seq2seq
  • transformer
  • bert
  • electra


  • auto:pip install pycorrector
  • manual:

    git clone
    cd pycorrector
    python install

Install Requires

  • install kenlm

    pip install
  • install others

    pip install -r requirements.txt


  • Text Correction
import pycorrector

corrected_sent, detail = pycorrector.correct('少先队员因该为老人让坐')
print(corrected_sent, detail)


少先队员应该为老人让座 [[('因该', '应该', 4, 6)], [('坐', '座', 10, 11)]]

model load from: ~/.pycorrector/datasets/zh_giga.no_cna_cmn.prune01244.klm, if not download auto, do it from file(2.8G).Correction

  • Error Detection ```python import pycorrector

idx_errors = pycorrector.detect('少先队员因该为老人让坐') print(idx_errors)


[['因该', 4, 6, 'word'], ['坐', 10, 11, 'char']]

> return `list`, `[error_word, begin_pos, end_pos, error_type]`,`pos` index starts with 0.

- English Seplling Error Correction

import pycorrector

sent_lst = ['what', 'hapenning', 'how', 'to', 'speling', 'it', 'you', 'can', 'gorrect', 'it']
for i in sent_lst:
    print(i, '=>', pycorrector.en_correct(i))


what => what
hapenning => happening
how => how
to => to
speling => spelling
it => it
you => you
can => can
gorrect => correct
it => it

Command Line Usage

  • Command line

    python -m pycorrector -h
    usage: [-h] -o OUTPUT [-n] [-d] input
    positional arguments:
    input                 the input file path, file encode need utf-8.
    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        the output file path.
    -n, --no_char         disable char detect mode.
    -d, --detail          print detail info


python -m pycorrector input.txt -o out.txt -n -d

input file:input.txt; output file:out.txt

Future work

  1. P(c), the language model. We could create a better language model by collecting more data, and perhaps by using a little English morphology (such as adding "ility" or "able" to the end of a word).

  2. P(w|c), the error model. So far, the error model has been trivial: the smaller the edit distance, the smaller the error. Clearly we could use a better model of the cost of edits. get a corpus of spelling errors, and count how likely it is to make each insertion, deletion, or alteration, given the surrounding characters.

  3. It turns out that in many cases it is difficult to make a decision based only on a single word. This is most obvious when there is a word that appears in the dictionary, but the test set says it should be corrected to another word anyway: correction('where') => 'where' (123); expected 'were' (452) We can't possibly know that correction('where') should be 'were' in at least one case, but should remain 'where' in other cases. But if the query had been correction('They where going') then it seems likely that "where" should be corrected to "were".

  4. Finally, we could improve the implementation by making it much faster, without changing the results. We could re-implement in a compiled language rather than an interpreted one. We could cache the results of computations so that we don't have to repeat them multiple times. One word of advice: before attempting any speed optimizations, profile carefully to see where the time is actually going.

Further Reading


  author = {Xu Ming},
  title = {{pycorrector: Text Error Correction Tool}},
  year = {2020},
  url = {},


Apache License 2.0
